Versions Compared


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Loh, Ne-Te writes:

 > On a separate note, the online monitoring software (hummingbird, by Benedikt and Filipe) will need py+psana. However, the default psana calibrations/corrections for the 140k back detector seems wonky. You might recall that there was a teleconference where Veitâ's student (Yi-Tien) discusses how the 0-photon peak had a largish negative ADU, despite turning on common mode correction and dark subtraction (psana's implementation). Would you and your team be able to take a look at these as well? If  it's a quick fix, then the online monitoring group will have a much easier time (e.g. they won't have to separately do common mode subtraction).

Standard configuration file

Use psana configuration file psana-cxidg3-cspad2x2-NDArrAverage.cfg (download), which can be executed by command:


These plots show that the dark level is consistent with zero and does not indicate on any offset.


Loh's configuration file

Use configuration file from Loh's e-mail orig.cfg (download)

with minor modifications

  • add psana parameters in the header, add list of modules
  • remove typeGroupname = CsPad:CalibV1 from 
  • add module ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:2 just in order to save image:
Code Block
files = exp=cxi86415:run=64
events = 10

modules = CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrProducer:2 \
          ImgAlgos.NDArrCalib:2 \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer:2 \

<code from e-mail is here>

source         = DetInfo(CxiDg3.0:Cspad2x2.0)
key            = reconstructed
fname          = img-cspad2x2-dg3
ftype          = txt
#saveAll        = true
print_bits     = 3
eventSave      = 9

Run it with command:

Code Block
psana -c orig.cfg

which produces file with image for event #9, which can be viewed as

Code Block
plims img-cspad2x2-dg3-cxi86415-r0064-e00000009-20150308-162942.145136207.txt

ang brings us an image: Image AddedImage Added - the same image, but spectrum is shown in the range (-100, 100) ADU. This event looks good.

Event #36: Image Addedlooks like left-side sensor is not corrected for common mode fluctuation...

In stead of default common_mode parameters (1,25,25,100) let us try (1,50,10,100) in the file

Code Block

The same image looks better now: Image Added

Recommendation: try to play with common mode parameters.


