Versions Compared


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Code Block
## User Input start -->
##adding raw timetool traces:
##adding wave8 traces:
## <-- User Input end 

Time tool analysis

XTCAV values

Run-dependent variables: Area detectors analysis

In order to keep the filesizes small to avoid issue when analysis the smallData files, we try to extract the important information gleaned from areaDetectors at an event-by-event basis and only save these pieces of data. Implementation examples of each of the analysis functions that are readily available can be found in <smalldata_tools>/producers/

Please reach out to your data and controls POC to discuss analysis needs for your experiments. The POC will make sure the functions you need are prepared in the main producer file, and you should only have to change the argument's values, such as region of interest or thresholds, according the ongoing experimental conditions.

Generally speaking, the parameters for each analysis functions are set from a run-dependent logic as shown here:

Code Block
titleAnalysis function parameters
def getFuncParam(run):
    if isinstance(run,str):
    ret_dict = {}
    if run<21:
    	func_dict = {}
        func_dict['param1'] = <param>
        func_dict['param2'] = <param>
        func_dict['param3'] = <param>
        ret_dict['detname'] = func_dict
    	func_dict = {}
        func_dict['param1'] = <param>
        func_dict['param2'] = <param>
        func_dict['param3'] = <param>
        ret_dict['detname'] = func_dict      
	return ret_dict

Several analysis functions or detectors can be set up this way .


for example:

Regions of interest (ROIs)

  • ROI
  • Azimuthal integration
  • Droplet
  • Projection
  • ...

In the, the function to define the ROIs goes as follow:

Code Block
def getROIs(run):
    """ Set parameter for ROI analysis. Set writeArea to True to write the full ROI in the h5 file.
    See for more info
    if isinstance(run,str):
    ret_dict = {}
    if run<21:
        roi_dict = {}
        roi_dict['ROIs'] = [ [[1,2], [127,394], [655,923]]] # can define more than one ROI
        roi_dict['writeArea'] = True
        roi_dict['thresADU'] = None
        ret_dict['jungfrau1M'] = roi_dict
    elif run>20 and run<43:
        roi_dict = {}
        roi_dict['ROIs'] = [chip22] # can define more than one ROI
        roi_dict['writeArea'] = True
        roi_dict['thresADU'] = None
        ret_dict['jungfrau1M'] = roi_dict
    elif run>42:
        roi_dict = {}
        roi_dict['ROIs'] = [chip22] # can define more than one ROI
        roi_dict['writeArea'] = True
        roi_dict['thresADU'] = None
        ret_dict['jungfrau1M'] = roi_dict
    return ret_dict

Besides, the ROI definition, the parameters are the following:

writeArea: whether to write the full ROI to file or only the statistics (intensity sum, and other statistics)

thresADU: pixel intensity threshold. Any pixel below that value are set to 0

Use of SmallDataAna_psana to select a ROI

See 1.2 Area Detector treatment with DetObject#1.2AreaDetectortreatmentwithDetObject-InteractiveSmallDataAnasessionDetObject and child pages for details on the different analysis functions.