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We are using PingER, perfSONAR/NDT and PlanetLab landmarks for geolocation in TULIP. PlanetLab landmarks are manually updated with the help of perl script "" which is under the tulip directory /afs/ This scripts script loops over monthly active hosts in PlanetLab and inserts new one based on thier their availability. PingER nodes are updated with the help of  automated script "create_sites-xml"(updated by trscrontab job running at 2:40am in  which is located under TULIP directory.

There is also another process to update the landmarks manually. To do that We can also update landmarks manually using the following process. To update/add new nodes first we need to skim through the schema of  landmarks table of Tulip databasetable schema to get to know mandatory and optional fields.  Schema for reference  is as under

Code Block

| Field                | Type         | Null |Key| Default            | Required|
| nodeID               | int(11)      |      |   | 0                  |    0    |
| name                 | varchar(80)  |      |   |                    |    0    |
| hostName             | varchar(80)  | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| ipv4Addr             | varchar(15)  | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| domain               | varchar(80)  | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| description          | varchar(200) | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| pingerNickname       | varchar(50)  | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| pingerMonitor        | tinyint(1)   | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| pingerBeacon         | tinyint(1)   | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| notCheckedAtSlac     | tinyint(1)   | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| enabled              | tinyint(1)   | YES  |   | 1                  |    1    |
| institution          | varchar(100) | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| city                 | varchar(100) | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| state                | varchar(100) | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| country              | varchar(100) | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| continent            | varchar(100) | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| latitude             | float        | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| longitude            | float        | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| serviceInterfaceType | varchar(30)  | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| planetLabScript      | varchar(120) | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| pingURL              | varchar(120) | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| tracerouteURL        | varchar(120) | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| pingPacketSize       | int(11)      | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| tulipScalingFactor   | smallint(6)  | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |
| tulipTier            | smallint(6)  | YES  |   | NULL               |    1    |
| lastUpdateDate       | timestamp    | YES  |   | 0000-00-00 00:00:00|    0    |
| comments             | text         | YES  |   | NULL               |    0    |

The users enabled to access the various hosts are:

Code Block

| user          | host          |
| scs_tulip_uro | 10.%          |
| scs_tulip_uro | 134.79.%      |
| scs_tulip_u   | |=pinger
| scs_tulip_uro | 172.%         |
| scs_tulip_uro | 192.168.%     |
  1. There are some mandatory fields required to make the TULIP work. The list is given in the Required column of above table.
  2. Process for making change in database
    1. Login to tulip database (username and password available in escrow -c iepm iepmacct Note: It works from 
    2. Code Block
      24cottrell@pinger:~>mysql -h mysql-node01 -P 3307 -u scs_tulip_u -p scs_tulip
      Enter password:
      Reading table information for completion of table and column names
      You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with \-A
      Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
      Your MySQL connection id is 664 to server version: 4.1.22-log
      Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
      The password is in escrow edit -c iepm iepmacct
      or can be obtained by calling (assuming you have the right AFS privs):
      Code Block
      require "/afs/slac/g/scs/net/pinger/bin/";\\
      my $wrdw = &gtpwd('tulip');
      or by looking in /afs/slac/package/pinger/tulip/dbPwd/pws-tulip
    3. Change the database to tulip by cmd
    4. Code Block
      mysql> use scs_tulip;
      Database changed
  3. Now insert new records using the following sql cmd; in this instance we are using ipv4Addr =;
  4. Code Block
    insert into landmarks (hostName,ipv4Addr,enabled,latitude,longitude,serviceInterfaceType,tracerouteURL,
    values ('','', 1 ,'37.4285','-122.178','PingER',
    '','Menlo Park','United States','North America');
  5. Or you can update an existing record, e.g.
  6. Code Block
    mysql> update landmarks set latitude='31.4190' where
    hostname like '';
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
  7. Update Sites.xml so that it can now use the updated landmarks using following cmd Note: you might have to execute kinit and enter pinger password to get permission.
  8. Code Block
     /afs/slac/package/pinger/tulip/ > ! /afs/slac/www/comp/net/wan-mon/tulip/sites.xml
Code Block

Displaying the database
