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process all steps (all gain ranges) and all panels takes 306 sec on psanagpu103 with command 

jungfrau_dark_proc -d exp=xpplw4319:run=1:smd:stream=0-79 -s XppEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0

process all steps for a single panel (--segind=1 is selected from 0,1) takes 103 sec

jungfrau_dark_proc -d exp=xpplw4319:run=1:smd:stream=0-79 -s XppEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0 --segind=1

process a single step (--stepnum=2 is selected from 0,1,2) for all panels takes 83 sec  with command 

jungfrau_dark_proc -d exp=xpplw4319:run=1:smd:stream=0-79 -s XppEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0 --stepnum=2 

process a single step (--stepnum=2 is selected from 0,1,2) for a single panel (--segind=1) takes 44 sec  with command 

jungfrau_dark_proc -d exp=xpplw4319:run=1:smd:stream=0-79 -s XppEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0 --stepnum=1 2 --segind=1

Then results have to be deployed in the calib directory using command

jungfrau_deploy_constants -e xpplw4319 -d XppEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0 -r1 -D

Optional parameters on 2021-12-10


Code Block
titlejungfrau_dark_proc -h
Proceses jungfrau dark data

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DSNAME, --dsname=DSNAME
                        dataset name, default = None
  -s SOURCE, --source=SOURCE
                        input ndarray source name, default = None
  -n EVENTS, --events=EVENTS
                        maximal number of events total (in runs, steps),
                        default = 100000
  -m EVSKIP, --evskip=EVSKIP
                        number of events to skip in the beginning of each
                        step, default = 0
  -e EVSTEP, --evstep=EVSTEP
                        maximal number of events to process in each step,
                        default = 2000
  -b INT_LO, --int_lo=INT_LO
                        intensity low limit, default = 1
  -t INT_HI, --int_hi=INT_HI
                        intensity high limit, default = 16000
  -B RMS_LO, --rms_lo=RMS_LO
                        rms low limit, default = 0.001
  -T RMS_HI, --rms_hi=RMS_HI
                        rms high limit, default = 16000
  -F FRACLM, --fraclm=FRACLM
                        allowed fraction limit, default = 0.1
  -p PLOTIM, --plotim=PLOTIM
                        control bit-word to plot images, default = 0
  -D INTNLO, --intnlo=INTNLO
                        number of sigma from mean for low limit on INTENSITY,
                        default = 6.0
  -U INTNHI, --intnhi=INTNHI
                        number of sigma from mean for high limit on INTENSITY,
                        default = 6.0
  -L RMSNLO, --rmsnlo=RMSNLO
                        number of sigma from mean for low limit on RMS,
                        default = 6.0
  -H RMSNHI, --rmsnhi=RMSNHI
                        number of sigma from mean for high limit on RMS,
                        default = 6.0
  -c EVCODE, --evcode=EVCODE
                        comma separated event codes for selection as OR
                        combination, any negative code inverts selection,
                        default = None
  -u, --upload          upload files in calib directory, default = False
  -N STEPNUM, --stepnum=STEPNUM
                        step/calibcycle number [0,2] or all by default,
                        default = None
  -M STEPMAX, --stepmax=STEPMAX
                        maximal number of steps or all by default, default =
  -I SEGIND, --segind=SEGIND
                        segment index to process, default = None
  --nrecs=NRECS         number of records to collect data, default = 1000
  --nrecs1=NRECS1       number of records for 1st stage processing, default =
  --fraclo=FRACLO       fraction of statistics [0,1] below low  limit of the
                        gate, default = 0.050000
  --frachi=FRACHI       fraction of statistics [0,1] below high limit of the
                        gate, default = 0.950000
  -o DIRREPO, --dirrepo=DIRREPO
                        repository for calibration results, default =
  --logmode=LOGMODE     logging mode, one of INFO, CRITICAL, WARN, WARNING,
                        ERROR, DEBUG, NOTSET, default = INFO


Code Block
titlejungfrau_deploy_constants -h
Deployment jungfrau calibration parameters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EXP, --exp=EXP     experiment name, default = None
  -d DET, --det=DET     detector name, default = None
  -r RUN, --run=RUN     run number for beginning of the validity range,
                        default = None
  -t TSTAMP, --tstamp=TSTAMP
                        non-default time stamp (<YYYYmmddHHMMSS) or run
                        number(<10000) for constants selection in repo. By
                        default run time is used, default = None
  -x DIRXTC, --dirxtc=DIRXTC
                        non-default xtc directory which is used to access run
                        start time, default = None
  -o DIRREPO, --dirrepo=DIRREPO
                        non-default repository of calibration results, default
                        = /reg/g/psdm/detector/gains/jungfrau/panels
  -c DIRCALIB, --dircalib=DIRCALIB
                        deployment calib directory if different from standard
                        one, default = None
  -I PANINDS, --paninds=PANINDS
                        comma-separated (str) panel indexds to generate
                        constants for subset of panels (ex. 2 panel of 8 in
                        the detector), default = None
  -D, --deploy          deploy constants to the calib dir, default = False
  -L LOGMODE, --logmode=LOGMODE
                        logging mode, one of INFO, CRITICAL, WARN, WARNING,
                        ERROR, DEBUG, NOTSET, default = INFO
