Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


This page describes mechanism dynamic generation of gain correction calibration constants dynamic generation and access for multi-panel jungfrau detector. This is relevant to rarely changed constants of types calibration types pixel_gain and pixel_offset, e.g. for single-panel detector

  • pixel_gain:  shape:(3, 1, 512, 1024)  size:1572864  dtype:float32
  • pixel_offset:  shape:(3, 1, 512, 1024)  size:1572864  dtype:float32

which are combined from 3 gain range per - panel files with arrays of shape (512, 1024).

Naming conventions

Since psana.Jungfrau.ConfigV3 Jungfrau software provides per-segment access to the class ModuleConfigV1 object with three methods

  • moduleVersion()
  • firmwareVersion()
  • serialNumber()

returning which return 64-bit integer numbers like 1511699, 23403815178277, 3997947, respectively. However, some of these numbers in hexadecimal format looks as dates and times. For better human readability the segment panel Id name can be formatted as '%d%s-%d-%d'%s-%s', for hexadecimal values with dropped '0x' as hex(v).lsplit('0x'), e.g. "1508613171113-3997943154920171025-226307210629333d00fb".

Then, total Jungfrau Id is a variable-length dash underscore-separated combination concatenation of sequential segment panel Id names, i.g. for two segments panels of exp=xcsls3716:run=631, XcsEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0 complete detector Id is 1508613170505-22630721062933149520170815-39978723d00b0_170505-1508613149520170815-22630721062933-39979433d00f7.


Method returning Jungfrau and its segments' segment Ids is implemented in  DetectorDetector/src/, and can be used as shown in example:

Code Block
import psana
from Detector.UtilsJungfrau import id_jungfrau

ds  = psana.DataSource('xpptut15:run=430')
env = ds.env()
src = 'MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0' # or part of the DetInfo name 'Jung' or 'Jungfrau.1' or alias 'jungfrau1M'

print 'id_jungfrau(env, src, 0):', id_jungfrau(env, src, iseg=0) # for segment 0
print 'id_jungfrau(env, src, 1):', id_jungfrau(env, src, iseg=1) # for segment 1
print 'id_jungfrau(env, src)   :', id_jungfrau(env, src)         # for all segments

which prints something like

Code Block
id_jungfrau(env, src, 0): 1508613171113-22630721062933154920171025-39978723d00b0
id_jungfrau(env, src, 1): 1508613171113-22630721062933154920171025-39979433d00f7
id_jungfrau(env, src)   : 1508613171113-22630721062933154920171025-39978723d00b0_171113-1508613154920171025-22630721062933-39979433d00f7


A few commands which shed lights light on data with jungfrau detector are listed below.

Command line to get jungfrau Id:

Code Block
jungfrau_id exp=xpptut15:run=430 [Jungfrau.0]

Command line to get jungfrau psana.EventKey objects:

Code Block
event_keys -d exp=xpptut15:run=430 -m2 -p Jung


Code Block
find_detector_runs MFX jungfrau

Command line to get jungfrau Id (in release>ana-1.3.51):

Code Block
jungfrau_id     <=== prints help
jungfrau_id exp=xpptut15:run=430 [Jungfrau.0]

Available data

Summary of experiments/runs with jungfrau data available on 2018-04-19 is listed below.

Code Block
titleDatasets with jungfrau data and detector Idcollapsetrue
Dataset                 Runs     DetInfo name                   Panel/detector Id or configuration object version
exp=mfx00616:run=8      1-8      MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0     psana.Jungfrau.ConfigV1
exp=mfx05516:run=16     16       MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0     1511699171113-23403815178277154920171025-39978723d00b0_171113-1511699154920171025-23403815178277-39979433d00f7
exp=mfxlr1716:run=295   1-295    MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0     1511699171113-23403815178277154920171025-39978723d00b0_171113-1511699154920171025-23403815178277-39979433d00f7
exp=mfxlr5016:run=197   194-197  MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0     1511699171113-23403815178277154920171025-39978723d00b0_171113-1511699154920171025-23403815178277-39979433d00f7
exp=mfxx20515:run=2     1-2      MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0     1508613170505-22630721062933149520170815-39978723d00b0_170505-1508613149520170815-22630721062933-39979433d00f7
exp=mfx11116:run=697    563-697  MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.1     1511699171113-23403815178277154920171025-39979473d00fb
exp=mfxls0816:run=193   1-193    MfxEndstation.0:Jungfrau.1     1511699171113-23403815178277154920171025-39979473d00fb

exp=xcs11116:run=18     4-18     XcsEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0     psana.Jungfrau.ConfigV2
exp=xcsls3716xcsx22015:run=631555   1503-631 555   XcsEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0     1508613-22630721062933-3997872-1508613-22630721062933-3997943psana.Jungfrau.ConfigV2
exp=xcsx22015xcsls3716:run=555631   5031-555631    XcsEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0     psana.Jungfrau.ConfigV2170505-149520170815-3d00b0_170505-149520170815-3d00f7
exp=xcslr6316:run=17    4-17     XcsEndstation.0:Jungfrau.1     1511699171113-23403815178277154920171025-39979473d00fb

exp=detdaq17cxi11216:run=6854     34-6854     DetLabCxiEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0            1511699-23403815178277-3997947psana.Jungfrau.ConfigV1
exp=xppls2416detdaq17:run=24768     13-24768     XppEndstationDetLab.0:Jungfrau.10            1511699171113-23403815178277-3997872-1511699-23403815178277-3997943154920171025-3d00fb
exp=cxi11216xppls2416:run=54247     41-54247     CxiEndstationXppEndstation.0:Jungfrau.01     psana.Jungfrau.ConfigV1171113-154920171025-3d00b0_171113-154920171025-3d00f7
exp=mecls3216:run=226   2-226    MecTargetChamber.0:Jungfrau.0  1508613170505-22630721062933149520170815-39978723d00b0_170505-1508613149520170815-22630721062933-3997943


Calibration production


Panel calibration arrays

For now, calibration arrays for offset and gain For now firmware calibration is produced per segment (panel named as M044, M068, M088, etc.), e.g.  directory /reg/g/psdm/detector/gains/jungfrau/M088/ contains:

Code Block

Content of calibration directory for panels

For auto-generation of calibration files it is suggested to

  • keep segment panel calibration files under /reg/g/psdm/detector/gains/jungfrau/
  • use segment Id names in stead of M088 etc
  • M044, M068, M088, etc.
  • use panel Id with timestamp (version) as a reference to one of above directories
  • in M044, M068, M088, etc. keep the same naming conventions for gain range and type (g1_gain.npy, g1_offset.npy, g2_gain.npy, etc.).
  • versions?

To distinguish calibration versions the time-stamp in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS is dash-concatenated at the end of the panel Id name. This time stamp stands for start time of the constants validity range.

Code Block
titleAssignment of panel ids to directories with calibration files
Panel Ids in hexadecimal format
171113-154920171025-3d00b0   <- this may be reference to one of the M0## directories

Philip's assignment:
M044:    for exp=mfx11116:run=689 171113-154920171025-3d00fb-20180306000000

M088,M068: exp=xcsx22015:run=513, psana.Jungfrau.ConfigV2, XcsEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0       run 503 on Oct 25, 2017 
Later experiment: exp=xcsls3716:run=631, id=170505-149520170815-3d00b0_170505-149520170815-3d00f7   run 1 on Dec 5, 2017 16:14
M068:    170505-149520170815-3d00b0-20171025000000
M088:    170505-149520170815-3d00f7-20171025000000

Assignment of panel ids to directories with calibration files can be listed by the command:

ls -l /reg/g/psdm/detector/gains/jungfrau

Code Block
lrwxrwxrwx 1 dubrovin ps-data   4 Apr 30 11:56 170505-149520170815-3d00b0-20171025000000 -> M068
lrwxrwxrwx 1 dubrovin ps-data   4 Apr 30 11:56 170505-149520170815-3d00f7-20171025000000 -> M088
drwxr-sr-x 2 dubrovin ps-data   2 Apr 30 12:01 171113-154920171025-3d00b0 -> M068
drwxr-sr-x 2 dubrovin ps-data   2 Apr 30 12:01 171113-154920171025-3d00f7 -> M088
lrwxrwxrwx 1 dubrovin ps-data   4 Apr 30 11:55 171113-154920171025-3d00fb-20180306000000 -> M044
drwxr-sr-x 2 dubrovin ps-data  12 Mar 27 12:11 M044
drwxr-sr-x 2 dubrovin ps-data  11 Mar 27 12:10 M068
drwxr-sr-x 2 dubrovin ps-data  11 Mar 27 12:10 M088

At these conventions calibration Calibration file for particular detector can be generated dynamically using names of its segments panel Ids from configuration data. Thus generated file can be deployed in the calib or "generic" repository.


CLI for calibration

Two commands are available in releases >ana-1.3.51

Command line to get jungfrau Id:

Code Block
jungfrau_id     <=== prints help
jungfrau_id exp=xpptut15:run=430 [Jungfrau.0]

This command dumps full name of the detector found in configuration object, number of panels and detector Id:

Code Block
titleresult of jungfrau_id
Finding Jungfrau Id in dataset "exp=xpptut15:run=430" using name pattern Jungfrau
Found source: MfxEndstation.0-Jungfrau.0, number of panels: 2
Jungfrau id: 171113-154920171025-3d00b0_171113-154920171025-3d00f7


Command line to generate and deploy gain correction constants (pixel_gain and pixel_offset) for specified experiment and detector:

Code Block
jungfrau_gain_constants [-h]   <=== prints help
jungfrau_gain_constants -d exp=xcsls3716:run=631 -D [-s Jungfrau.0] <=== generate and deploy constants

This command

  • retrieves detector Id, defines panel Ids
  • retrieves gain correction files for panel Ids from specialized repository /reg/g/psdm/detector/gains/jungfrau
  • merge them in arrays shaped as (3,<number-of-pannels>,512,1024) for entire detector
  • saves array in files in local directory with names like xcsls3716-r0631_XcsEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0_170505-149520170815-3d00b0_170505-149520170815-3d00f7_pixel_gain.txt
  • and deploy them under /reg/d/psdm/XCS/xcsls3716/calib/Jungfrau::CalibV1/XcsEndstation.0:Jungfrau.0 for calibration types pixel_gain and pixel_offset with name for validity range beginning from run specified in dataset description.

Maintenance of calibration constants

Panel-calibration files

It is assumed that panel calibration constants for pixel_gain and pixel_offset are supplied by the detector group for all known panels. These constants should be available under directory /reg/g/psdm/detector/gains/jungfrau/ in files like


Code Block


  • prefix zeroes in the name
  • calibration versions






Generator of constants

Example of the command to produce calibration constants for entire detector:

jungfrau_gain_constants -d exp=xcsls3716:run=631 [-D] [-U] [-s Jungfrau.0]
  • constants are saved in local directory in files with long name containing fields of experiment, run, source, detector Id, constant type and extension txt or npy,
  • option -d specifies dataset containing jungfrau data and configuration to define detector numeric Id, e.g. 170505-149520170815-3d00b0_170505-149520170815-3d00f7,
  • option -D deploys calibration constants in the calib directory for specified experiment and beginning of the validity range defined by the specified run number,
  • option -U shows commands (dcs add ...) to upload constants from local directory to global repository under /reg/d/psdm/detector/calib/jungfrau,
  • option -s is required to distinguish between multiple detectors if specified data set has more than one jungfrau detector.

Upload constants to repository

Use command jungfrau_gain_constants with option -U to see commands for deployment (dcs add ...) . Then, apply these commands to add calibration constants to the detector associated hdf5 file located under directory

  • /reg/d/psdm/detector/calib/jungfrau/ - real repository or
  • /reg/g/psdm/detector/calib/jungfrau/ - test repository


  • format of integers in the panel name fields: hex(v).lsplit('0x'), e.g. "171113-154920171025-3d00fb"
  • calibration versions: use time-stamp in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS dash-concatenated to the panel Id, e.g. "171113-154920171025-3d00fb-2018030600000"
