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Wajahat Hussain+,, Muhammad Anas Abrar (SEECS); Saqib+, Aqsa (UAF); Johari?, Adnan Khan (UNIMAS);  Badrul,  Ridzuan, Ibrahim (UM); (UTM); Adib?, Fatima (UUM); Fizi Jalil (MYREN);  Les+, Bebo?+

+ Confirmed attendance

- Responded but  Unable to attend: 



  • Les proved provided input to a paper on the impact on PingEr PingER of the  Vardha cyclone In India
  • Amity provided  progress/code/screen shots of the pinger android implementation attached. We have also attached the executable file.
  • Their PingER MA system has crashed and they are reinstalling the project.


  • The paper on Internet Performance and its Reflection on Socioeconomic Development in the ASEAN Countries to IEEE Access.


Looking into moving PingER to a "block chain" data base good for distribution of data. Hot topic. Monitoring sites would then be able to write to  a distributed ledger. This would change architecture to a more peer to peer architecture. Help with continuity of PingER. Might be compelling.  Saqib is interested.


  • The paper on Internet Performance and its Reflection on Socioeconomic Development in the ASEAN Countries to IEEE Access.

    • The paper was not accepted :( despite some positive reviews, two reviewers accept the paper and only one reject it. Anyway, I have been working on a more rigorous analysis to resolve the correlation/causation doubt (to answer David comments) and the new analysis is ready.  Adib needs a few days to update our paper with the new analysis then will share with us to comment and advise.
      • He has been working with a statistician to identify correlations between Internet performance (IP) and ICT Development Index (IDI), Human Development Index (HDI), Fertility, GDP, and the Happy Planet Index (HPI).
      • They then look at the normality of the data. All except GDP pass the normality test. For GDP they use Spearman's non-parametric correlation, while Pearson Correlation is used for the rest.
      • There are strong positive correlations for IDI and HDI, a strong negative correlation for Fertility rate and a moderate correlation for HPI. GDP also has a  moderate correlation
      • It then looks at the cause effect relationship using regression.
      • Finally it comes up with a model of the form:

        IP = 2724.288 + 0.008GDP + 275.904 IDI -3238.298 HDI – 220.264 – 8.084HPI

      • And they test its predictive behavior using various statistical tests. It looks very good.

      • Adib is finalizing the paper and hopes to complete by the end of the week 9/25/
      The paper was not accepted :( despite some positive reviews, two reviewers accept the paper and only one reject it. Anyway, I have been working on a more rigorous analysis to resolve the correlation/causation doubt (to answer David comments) and the new analysis is ready.  Adib needs a few days to update our paper with the new analysis then will share with us to comment and advise.
      • He has been working with a statistician to identify correlations between Internet performance (IP) and ICT Development Index (IDI), Human Development Index (HDI), Fertility, GDP, and the Happy Planet Index (HPI).
      • They then look at the normality of the data. All except GDP pass the normality test. For GDP they use Spearman's non-parametric correlation, while Pearson Correlation is used for the rest.
      • There are strong positive correlations for IDI and HDI, a strong negative correlation for Fertility rate and a moderate correlation for HPI. GDP also has a  moderate correlation
      • It then looks at the cause effect relationship using regression.
      • Finally it comes up with a model of the form:

        IP = 2724.288 + 0.008GDP + 275.904 IDI -3238.298 HDI – 220.264 – 8.084HPI

      • And they test its predictive behavior using various statistical tests. It looks very good.

      • Adib is finalizing the paper and hopes to complete by the end of the week 9/25/2017. Progress?
  • is not responding, Adib contacted UUM IT staff, they promised to fix this issue by Tuesday.  Adib will do his best to fix it this week, 

  • Adib has sent PingER MA invitation to Nigerian person who used to be a student at UUM. He is awaiting a response.

  • Adib, Bebo, Les met with Southampton Web observatory person. There seemed to be enthusiasm. Adib was going to send some  maerials to Southampton. The person at Southampton gave us some links.

NUST: Updates August 2017?

One student is working on: Data Mining doing research on PingER data. He will be using Hadoop on a supercomputer at NUST.

  • The student is getting to know Hadoop.  Once the student is comfortable with the tools we can start applying the tools to pinger data. he is working on Hadoop.

We were unable to gather data from:
  • Student is working on exams at the monent, Wajahat will conttact student

Trying to locate other hosts/sites in Pakistan who are interested.  As we add new sites we will disable non working sites, see below.
We were unable to gather data from:
  •  not pingable as of March 6th, 2017. Wajhat Wajahat still trying, not given up. Still down 4/15/2017, 7/3/2017, 8/11/2017, 9/16/2017 (does not ping). Not responding. Contacted and they will fix the problem soon.10/24/2017
  • working again as of 3/6/2017. Down since March 17, 2017. Down 7/3/2017, Down 8/11/2017 did not ping, 9/16/2017 pings but unable to gather any data. Reconfigured 9/19/2017. Intermittent access this month (10/24/2017)
  • pings but unable to gather data 8/11/2017, unable to ping, Contacted. 9/16/2017. Contacted. Unable  Unable to gather data. Contacted fix problem soon. 10/24/2017.
  • Down 8/11/2017, 9/16/2017 pings unable to gather data. Reconfigured 9/19/2017.  Working
  • down since 23 April, down 7/3/2017. Usually working 9/16/2017. Incomplete each day, are they shutting down at night? Working
  • (host is not pingable). Institution unreachable from start, we are trying to locate the person in charge, fingers crossed (Wajahat 1/10/206). Working 2/1/2018, still working 3/20/2017. Down since April 1st 2017. Down 7/3/2017, 8/11/2017. 9/16/2016 pings unable to gather data. Contact person missing. No data 10/24/2017. Unable to access this nodeDo we give up/Disable?
  • down since March 24th, 2017. Down 7/3/2017, 8/11/2017,9/16/2017 unable to ping, still unable to ping or gather data. No contact information. 10/24/2017.
  •  down since April 15th, down 73/2017, 8/11/2017. 9/16/2017 unable  to ping. Not Interested.They are not interested, Disabled 10/24/2017.
  • pings but can't gather data 8/11/2017 and 9/16/2017. Contacted. Pings but can't gather data 10/24/2017.
  • down since May 22nd, down 7/3/2017. Problem with missing XML/ missing. Unable to gather data, pings 8/11/2017 and 9/16/2017.  Reconfigured 9/19/2017.  No data to gather 10/24/2017

They are focusing on the hosts they can ping. In many cases the researcher has left and others do not see the purpose. Wajahat will keep trying pointing out the value for international research and papers.

UNIMAS (Johari unable to attend 9/21/2017 so no update)

  • Johari attended a workshop organized by UNESCO about experience in China and Malaysia on analysis and visualization. He talked to several researchers from China. He will send a paper to a journal to see if there is interest.
  • Johari is teaching this semester, he will enter the Raspberry Pi image into Dropbox or Github in the next few days.  Bebo will follow up with Github information.
  • He is looking at updating the PingER Malaysia web site.
  • He has been unable to contact Hafiz to get MyREN monitor at UNIMAS working again. 
  • Writing a paper. Les will review and then Johari will submit. No progress 3/14/2017. Looking for a good journal 5/18/2017.

UAF/GHZU (Saqib)

The paper title: " Internet Performance Analysis of South Asian Countries using End-to-end Internet Performance Measurements" is submitted in IEEE IUCC 2017 ( Saqib can still update the submission. Therefore, he needs feedback.

The paper title: " Missing Values Imputation in PingER Internet End-to-end Performance Measurements using k-nearest neighbors (k NN)" was not accepted in IMC 2017. He is updating the paper according to the reviewer’s comments. Hopefully, Saqib will submit it at some other venue. Any update?

PingER MA at GZHU is now accessible publicly and is successfully gathering data and incorporated in PingER. It would make a good beacon, however it was not pingable 7/16/2017, sent email. Saqib is trying to convince the IT department to open the ping. No success yet. Hopefully in next 2 weeks.  (9/26/2016). Still not pingable 10/24/2017.

We now have about 230 educational sites in China that respond to pings. about 200 have been entered into the PingER Meta database. About 10% are not responding. We still need to add about 48 municipalty sites

Sara Masood

Currently, no data is available on PingER on Android due to unavailability of the live IP address. No update 4/19/2017, 7/6/2017. Email sent to Sara Masood. No update 9/24/2017. Any update 10/24/2017.

The 44th Asia-Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) Meeting was held in Dalian, China in collaboration with CERNET from August 26 to September 1, 2017. Saqib attended this meeting. He gave a presentation. He has a lot of interest from CERNET on using PingER for monitoring CERNET. CERNET backbone is currently at 10Gbps will upgrade to 100Gbps in a couple of years. There are about 20 core nodes that run IPv6 and they will be extending to 50 core nodes.

Saqib is thinking of submitting a proposal to extend PingER to support IPv6 monitoring of the CERNET backbone. The submission deadline is 30 Sept 2017. Did this happen?

PingER has valuable historical data for the last 20 years.Many analysis and case studies have been carried using this data. A lot of information is available on the website. Saqib's idea is to publish the brief summary all these analysis through a survey paper covering the history and utilization of PingER data starting from 1998 to 2017. Saqib started on it, Les is providing assistance.

PingER at SLAC


They are focusing on the hosts they can ping. In many cases the researcher has left and others do not see the purpose. Wajahat will keep trying pointing out the value for international research and papers.

UNIMAS (Johari unable to attend 9/21/2017 so no update)

  • Johari attended a workshop organized by UNESCO about experience in China and Malaysia on analysis and visualization. He talked to several researchers from China. He will send a paper to a journal to see if there is interest.
  • Johari is teaching this semester, he will enter the Raspberry Pi image into Dropbox or Github in the next few days.  Bebo will follow up with Github information.
  • He is looking at updating the PingER Malaysia web site.
  • He has been unable to contact Hafiz to get MyREN monitor at UNIMAS working again. 
  • Writing a paper. Les will review and then Johari will submit. No progress 3/14/2017. Looking for a good journal 5/18/2017.

UAF/GHZU (Saqib)

The paper title: " Internet Performance Analysis of South Asian Countries using End-to-end Internet Performance Measurements" is submitted in IEEE IUCC 2017 ( Camera ready paper is submitted.

The paper title: " Detecting Anomalies from End-to-End Internet Performance Measurements (PingER) using Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor" is submitted in IEEE ISPA 2017 ( Camera ready paper is submitted.

The paper title: " Missing Values Imputation in PingER Internet End-to-end Performance Measurements using k-nearest neighbors (k NN)" was not accepted in IMC 2017. He is updating the paper according to the reviewer’s comments. Hopefully, Saqib will submit it at some other venue. Not yet decided about the submission venue. Need some suggestions. Updared but not decided where to submit

PingER MA at GZHU is now accessible publicly and is successfully gathering data and incorporated in PingER. It would make a good beacon, however it was not pingable 7/16/2017, sent email. Saqib is trying to convince the IT department to open the ping. No success yet. Hopefully in next 2 weeks.  (9/26/2016). Still not pingable 10/24/2017. No success. However, requested to move PingER to dual stack subnet to ping Ipv6 address space. In coming week, then will see what we can ping.

We now have about 230+ educational sites in China that respond to pings, about 200 have been entered into the PingER Meta database. About 10% are not responding. Saqib has entered about 48 municipalty sites, so all sites are updated. End of this month GZHU security level should be reduced and blocked internet access goes away (since 27th August)

PingER Project of 150K RMB is accepted by Guangzhou Postdoctoral Special Funds of China. Hopefully, in the coming month, I will get two 1U servers to install data repository in GU, hopefully next month

CERNET backbone is currently at 10Gbps will upgrade to 100Gbps in a couple of years. There are about 20 core nodes that run IPv6 and they will be extending to 50 core nodes.Saqib submitted a proposal to extend PingER to support IPv6 monitoring of the CERNET backbone  (deadline was 30 Sept 2017).

PingER has valuable historical data for the last 20 years.Many analysis and case studies have been carried using this data. A lot of information is available on the website. Saqib's idea is to publish the brief summary all these analysis through a survey paper covering the history and utilization of PingER data starting from 1998 to 2017. Saqib started on it, Les is providing assistance. Need your feedback on the idea of Measuring the Digital Development of the Countries using PingER data.          Is there something you want me to review some, e.g. some draft document on Measuring the Digital Development of the Countries using PingER data , or are you asking if it is a good idea to review and create such a document. If the latter I think this is a fascinating subject. Part of the challenge is the chicken and egg problems: i.e. is it network performance influencing advancement of the country, or is it the reverse that advanced countries can afford good networks.  My belief is it goes both ways. Also one needs to extend the analysis beyond just Africa else it’s kind of a repeat of Pinging Africa , R. Les Cottrell, IEEE Spectrum February 2013. Also see A Simple Tool for Measuring Digital Development , by R. Les Cottrell, IEEE Spectrum February 2013. This is derived from SLAC-PUB-15333. 

·       Also it may be related to Adib’s paper on Internet Performance and its Reflection on Socioeconomic Development in the ASEAN Countries that was submitted to IEEE and rejected.

Currently, no data is available on PingER on Android due to unavailability of the live IP address. No update 4/19/2017, 7/6/2017. Email sent to Sara Masood. No update 9/24/2017. Any update 10/24/2017.

PingER at SLAC Email sent 8/9/2017. Fixed 8/10/2017Back up
HostStatelast seenStatus to gather data missing XML/, email sent 6/28/2017, no response.May 22nd to gather data since July 17 2017, also does not ping by IP address, by name gives Name does not resolve. Sent Email 8/9/2017. Name does not resolve, address resolves to 2017Does not ping Pings but nothing else. Emails sent June 6, 2017, June 28, 2017, August 9, 2017.Mar Pings but nothing else. July 11,2017Emails sent June 6, 2017, June 28, 2017, August 9, 2017.Mar 9thDown

Due to a major issue with the cluster's electrical infrastructure we will have to shut down all machines, in order to preserve our hardware. The cause of the outage is still being investigated. Emails 11/21/2016, 8/9/2017. Given up. Disabled.

Sept 31, 2016Does not ping

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Thursday October 26th December 7th 9pm Pacific time,  Friday October 27th December 8th , 2016  9:00am Pakistan time, Friday October 27th December 8th 2017 12:00noon Malaysian and Guangzhou .time


A next step is to get the data from the phone MA to the archive at SLAC. The current method requires a public IP address for the phone which may not exist if its is mobile. Getting the MA to put the data to the archive may raise some security issue for the archiver.


Need your feedback on the idea of Measuring the Digital Development of the Countries using PingER data