Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • 10 % of two runs are cooked, 7796, and 8054 (Carbon target)
  • The hps-java tag is vtpass1c
  • JAVA: /apps/scicomp/java/jdk1.8/bin/java -XX:+UseSerialGC
  • JAR: /group/hps/hps_soft/hps-java/hps-distribution_vtpass1c_bin.jar
  • JSub 7796_Recon_40.xml
  • All Steering files taken from JAR (i.e. they are used with the option -r)
  • Logs: /lustre/expphy/work/hallb/hps/data/physrun2016/tpass1c/logs
  • The Detector is HPS-PhysicsRun2016-v5-3-fieldmap_globalAlign
  • Only 10% of one run (7796) is processed
  • files on work disk /work/hallb/hps/data/physrun2016/tpass1c


  • New geometry from Alessandra.
  • event time stamp is fixed
  • SVT bias and position flags expected to be fixed on this pass
  • mass and momentum are correct now for detached vertex pairs
  • Condition system, is choosing condition that are created most recently,
     instead of choosing the one that are modified most recently, this seems to reproduce pass0 reconstruction time.Doesn't use SVT alignment constants from the conditions system, but instead uses these values from the compact.xml


Directory structure


Checklist of things to verify, before starting the pass1

  •   Look into skims, make sure it is not too tight
    •  I have run my calibration analysis for Møllers and V0s over the recon and skim files and get the same events.(Norman) 
  •  Check track parameters for detached vertexes
    •  Tracks for Unconstrained vertices have been swum to the fitted vertex z position and their parameters updated in the Vertex metadata. TargetConstrained and BeamspotConstrained vertices have not been modified. (Norman) 
  •  Check whether we get the target position close to 0
    •  Vertices for Unconstrained Møller fits still give +3mm. V0s are slightly negative (~-1mm). FEE are also around -1mm, with a slight discrepancy between top and bottom. (Norman) 
  •  Check the event time stamp is correct