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Optical measurement for XPP CSPAD

We use 2011-08-10 optical measuremens from Chris:

Procedure and table of results

We calculate
S1 - 1st short side of 2x1
S2 - 2nd short side of 2x1
L1 - 1st long side of 2x1
L2 - 2nd long side of 2x1


Everything, excluding <dS/L> and angle(deg), are in micrometers.

Code Block

pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)

Quad  0
pair: 0   20908   20908     -47     -47     43530   43536      20      26   -0.00108   -0.06186
pair: 1   20902   20884      10      -8     43538   43542       0       4   -0.00009   -0.00526
pair: 2   20903   20903     130     130     43541   43541      65      65    0.00299    0.17107
pair: 3   20904   20773      59     190     43538   43540      90      92    0.00286    0.16384
pair: 4   20906   20894     -15     -27     43541   43540       9       8   -0.00048   -0.02763
pair: 5   20905   20903     293     291     43535   43539    -140    -136    0.00671    0.38428
pair: 6   20898   20903      38      33     43540   43533      20      13    0.00082    0.04672
pair: 7   20901   20903      89      87     43539   43538      43      42    0.00202    0.11581

Quad  1
pair: 0   20905   20906     -48     -47     43539   43541      17      19   -0.00109   -0.06251
pair: 1   20906   20899       3      -4     43536   43536       4       4   -0.00001   -0.00066
pair: 2   20906   20896     -57     -47     43539   43536     -23     -26   -0.00119   -0.06843
pair: 3   20902   20909      14       7     43537   43540       2       5    0.00024    0.01382
pair: 4   20906   20891    -108    -123     43544   43537      64      57   -0.00265   -0.15199
pair: 5   20908   20903     -70     -75     43539   43545      32      38   -0.00167   -0.09540
pair: 6   20899   20902      42      39     43541   43539      24      22    0.00093    0.05330
pair: 7   20911   20896     -62     -47     43540   43538     -24     -26   -0.00125   -0.07172

Quad  2
pair: 0   20902   20909    -207    -200     43538   43535     104     101   -0.00467   -0.26781
pair: 1   20909   20904       1      -4     43537   43539       0       2   -0.00005   -0.00263
pair: 2   20899   20904    -212    -217     43538   43540    -104    -102   -0.00493   -0.28227
pair: 3   20902   20899     -94     -91     43539   43541     -48     -46   -0.00212   -0.12172
pair: 4   20908   20902    -181    -187     43541   43543      87      89   -0.00423   -0.24212
pair: 5   20906   20906       1       1     43540   43540       0       0    0.00000    0.00000
pair: 6   20913   20906     -90     -83     43541   43542     -42     -41   -0.00199   -0.11382
pair: 7   20896   20904     -96    -104     43538   43539     -46     -45   -0.00230   -0.13160

Quad  3
pair: 0   20906   20904    -166    -168     43535   43857      77     399   -0.00382   -0.21897
pair: 1   20902   20898       3      -1     43538   43537       2       1    0.00002    0.00132
pair: 2   20907   20899       0       8     43539   43537       4       2    0.00009    0.00526
pair: 3   20903   20907     -62     -66     43540   43533     -26     -33   -0.00147   -0.08423
pair: 4   20905   20669    -122    -358     43539   43476      59      -4   -0.00552   -0.31617
pair: 5   20900   20905       6      11     43540   43542      -2       0    0.00007    0.00395
pair: 6   20893   20902     -43     -52     43538   43543     -26     -21   -0.00109   -0.06251
pair: 7   20906   20904      15      17     43537   43535       7       5    0.00037    0.02106

  • Problematic measurements are:
    In quad0, row 18, Y: 76200 is changed for 67200. Chris confirm that it might be a typo.
  • All measurements are consistent with each other within +/-10um.
  • Angles of 2x1 are in the range from -0.31 to +0.38 degree.

Configuration parameters

Configuration parameters are shown in number of pixels.

For 2x1 pairs in each quad

Coordinates of the 2x1 centers

  • Use the same orientation as in optical measurement, center is calculated as an average of 4 corner coordinates
  • All coordinates in pixels

    Code Block
    self.pairXInQaud, self.pairYInQaud, self.pairZInQaud = 
     198.48,  198.05,  307.91,   95.69,  625.60,  624.69,  709.79,  497.97,  
     198.36,  198.05,  310.89,   98.49,  627.36,  627.76,  712.15,  498.90,  
     198.78,  198.04,  310.98,   97.86,  627.09,  627.61,  713.33,  500.94,  
     198.90,  198.05,  309.48,   96.66,  626.23,  626.67,  712.47,  499.68,  
     306.92,   95.08,  625.56,  625.52,  516.16,  729.09,  200.58,  201.70,  
     307.40,   95.09,  624.41,  624.85,  519.48,  731.87,  204.71,  205.30,  
     307.61,   95.10,  625.99,  626.70,  514.76,  727.56,  200.39,  201.28,  
     308.23,   95.08,  624.73,  625.09,  513.34,  726.52,  196.72,  196.82,  
       0.33,    0.28,    0.21,    0.08,    0.43,    0.43,    0.54,    0.48,  
      -0.68,   -0.42,   -1.15,   -0.87,   -1.63,   -1.86,   -1.53,   -1.07,  
      -0.37,   -0.01,   -0.50,   -0.33,   -0.89,   -0.95,   -1.01,   -0.77,  
      -0.46,   -0.37,   -0.68,   -0.41,   -1.16,   -1.25,   -1.11,   -1.79,

Hand-maid coordinate correction for 2x1 in quads (in pixel)

Code Block

        self.dXInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   1,   1,#   0,    1,    2    3 0],
   4    5    6    7
        self.dXInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   -10,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   -10,   0,   0,   0,   10]], 

         self                   [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]] 
        self.dYInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   0,   -10,   0,  -1 0,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0-7,   1-7,   0-10,   0-10], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   -10,   -20], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   02]]

2x1-pair orientation angle (degree) in quads

Code Block

        self.pairInQaudOrient = [ [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180] ]

Sensor tilt angle (dergee) from optical measurement

Code Block

self.dPhi = 
[ [-0.06186, -0.00526,  0.17107,  0.16384, -0.02763,  0.38428,  0.04672,  0.11581],  
              [-0.06251, -0.00066, -0.06843,  0.01382, -0.15199, -0.09540,  0.05330, -0.07172],  
              [-0.26781, -0.00263, -0.28227, -0.12172, -0.24212,  0.00000, -0.11382, -0.13160],  
              [-0.21897,  0.00132,  0.00526, -0.08423, -0.31617,  0.00395, -0.06251,  0.02106] ]


Quad coordinates in the detector

Code Block

offX   = 40
offY   = 40
gapX   = 0
gapY   = 0
shiftX = 38
shiftY = 38

self.quadXOffset = [ off+0-gapX+shiftX,  off+  0+0-gapX-shiftX,  off+834-2+gapX-shiftX,  off+834+0+gapX+shiftX]
self.quadYOffset = [ off+3-gapY-shiftY,  off+834-1+gapY-shiftY,  off+834-5+gapY+shiftY,  off+  0+2-gapY+shiftY]