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Includes status, proposed strategies. Newest entries are at the top. See also a (Windows-specific) to-do list.

July 8,2009

Windows users with Studio 2003 or later can get experience with SCons and GoGui just by installing them (SCons 1.2.0 or later; GoGui 0.9.5 or later). Check out ScienceTools directly from CVS (and tell GoGui where you put it) or check it out from within GoGui. With this set-up SCons will not make project files.

Windows alpha testers for project file support will need to obtain

  1. Studio 2008
  2. GoGui 0.9.5 or later (and a couple required libraries if you don't already have them)
  3. SCons 1.2.0.d20090223

Then see instructions on page 8 (titled "Windows only") in this attachment.

For each package the SConscript file must be modified slightly to invoke the tool registerTargets rather than registerObjects. This has now been done for all packages in ScienceTools New, converted SConscript files have been committed and the packages are all tagged.   If you start with source from a recent ST LATEST build you don't have to worry about this.  Details of the differences are described below for the curious. Others should skip to the section GoGui Hints below.

Technical details

registerTargets has a different interface. First of all, registerTargets makes finer distinctions between target types.  swig libraries are a category of their own, as are ROOT-using static libraries and ROOT-using shared libraries. For each category of library or executable target (e.g. static library, swig library, test app, etc.) instead of passing just a list of targets you pass in a list of pairs [target, environment] where environment is the environment used to create the target somewhere earlier in the SConscript file. Here is an example of the changes needed for the facilities package:

Code Block

#Old form of register, using registerObjects
#progEnv.Tool('registerObjects', package = 'facilities',
#             libraries = [facilitiesLib, lib_pyFacilities],
#             testApps = [test_time, test_env, test_Util],
#             includes = listFiles(['facilities/*.h']))

#New, using registerTargets
progEnv.Tool('registerTargets', package = 'facilities',
             libraryCxts = [[facilitiesLib, libEnv]],
             swigLibraryCxts = [[lib_pyFacilities, swigEnv]],
             testAppCxts = [[test_time, progEnv], [test_env,progEnv],
             includes = listFiles(['facilities/*.h']))

GoGui hints

Alpha users should go to the utility options item in the options menu to make sure the correct SCons will be used. Go also to build options and select vc9 for the compiler.

You can make use of the "Specify build target" input at the bottom of the GoGui window to build just what you need for project files. The input accepted there depends on which package is selected in the Navigator panel. For our purposes, select the top container. Then make the following targets by typing the name in the input area, followed by Enter (or click on the target icon):

  • setup This will create the file _setup.bat, used to set environment variables when Studio is invoked. (see screenshot)
  • install Installs includes, xml files, python files, etc.
  • studio Creates all project and solution files.

See instructions below (entry for June 18) on how to invoke Studio for a particular package.

June 18, 2009

The problem is not VSlauncher, at least not exclusively VSlauncher. Hard-code the path to Studio 2008 devenv as the command to be issued has the same problem: devenv shows up as a running process in the Task Manager, but doesn't put up any windows until GoGui exits. However a command like the following works:

start "any title" path-to-VSlauncher path-to-sln-file

The title string is necessary even though it's not actually used for anything and is supposedly optional. path-to-VSlauncher has to be quoted since it typically includes spaces, so if there is no title start will think that path-to-VSlauncher is the title rather than the command.

If a package is selected, you can invoke Studio with the solution file for that package from the toolbar.  You'll be prompted to select the proper variant (e.g. debug versus opt or different compilers) if the solution file exists for more than one.  Alternatively, select the top-level container and use the browser to navigate to the desired solution file (under studio folder) and right-click. In either case a new Studio instance should appear soon.

June 17, 2009

Invocation of devenv is, frustratingly, not quite right. I would like to use the Windows VSlauncher program which, when given a solution file, finds the right devenv and invokes it. That doesn't quite work. VSlauncher gets started all right, but doesn't invoke devenv until I quit GoGui! However, if I just call devenv (Studio 2003 devenv, since that's what is in my path) itself from GoGui, using the very same underlying process creation and what-not, it does the right thing.

June 16, 2009

Creation of command window from GoGui with proper set-up is working. Might not always handle odd cases involving multiple variants properly.

June 15, 2009

May have acceptable implementation for creating Windows set-up file from GoGui. Now can revisit creation of dos window and invocation of devenv from GoGui.

June 5, 2009

About 20 ScienceTools packages have modified SConscript files (in my local sandbox only, not committed) which are compatible with making project files (for VS 2008 only).

Original static library implementation wasn't quite right. That has been fixed. However, there is a lot of rebuilding going on in Studio which shouldn't be necessary. Any project depending on a static library wants to recompile all source, whether it belongs to the (already-build) static library or only to the project.

Other problems with SCons on Windows include:

  • too many files included in the project file sources section. Not clear whether or not this is causing any problems with the build or not (e.g., the unnecessary recompiling noted above). When I remove them by hand from the project file, behavior is the same.
  • one known example of a ScienceTools package (evtbin) which compiles nicely under Studio 2003 but fails with Studio 2008. There may be more, another impediment to moving to Studio 2008.
  • weirdness when building st_graph. After static library and test program (test_st_graph.exe) are built, SCons builds test_st_graph.lib. Who ordered that? [June 9 update: turns out this has been happening for a long time with CMT builds as well as SCons. See e.g. RM output for v9r14 (static library) or v9r15 (dll).]

June 2, 2009

After a lot of experimentation with building shared libraries rather than static for certain ST packages to avoid having to support static root libraries, I gave it up. There were too many mysteries. Instead I've added root static libraries to the list of supported project types.

May 18, 2009

I forgot about static libraries, yet another target type needing a somewhat different project file. The project file types currently implemented are

  1. static library
  2. 'plain' shared library
  3. wrapper shared library (can be loaded from python)
  4. root shared library (can be loaded from interactive root)
  5. executable

Gaudi component libraries may require yet another slight variation.

Heather made CLHEP for vc90.  All externals needed for ScienceTools on vc90 are now built!  

May 15, 2009

Submitted a bug report to SCons. It seems that on Windows, when using variant builds, which we do, and SCons in interactive mode, which GoGui does, SCons doesn't notice when a source file is changed. Could be it's doing its checks on the copy in the variant directory rather than the original source. A similar bug was already reported months ago and the issue is marked 'FIXED' but it looks like they didn't fix it for all platforms.

May 11, 2009

Finished off rootcint support at the end of last week. This completes the major known pieces of the Windows/SCons puzzle but there are still some small holes and the code (both Windows-specific and our generic local SCons support) is in desperate need of clean-up. See this new, likely incomplete Scons tools to-do list.

May 5, 2009

Current activities are:


Current stuff makes a per-package solution file with absolute paths for referenced project files, hence works no matter where the solution file is. Explicitly install it in directory pkg\visual-variant (e.g., facilities\Visual-vc90-Debug\facilities.sln).


  • added line to create manifest files
  • added to and rationalized compiler option lines
  • added --vc9 option.

February 24, 2009

Wiki MarkupHave installed VS 2008 Professional. SCons finds it correctly when \ --vc9 option is used. Problems detected so far in the project and solution files that get written \ [and estimate of difficulty to fix\] include


  1. Extra stuff at the end of the .vcproj file and the .sln file which appears to be for the private use of SCons, as SCons central expects these files to be used: that is, coerce Studio into calling SCons to do the actual build.    It may be harmless (or maybe not; it might have accounted for some of the strangeness I saw yesterday) but, for the kind of project files we're aiming for, it's certainly not useful. Eliminate it.  \  [easy\]
  2. Wiki MarkupSolution file version should be 10.0, not 9.0 \ [easy\]
  3. Wiki MarkupWarnings when I try to build the project about incompatible compile options \ [easy to medium\]unmigrated-wiki-markup
  4. No user include paths \ [medium or worse\]

There are certainly many more; I just haven't gotten there yet.
