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Documentation: December 15, 2022

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Motor controllers

Experiment → LI20 → MC03 (M5: EDC vertical) / MC02 (M7: EDC horizontal)

Introduction/Setup Description


The EDC screen mount holds two screens in a W-shaped holder. Both are DRZ standard. The setup is mounted on a horizontal and vertical stage (both motorized UTS stages).

For the beam time Aug 10-15 2021, both screens were DRZ standard.

Aug: The screen is imaged via a mirror by a Mako G125-B with a small X mm lens (check with Erik) that sits outside of the EDC at a window port.

Since Oct/Nov 2021: The camera has been replaced by a Manta G895-B and a Navitar lens with 50 mm focal length and f 0.95, which optimises the field of view and collection efficiency.

Figure 1: Photos of installation during August downtime, looking from wall side (left) and showing the field of view in August on the Mako camera (right).

Motor positions

Current OUT position is 100 in vertical and 105 in horizontal

Current IN position is 50 in horizontal. To see the main beam 0 in vertical. To clear the beam just about by a few mm 10 in vertical.

Dimensions and Location

Distance to infinite energy axis:

z-position of screen relative to dipole:

Screen dimensions:

The screens have markings every 0.5 inches.

That along with the motion of the holder itself, dipole and quadrupole scans should be sufficient to get a decent energy calibration.

Energy estimates

Energy estimates based on distance measurements:

These positions might change as the beam is being tweaked.

Note Nov 2021: OUT is 90 vertical and 75 horizontal. IN is 44 horizontal and visible up to 55 vertical.


Depending on dipole settings we should be able to see < 1 GeV up to the primary electron beam at 10 GeV.

Motor positions

Check Reference Motor Positions for most recents numbers.

Current OUT position is 90 in vertical and 75 in horizontal.

The vertical field of view is about 215 mm at the imaging plane. The screen is about 190 mm long, so we have 25 mm vertical drive to select a suitable energy range.

The low IN position (screen low → lower energies) is at 51 mm vertical and 44 horizontal. The high IN position (seeing higher energies) is at 26 mm vertical.

For the vertical motion positive numbers are further down in real space. For horizontal higher numbers are towards the aisle side.

To see the main beam 0 in vertical. To clear the beam just about by a few mm 10 in vertical.

April 2022: Motor positions and measurements

These positions might change as the beam is being tweaked.

Camera triggers

The camera triggers are the same as for the dump table in general.


It can be found under:
Main screen → Experimenter → LI20 → PDC Power Strip → EDC Chamber Lights

Note: the light reaches all the way to the butterfly chamber. As a result, signal on DTOTR1 and other cameras might be affected. Coordinate use, especially during beam times.

Relevant PVs


August 2022: Distance measurements and overview of changes

April 2022: Distance measurements

Oct/Nov 2021: The camera has been replaced by a Manta G895-B and a Navitar lens with 50 mm focal length and f 0.95, which optimises the field of view and collection efficiency.

Aug 2021: The screen is imaged via a mirror by a Mako G125-B with a small X mm lens (check with Erik) that sits outside of the EDC at a window port.

Shift summaries

Diagnostic checkout:
