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Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Originally (prior to June 2018), the gathering of data from the MAs was initiated by the SLAC end.

  • However, access to a web server at the Beijing MA run by Guangzhou from outside China was not allowed. 
    • The web page from inside China appears as:
      Image Added
  • Also since the MAs from the PingER Android project did not want to have to run a web server, they needed a proxy to copy their data to. This proxy, in turn, has to be accessible from SLAC.


  • Be aware data is only kept for 4 days in anonymous incoming FTP and then is removed.  The directories are preserved.  One can delete files and directories by using rm and rmdir on /afs/slac/public/incoming from the  unix the Unix command line (one cannot delete files and directories within ftp).
  • The anonymous FTP space is not accessible for reading from outside SLAC. This prevents the bad actors from hosting illegal files here.


  • A job at Beijing is required to do the anonymous ftp of the recent data from the Beijing MA to the incoming FTP server at SLAC. It runs at 15:05 Beijing time or 12:05am California summer time and 1:05am California standard (winter) time.

  • The data then needs to be copied (by which takes a couple of seconds to run) from the anonymous FTP incoming space (/afs/slac/public/incoming/) to a directory accessible (see above) for reading from the web CGI script that is called by wget from
  • is then scheduled to run at SLAC to copy the selected data from the accessible directory /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/hep/data/proxy/2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/ 

  • We want to standardize the time of the various cronjobs. 1:05am 05 am SLAC summer time is 15:05 in China, and 12:05 midnight SLAC standard (winter) localtime is also 15:05 in China.  Thus to catch the Chinese data both winter and summer time summertime California, we schedule the cron jobs at SLAC to run at just 01just 01:20am20 am.

The various jobs have to be synchronized:

  • The copying of data to the anonymous FTP server and moving from there to the PingER raw data archive needs to complete starts at 01:32 local time each night at SLAC
  • The data is copied from the MA to anonymous FTP incoming spaceat  thenproxyspace at  then, needs to be scheduled to copy the data from anonymous FTP directory to the directory accessible by the CGI script.
    • This also has to complete before is scheduled, 
    • takes < 5 seconds to execute. 
    • is therefore currently scheduled to run at01at 01:20amCalifornialocaltime
  • Once the move is completed by then can be scheduled to gather and save the selected data from the MAs in the PingER raw data archiveatarchive at:
    • ThisThis ( takes about 15 minutes.
    • is scheduled to run at01:32amlocaltimeat 01:32 am local time.
  • The analysis of the hourly data by needs to start after has completed. starts as a cron job at 55 minutes past 2 am local time at SLAC each morning. Theschedulinggof The scheduling of the jobs at SLAC is shown below:

    20 1 * * * /afs/slac/package/pinger/
    32 1 * * * /afs/slac/package/pinger/ > /afs/slac/g/www/www-iepm/pinger/slaconly/getdata.err
    55 2 * * * /afs/slac/package/pinger/analysis/ --date 1days #Takes 25:1410/20/2011(55mins 9/21/201170minutes 5/11/2018)


The analyzed data from is saved in files of the form below, the contents are described in PingER data flow at SLAC:


/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerreports/hep/<metric>/<metric>-<len>-<by>-<year>-<month>-<day>.txt.gz#len=100|1000, by=by-node|by-site.


This whole mechanism is also interesting since it could be extended and a step to providing support for the Android PingER project at Amity in Delhi, India which also needs a proxy.

Support for for debugging etc.

The CGI script provides remote access to PingER information at the MA. Besides providing access to the measured data, this also provides validation and debugging information (e.g. logging information from execution of, the pinger.xml configuration file, the version of running, the environment at the MA, etc). However, it is not possible to access the Beijing website (or a PingER Android) from outside. Thus we need a solution to provide access to the various information that provides for the MA. This includes (where for example:

  1. The pinger.xml file (e.g. http://2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/cgi-bin/ - item 5 below
  2. Error log from (e.g. http://2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/cgi-bin/ - missing below
  3. Progress log from (e.g. http://2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/cgi-bin/ - item  6 below
  4. Beacon.txt (e.g. http://2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/cgi-bin/ - item 1 below
  5. FAQ (e.g. - available locally at SLAC
  6. Web server configuration (e.g. http://2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/cgi-bin/ - missing below
  7. Help for the current version of being run at MA (e.g. http://2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3?help=1) - item 4 below
  8. PingER configuration (e.g. http://2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/cgi-bin/ - missing below
  9. Plus access to the actual data for a specified time range.

We address items 1 thru 8 by Beijing copying the files to anonymous incoming FTP at SLAC on a daily basis at the same time the actual data is copied. Thus the files (updated as of the previous night) would be available for review. Since Bejing has a copy of is used to access the files so they can be copied.

  • The FTP files are located in: /afs/slac/public/incoming/pinger/proxy/2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/web
  • The NFS files are located in: /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/hep/data/proxy/2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/web/

    Code Block
    [cottrell@pinger ~]$ ls -l /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata/hep/data/proxy/2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bd3/web
    total 288
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell iepm 16844 Sep 21 01:05 beacons.txt             #item 4 above
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell iepm 15101 Sep 21 01:05              #missing above, not needed
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell iepm 51968 Sep 21 01:05            #missing above, not needed
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell iepm 40625 Sep 21 01:05 pinger.xml              #item 1 above
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell iepm 63779 Sep 21 01:05              #item 7 above
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 cottrell iepm   924 Sep 21 01:05 pingerCronStat.stdout   #item 3 above

Extension to Android PingER

The Androids do not have a web server so using to remotely look at the information in the MNA is not going to work.  Thus we cannit use in the process to copy the relevant information to the proxy, so some new code would be needed to copy the files to the proxy. To simplify this we note below the locations of various files in the table below.

Purpose Primary location at MAAlternative URLNFS web/location at SLAC
List of beacons /usr/local/share/pinger/beacons.txt admin_func=beaconsbeacons
PingER configuration Generated by on demand admin_func=fileLogfileLog
httpd /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf admin_func=httpdhttpd /usr/local/share/pinger/ N/ /usr/local/share/pinger/ N/
pinger.xml /usr/local/share/pinger/pinger.xml admin_func=pinger.xmlpinger_xml error log /usr/local/share/pinger/pingerCronStat.stderr  admin_func=std_cron_errstd_cron_err execution log /usr/local/share/pinger/pingerCronStat.stdout admin_func=std_cron_outstd_cron_out



'* If an anonymous ftp server allows anonymous upload, and also world read access, it quickly becomes a haven for stolen software distribution
