Versions Compared


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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


The SLAC ATLAS group has developed an inclusive software package for producing flat ROOT ntuples from ATLAS Pool files, either ESD or AOD.

Structure and usage

 General structure

The package is divided into several independent algorithms, each of which is responsible for adding groups (or blocks) of data to the output ROOT TTree:

Current Versions

Compatible with release 15.4.0 (RECOMMENDED):


Changed with respect to JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-03-10

  • Added the possibilit to apply cell energy density weighting to standard calo towers
  • Removed deletion of pointers in extrapolateTrack()
  • Updated JVF section of RecoJetBlock to use the functionality of the JetVertexAssociationTool and the JetVertexFraction in release 15.4.0
  • Uncommented the line in the TRackBlock which prevents the usage of the track impact parameters
  • Added TrigVertex branches to the TriggerBlock for beamspot analysis
  • Protection against missing measuredPerigee() in TrackJetBlock

Compatible with release 15.3.0:


Changes from JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-03-08:

  • Some includes changed in order to compile in 00-03-10
  • b-tagging code in RecoJetBlock.cxx cleaned up and updated for 15.3.0 b-tagging changes

Known bugs:

  • Setting DoExtrapolation = True in the TrackBlock appears to cause a segmentation fault. Under investigation

Install the following packages on top of 15.3.0 in order for the ntuple maker to work. Check out all packages before building any of them.

  • To avoid a seg fault in the magnetic field tool
    • InDetTrackingGeometry-01-04-03 in InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetTrackingGeometry
    • TrkDetDescrSvc-00-14-07 in Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkDetDescrSvc
  • To avoid zeros in all TrackParticle parameters
    • TrkEventTPCnv-00-21-00-01 in Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventTPCnv
    • TrkEventAthenaPool-01-30-05 in Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventAthenaPool
    • TrackParticleTPCnv-00-02-01 in Reconstruction/TrackParticleTPCnv
    • TrackParticleAthenaPool-00-04-04 in Reconstruction/TrackParticleAthenaPool

Compatible with release 15.1.0:


After 15.0.0 there were changes in the L1 Calo jetEtSum computation and related tools that are not compatible with with releases <= 15.0.0

  • includes the L1 jet ET sum computation in the trigger block, there are two possibilites:
  1. extract the weights provided in the L1 xml configuration file (L1ET_JetEtSum)
  2. passing the corresponding weights directly through job options (L1ET_myJetEtSum)

Also includes the a block for track jets and job options to construct them.

00-03-08 includes commented-out JVF changes which will work in the next release (JVF branches do NOT work in 00-03-08), various bugfixes and naming convention updates, and updates to jet moment handling. 00-03-06 will still work if 00-03-08 gives problems for any reason. 00-03-07 does not compile in 15.1.0.

Compatible with release <= 15.0.0:

We'll try to keep notes on the current recommended version of the code here, close to the top, for reference.


  • Updated CaloCellESDBlock to include H1 information
  • Ignacio fixed EMTrackMatch for EoverPcalculation

Structure and usage

 General structure

The package is divided into several independent algorithms, each of which is responsible for adding groups (or blocks) of data to the output ROOT TTree:

  1. Calo-Tower Block
  2. Electron Block
  3. Photon Block
  4. MET Block
  5. Calo-Tower Block
  6. Electron Block
  7. Photon Block
  8. MET Block
  9. Muon Block
  10. Reco-Jet Block
  11. Topo-Cluster Block
  12. Track Block
  13. TrackJetBlock (>=15.1.0)
  14. Trigger Block
  15. Truth-Jet Block
  16. Truth-MET Block
  17. Truth Particle Block
  18. Truth Vertex Block
  19. Vertex Block


Note that the CMTCVSOFFSET is thus different and should be explicitly defined when checking in or out of this CVS location

No Format

cmt co -r JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-0002-1812 -o groups/slac JetTrackVertexAnalysis


Log in to lxplus.

No Format

phansson@phansson-laptop~/% ssh <nop>

Create the working directories.

No Format

phansson@lxplus253~/% mkdir work
phansson@lxplus253~/% mkdir work/jetmetbtag
phansson@lxplus253~/% mkdir work/jetmetbtag/mytest
phansson@lxplus253~/% cd work/jetmetbtag/mytest
phansson@lxplus253~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% mkdir 14.2.25


Source the CMT setup script.

No Format

 [phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source /afs/

Create an empty home requirements file.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% touch requirementsMore information on what the requirements file is doing can be found in AtlasLogin


Create analysis environment including the CMT setup scripts.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cmt config
Configuring environment for standalone package.
CMT version v1r20p20080222.
System is amd64_linux26work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cmt config
Creating setup scripts.
Creating cleanup scripts.

Setup your release (ask your closest expert which one to use).

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source -tag=14.2.25
#CMT> Warning: template <src_dir> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)
#CMT> Warning: template <files> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)

Detailed info on the the account setup steps can be found in the WorkBookSetAccount.

Check out and compile nTupleMaker from CVS using CMT

The checking of what tag to be used is not working, still investigating why.

What version of AnalysisExamples to use?

If your environment is setup for a particular release (like if you followed all above steps), use this command to see the tag for the release.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cmt show versions JetTrackVertexAnalysis

To get the tags for all releases use:


Configuring environment for standalone package.
CMT version v1r20p20080222.
System is amd64_linux26
Creating setup scripts.
Creating cleanup scripts.

Setup your release (ask your closest expert which one to use).

No Format
[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source -tag=14.2.25
#CMT> Warning: template <src_dir> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)
#CMT> Warning: template <files> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)

Detailed info on the the account setup steps can be found in the WorkBookSetAccount.

Check out and compile nTupleMaker from CVS using CMT

In this example the tag used is JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-02-04.

Check out the package.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cd 14.2.25

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% cmt co -r JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-02-0412 -o groups/slac JetTrackVertexAnalysis
# ================= working on package JetTrackVertexAnalysis version JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-02-0412 in /afs/
  # get top files
cvs update: Updating .
Creating setup scripts.
Creating cleanup scripts.
Installing the run directory

Setup the package in the analysis environment.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% source JetTrackVertexAnalysis/cmt/

Compile the package.

No Format

  [phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% cd JetTrackVertexAnalysis/cmt

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/JetTrackVertexAnalysis/cmt% make
#CMT---> all ok.


Log in to lxplus.

No Format

 [phansson@phansson-laptop]~/% ssh <nop>

Go directly to the working directory and setup the release.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source -tag=14.2.25
#CMT> Warning: template <src_dir> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)
#CMT> Warning: template <files> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)


Setup the JetTrackVertexAnalysis? package.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cd 14.2.25
[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% source JetTrackVertexAnalysis/cmt/
#CMT> Warning: template <src_dir> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)
#CMT> Warning: template <files> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)


FInd an AOD file that can be used. If you have access to pcphuat disks a file that should work with this example can be found here



Go to run directory:

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/JetTrackVertexAnalysis/cmt% cd ../run


In order to run the program, edit this file with your favorite text editor.

No Format
[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/JetTrackVertexAnalysis/run% cp ../share/ .
[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/JetTrackVertexAnalysis/run% emacs ../share/


  1. Change the input file:
    Code Block
    svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "/home/fizisist/work/data/WbbNp0_AOD_2K.pool.root" ]
    to (or the location of the AOD file that you are using)
    Code Block
    svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "/u1/phansson/data/WbbNp1.250evt.0skip.no_trig.AOD.pool.root" ]
  2. Change output directory of the resulting ROOT file that contains the common TTree
    Code Block
    OutputNtupleDir  = "/home/fizisist/work/data/""
    to (or wherever you want the ROOT file to end up)
    Code Block
    OutputNtupleDir  = "/afs/"
  3. (optional)Change name of the output ROOT file
    Code Block
    OutputNtupleName = "test_2K_fromAOD.root"
    Code Block
    OutputNtupleName = "your_file_name.root"

Run over the local file.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]\~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/JetTrackVertexAnalysis/run% athena ../share/

This should produce a root file named whatever you put in OutputNtupleName in the directory specified in OutputNtupleDir.

Note that the events may be large and thus choose your output directory accordingly. The number of events can be changed in by modifying the line

No Format

theApp.EvtMax = 10

Run the common nTupleMaker on the GRID using PANDA using a CERN lxplus account

This explains how to run the JetTrackVertexAnalysis? nTupleMaker on the GRID using PANDA.

Check-out and compile PANDA

Log in to lxplus.

  1. _2K_fromAOD.root"
    Code Block
    OutputNtupleName = "your_file_name.root"

Run over the local file.

No Format
[phansson@lxplus253]\~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/JetTrackVertexAnalysis/run% athena

This should produce a root file named whatever you put in OutputNtupleName in the directory specified in OutputNtupleDir.

Note that the events may be large and thus choose your output directory accordingly. The number of events can be changed in by modifying the line

No Format
theApp.EvtMax = 10

Run the common nTupleMaker on the GRID using PANDA using a CERN lxplus account

This explains how to run the JetTrackVertexAnalysis? nTupleMaker on the GRID using PANDA.

Initial fact-finding mission

It's probably good practice to know something about your dataset before you start an analysis. Go to AMI

and type in the name of the dataset, or the configuration tag used to produce it (e.g. e352_s462_r541).

Some of the information you'll want to know, which I am taking from mc08.105404.SU6_jimmy_susy.recon.AOD.e352_s462_r541 as an example is:

  • Geometry version used: e.g ATLAS-GEO-02-01-00
  • Events per file: Children Elements (right side) > event_range > details > nMaxEventPerFile = 250
  • Release used to produce the dataset: Transformation Package >
  • Job configuration at the simulation stage (e.g. if an offset beamspot is used): Production step > simul > JobConfig =


Log in to lxplus.

Follow the instructions here for setting up PANDA:

Go directly to the working directory and setup the release:

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source -tag=14.2.25
[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cd 14.2.25

Check-out the HEAD of PandaTools?.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cmt co PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools

Setup the package in the environment.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools/cmt/

Go to the cmt directory of the package and compile.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cd PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools/cmt/
[phansson@lxplus216]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools/cmt% make
#CMT---> all ok.


Go directly to the working directory and setup the release:

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source -tag=14.2.25

Set up the package in the environment

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools/cmt/


Set up your grid environment (note that there is no obligation to be in the working directory when setting up the grid environment).

No Format

[phansson@lxplus209]~/% source /afs/
[phansson@lxplus209]~/% voms-proxy-init -voms atlas
Cannot find file or dir: /afs/
Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /O=Grid/O=NorduGrid/ Hansson
Creating temporary proxy .................................. Done
Contacting [/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/] "atlas" Done
Creating proxy ............................... Done
Your proxy is valid until Tue Jan 13 23:28:24 2009

DQ2 is a good tool to find and browse datasets. To set this tool up use the following command.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus209]~/% source /afs/


Find a dataset that you want to run over. Note that this dataset have to be registered to the grid. In this example I use a Wbb sample.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus209]~/% dq2-ls 'user*David*Miller*WbbNp1*AOD*'

Go to the working directory and setup the release

No Format

[phansson@lxplus253]~/% cd work/jetmetbtag/mytest
[phansson@lxplus253]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% source -tag=14.2.25

Set up the JetTrackVertexAnalysis package in your environment.

No Format

[phansson@pcphuat27]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest% cd 14.2.25
[phansson@pcphuat27]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% source JetTrackVertexAnalysis/cmt/
#CMT> Warning: template <src_dir> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)
#CMT> Warning: template <files> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)

Setup Panda in your environmen.

No Format

[phansson@pcphuat27]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% source PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools/cmt/
#CMT> Warning: template <src_dir> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)
#CMT> Warning: template <files> not expected in pattern install_scripts (from TDAQCPolicy)


The panda job is sent by executing the pathena script which should now be found in the /InstallArea (at least the a link to it).

No Format

[phansson@pcphuat27]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% more InstallArea/share/bin/pathena

To see what parameters that can be used by the script.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus209]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% pathena --help

In order to help sending (multiple) jobs over (possibly) multiple datasets a simple python script is used. This file is located in the /share directory of the JetTrackVertexAnalysis package. Copy it to the /run directory and open with your text editor.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus209]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% cp JetTrackVertexAnalysis/share/ JetTrackVertexAnalysis/run/
[phansson@lxplus209]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% cd JetTrackVertexAnalysis/run
[phansson@lxplus209]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25% emacs

The main characteristics of this file is described below.


'user': the name of the user output dataset
'identifier': name that can be used to specify additional identifier in the output dataset
'inDS': list of datasets to run over
'options': parameters given to the pathena script (see pathena --help)
'job_options': the job_optionsfile to be used.

The script essentially loops over the datasets and submits the jobs with the given options. Notethat the first submission will create a "job library" containing the compiled code and your environment. This same library is registered automatically on the grid and can then be used in subsequent jobs by specifying

No Format

--libDs LAST

It is also possible to specify the exact name of a library as long as it is registered on the grid.

A good cross-check before executing the pathena script is to run the common nTupleMaker on one of the files in (at least) one of the datasets locally and make sure everything behaves as expected. It is also possible to run over only a few files with panda as a test before sending large jobs, this is possible by specifying in the option option

No Format

--libDssplit LAST1

to submit only 1 job. After editing the submission script with the dataset of your choice and (possibly) changing options, execute the script.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus209]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/JetTrackVertexAnalysis/run% python ../share/
pathena --nFilesPerJob 2 --individualOutDS --split 20 --outDS user09.PerHansson.default.user.DavidWilkinsMiller.misal1_mc12.0
06281.AlpgenJimmyWbbNp1.v12000605.no_trigger.AOD --inDS user.DavidWilkinsMiller.misal1_mc12.006281.AlpgenJimmyWbbNp1.v1200060
extracting run configuration
ConfigExtractor > Input=POOL
ConfigExtractor > Output=AANT AANTupleStream AANT
archive sources
archive InstallArea
check symbolic links
post sources/jobO
query files in dataset:user.DavidWilkinsMiller.misal1_mc12.006280.AlpgenJimmyWbbNp1.v12000605.no_trigger.AOD
 JobID  : 707
 Status : 0
  > build
  > run

Tip: If the dataset files are not found, one solution could be to locate the files with DQ2 and specify this site specifically in the pathena script.

No Format

[phansson@lxplus209]~/work/jetmetbtag/mytest/14.2.25/JetTrackVertexAnalysis/run% dq2-ls -r user.DavidWilkinsMiller.misal1_mc1

In this example the files are at SLACXRD and thus a site option  can be added to the pathena script options.

No Format


Details on analysis using Panda can be found at DAonPanda.


Jobs successfully finished will be registrered on the grid using the dataset given in the pathena script options. Datasets can be fetched using DQ2.


 Running from a local machine

 Running from the SLAC batch system

 Running from the CERN batch system

 Running from the GRID with PATHENA
