Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
  • creates an SConscript file in src subdirectory of each package based on use statements in requirements file:


  • The equivalent of our policy package patterns should be implemented as python functions in the top-level SConstruct file:
Code Block
#-*- python -*-
@brief Top-level SConstruct file for example checkout package build.

@author J. Chiang <>
# $Header: /nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs/users/jchiang/DeploySCons/SConstruct,v 1.7 2007/05/22 01:08:06 jchiang Exp $
import os, glob

baseDir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

if == 'nt':
    bindir = 'VC8debug'
    env['ENV']['TMP'] = os.environ['TMP']
elif == 'posix':
    bindir = 'rh9_gcc32'
#    bindir = 'rhel4_gcc34'

def srcFiles(path):
    query = '/usr/bin/find %s -name \*.c\* -print' % path
    files = [item.strip() for item in os.popen(query)
             if item.find('./test') == -1]
    query = '/usr/bin/find %s -name \*.h -print' % path
    hfiles = [item.strip() for item in os.popen(query)
              if item.find('./test') == -1]
    cpppaths = {}
    for item in hfiles:
        cpppaths[os.path.abspath(os.path.split(item)[0])] = 1
    return files, cpppaths.keys()

def packageSetup(package, env):
    packagedir = os.path.abspath('..')
    src_files, paths = srcFiles(os.curdir)
    cpppath = [packagedir]
    env.Append(CPPPATH=cpppath, CCFLAGS=['-g'])
    library = env.StaticLibrary(package, src_files)
    installdir = os.path.join(packagedir, bindir)
    env.Install(installdir, library)
    env.Alias(package, installdir)
    Export('package', 'packagedir', 'env', 'installdir')
    SConscript(os.path.join('test', 'SConstruct'))

def extlibEnv(package, version, libs=None):
    packageDir = os.path.join(os.environ['GLAST_EXT'], package, version)
    if libs is None:
        libs = [package]
    return Environment(CPPPATH=[os.path.join(packageDir, 'include')],
                       LIBPATH=[os.path.join(packageDir, 'lib')],

CLHEP = extlibEnv('CLHEP', '')
cfitsio = extlibEnv('cfitsio', 'v3006')
ROOT = extlibEnv('ROOT', os.path.join('v5.10.00', 'root'),
                 libs=['Core', 'Cint', 'Tree', 'Matrix', 'Physics',
                       'Graf', 'Graf3d', 'Gpad', 'Rint', 'Postscript',
                       'TreePlayer', 'Hist', 'pthread', 'm', 'dl'])
fftw = extlibEnv('fftw', '3.0.1')
pil = extlibEnv('pil', '2.0.1')
xerces = extlibEnv('xerces', '2.6.0')
cppunit = extlibEnv('cppunit', '1.10.2')

exports = ['bindir', 'packageSetup', 'cfitsio', 'CLHEP', 'ROOT', 
           'fftw', 'pil', 'xerces', 'cppunit']

def packageEnv(package, version):
    packageDir = os.path.join(baseDir, package, version)
    return Environment(CPPPATH=[os.path.join(packageDir)],
                       LIBPATH=[os.path.join(packageDir, bindir)],
                       LIBS=[package]), packageDir

packages = {'facilities' : 'v2r12p5',
            'tip' : 'v2r12',
            'astro' : 'v2r9',
            'st_stream' : 'v0r5',
            'hoops' : 'v0r4p5',
            'st_graph' : 'v1r7',
            'st_app' : 'v2'}

for package in packages:
    exec('%s, %sDir = packageEnv("%s", "%s")' % (package, package,
                                                 package, packages[package]))


for package in packages:    
    exec('SConscript(os.path.join(%sDir, "src", "SConscript"))' % package)


  • It would help if test programs had a standard name, test_<package>.cxx, and there was only one that lives in the src/test subdir.
  • At the end of the day, it's probably just easier to write SConscript files for each package by hand instead of parsing the requirments files and deploying them automatically. Compare astro's requirements file and the SCons equivalent.