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A Residual Gas Analyzer (RGA), otherwise known as a quadrupole mass analyzer (QMS), is a small mass spectrometer that operates under vacuum to measure which elements, and how much, are flying around in a vacuum chamber. 

            EV2-120-000FT Residual Gas AnalyzerImage Added

it reads out spectra like this:

 Image Added

The X-axis on an RGA spectrum represents (molecular mass)/(molecular charge)

example: Oxygen  generally has a mass of 16 AMU (isotopes exist, yielding +/- mass, in whole numbers). But, like most elements, oxygen is usually bonded with other atoms in molecules. Oxygen forms a paired gas, O2, with itself, O2 = 32 AMU. This molecule, like most molecules, generally has neutral charge (#protons=#electrons); but the RGA rips off electrons, Ionizing the molecules with charges of -1, -2, etc...

With that in mind let's reexamine the X-axis on an RGA spectra: (molecular mass)/(molecular charge).

The first ionization of O2 will yield a spectra peak at 32/1=32

the second ionization of O2 will yield a spectra peak at 32/2=16 (labeled in red above)

The Y-axis represents the partial pressure that a given (molecular mass)/(molecular charge) represents within the total pressure of the chamber. 

CHP - Quadrupole Mass SpectrometryImage Added

Video File: How RGAs work

Discussion: how RGAs work and how the data can be ambiguous. 

View file
namehow RGAs work.mp4

Future sections:

ionization continued


RGA hardware


faraday cup

electron multiplier



external resources:

CERN tutorial on interpretation of RGA spectra

Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Concepts

common naturally occurring isotopes and their percentages



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    1. Include goal of training module
  2. Capabilites Include list capabilities and/or skills that are being developed
    1. Skill 1
    2. Skill 2
    3. Skill 3


Subject Matter Experts - May help provide instruction and guidance for this Training Module

  1. SME #1 
    1. link to email address
    2. SLAC extension
  2. SME #2
    1. link to email address
    2. SLAC extension


Resource List

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  2. Resource #2 Description, include link
  3. Resource #3 Description, include link

Progress Matrix


Partially Trained


Fully Trained


Subject Matter Expert


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