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Code Block
java -jar <jar file> hps-java/steering-files/src/main/resources/org/hps/steering/analysis/SvtClusterPlots.lcsim -i <input recon file> -DoutputFile=<output file>


Warning: If you try to fit using the landau-Gaussian convolution (which is the correct way), you may have to manually adjust fitting ranges in the code or the fitting may get stuck. 


<output file base name>_sigtonoise.pdf - fitted signal to noise at each sensor and the most probable value at each sensor


35. module_L6t_halfmodule_stereo_slot_sensor0


For SVT NIM Paper


Cuts: For hits on track - 6-hit tracks, trackChi2 < 10, 0.85*ebeam < trackP < 1.15*ebeam, and trackOmega > 0

Cluster Amplitude 5772

Signal to Noise 5772Noise 5772

Hit Times 5772

Root File 5772