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October 25-27, 2017 at SLAC

HPS is busy preparing its first physics publication, continuing physics analyses
of its 2015 and 2016 data, starting work on both trigger and SVT upgrades for our next run,
upgrading vertexing and tracking code, and improving Monte Carlo generation.
We've just submitted our formal request for beam time for calendar 2018-2019. And
we're starting to explore searching for additional hidden sector physics targets. 

All of these topics will be discussed at this upcoming collaboration meeting, along with updates from
CEBAF12 and JLAB management on progress at the lab and the future running schedule,
and recent developments in hidden sector physics.

We look forward to seeing you at SLAC!


Social Activities


Stanford Guest House – Official workshop block at SLAC. There are 10 standard rooms reserved under the group code "HPS17".  The Guest House phone number is +1-650-926-2800.



Atherton Park Inn & Suites – Comfortable accommodations approx. 5 miles from SLAC: 
Red Cottage Inn (Menlo Park) - Smaller boutique property with swimming pool, approx. 4 miles from SLAC: 
 Comfort Inn Palo Alto – Budget Accommodations on El Camino: 
 Coronet Motel (Palo Alto) - budget motel-style accommodations, family owned, 4.5 miles from SLAC: 



The program of presentations is currently being organized and the schedule will be hosted available on the JLab indico site.

Note that access to this page has been set to "Restricted."

You will need to enter the access code which was sent to the all-HPS mailing list.

Dark Matter mini-Symposium

Dark Matter Co-annihilation at Colliders and Fixed Targets, Gordan Krnjaic

First LHCb A’ Results and Prospects,  Mike Williams

SeaQuest A’ Results and Plans, Sho Uemura

BDX Update, Marzio DeNapoli

LDMX, Philip Schuster

Dark Sectors at SeaQuest, Asher Berlin

Dining at SLAC

Things to Do

There are a number of possibilities for the free Wednesday afternoon and evening after the meeting:

... and San Francisco is only about 40 minutes away if you beat the afternoon rush!  Wondering what else is possible?  Ask Tim Nelson or another local for a suggestion!