Versions Compared


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Engineering Run

Pass-0:  December 24-29, 2014

  • run range:  3183-3461 (spreadsheet here)

  • hps-java release:  

    /home/hps/hps-group/hps_soft/hps-java/hps-distribution-3.1-SNAPSHOT-20141225-bin.jar (untagged)

  • steering file:  org.hps.steering.recon.EngineeringRun2014ECalRecon.lcsim
  • detector:   HPS-ECalCommissioning
  • recon lcio/mss/hallb/hps/engrun/pass0/recon/
  • DST:   /mss/hallb/hps/engrun/pass0/dst/

  • data quality root files:     /home/hps/hps-work/data/data_quality/pass0/dqm  
  • data quality summary*:  DQM-Averages-Pass0.datDQM-Averages-Pass0.root

  • ECal conditions tag:     "pass0"  (gains and pedestals only)


Collection NameCollection Type Description 
TriggerBankGenericObjectTrigger and SSP info (I think)
EcalReadoutHitsRawCalorimeterHitraw cellId/amplitude/timestamp of ECal hits
EcalCalHitsCalorimeterHit gain/pedestal corrected ECal hits
EcalClustersCluster clusters from simple clusterer (test run) 
EcalClustersICCluster clusters from IC clusterer
RejectedHitsCalorimeterHit hits that didn't get included in IC cluster
EcalClustersGTPCalorimeterHitclusters from GTPOnlineClusterer

*conversion between DQM summary .dat and .root files done with this script (pyROOT)


Pass-1:  February 14-, 2015

  • run range:  3183-3461 (spreadsheet here)

  • hps-java release:   /home/hps/hps-group/hps_soft/hps-java/hps-distribution-3.2-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar (Release equivalent to HPS Java 3.1.2)
  • steering file:  org.hps.steering.recon.EngineeringRun2014ECalRecon_Pass1.lcsim
  • detector:   HPS-ECalCommissioning-v2
  • recon lcio/mss/hallb/hps/engrun/pass1/recon/
  • DST:  /mss/hallb/hps/engrun/pass1/dst/

  • data quality root files:     /home/hps/hps-work/data/data_quality/pass1/dqm

  • ECal conditions tag:     "pass1"  (gains and pedestals only)


  • ECal changes relative to Pass0:

    • gains from improved cosmic analysis

    • new pedestals

      • running for FADC mode-7 data

      • current-dependence in database for modes 1 & 3 

    • time cuts on hit-seed coincidence in clustering

    • time-walk correction (for FADC modes 1 & mode 3) time cuts in clustering

    • top half of calorimeter shifted up by 3mm to reflect survey

Collection NameCollection TypeDescription
TriggerBankLCGenericObjectTI and SSP info
EcalReadoutHitsRawCalorimeterHitraw cellId/amplitude/timestamp of ECal hits
EcalCalHitsCalorimeterHitgain/pedestal corrected ECal hits
EcalReadoutExtraDataLCGenericObjectExtra data from ECal Mode-7
EcalExtraDataRelationsLCRelationLink between EcalReadoutHits and ExtraData
EcalClustersClusterRecon Clusterer
EcalClustersGTPClusterGTP Clusterer
