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Need to add Umar - Johari



Wajahat Hussain (SEECS)-, Saqib (GZHU)+; Johari (UNIMAS)?;  Adib (UUM)+; Fizi Jalil (MYREN);  Dr. Charnsak Srisawatsakul (Ubru)+, Les+, Bebo+(in UK 8hours ahead of Pacific Summer time), Umar+


? Individual emails sent

Actual Attendees

Wajahat, Saqib, Adib, Charnsak, Umar, Bebo, Les




Looking into moving PingER to a "blockchain" database good for decentralizing distribution of data. Monitoring sites would then be able to write to a distributed ledger. This would change the architecture to a more peer to peer architecture. It helps with continuity of PingER since reduces dependence on a single site (SLAC). See Block Chain in Future PingER Projects. Bebo sent several references to Saqib who has looked at them. We could start with real-time data without including the whole archive, i.e. in parallel to the continued centrally managed archive. It would be a private Blockchain and hence not be as compute intensive as a public blockchain.  Johari is also interested and will follow up with Bebo and Saqib.  Bebo's impression is that Saqib will lead in putting the ides in his paper into practice. Saqib will need some students.  Saqib's boss is going to the NY City meeting.

Thailand (Updated 6/3/2018)

For his IPv6 monitoring Charnsak is using ~ 100 IPv6 targets from Saqib. They are in the <HostList> of the Ubra PingER MA. It can be seen from It is still running smoothly.

Charnsak is looking at a host in Chan Parsa province in Laos as a potential site for a PingER MA. Charnsak just got approved to make contact with the Champasak University. He expects to set up the MA in the next 4-5 months. It also depends on the partner university. 

Charnsak would like to have write access to parts of the PingER Wiki site. Les investigated and it appears this can be done, even if Charsack does not have a SLAC account. Les sent Charnsak the relevant information after the previous meeting.  Charnsak filled out the form and submitted. However, it went to the wrong person for approval.  This has now been fixed and he should be able to move forward. Charnsak has tested and it is working.

UUM (Updated 6/7/2018)

Regarding the paper " Socioeconomic Development indices and their Reflection on Internet Performance in the ASEAN Countries ", Adib tried the Elsevier Telecommunications journal. They responded and Adib commented:


Adib will submit the paper to World Development

Unable We were unable to gather data from Adib thinks thehave a problem in their domain name. He. will follow up with uum computer center. 

Adib, Bebo, Les met with Southampton Web observatory person. There seemed to be enthusiasm. Adib was going to send some materials to Southampton. The person at Southampton gave us some links. Adib is in the early stages of exploring what web observatory data to link with such as business context indicators, social media and government sites. There was no update 3/29/2018, or 5/3/2018. Any update, should we stop tracking?

NUST: (Updated 5/3/2018))

It appears to have been fixed.

NUST: (Updated 5/3/2018))

The web page was not working, email sent to Wajahat 6/3/2018, it has been re-discovered and is working

No intern has joined Wajahat's Lab. So there is not

The web page was not working, email sent to Wajahat 6/3/2018, it has been re-discovered and is working

No intern has joined Wajahat's Lab. So there is not much progress.

Wajahat proposes to get a list of the new Universities in Pakistan and contact them encouraging them to participate in PingER and set up MA. They have made a list of new university sites, communications networks, Labs in different regions of Pakistan (especially the remote regions) and will make contact.

  • The list of new universities is ready. Just need resources to engage them. 
  • Unsure how this is affected by lack of interns.

Discussion items

There is an upcoming grant call for projects between Pakistan and the US. Topics may be focused on cybersecurity, health, and education. It has not been announced yet. Wajahat will get the details and share them with the team as soon as they are available. It is interesting since getting a US partner appears to be a roadblock for many potential Pakistani responders. However, the topics may not be very related to PingER. NUST is looking at applying to set up a cyber lab. Getting the funding will be in competition with other Pakistani Universities. For cyber the main things we could think of from PingER were: quantifying what fraction of hosts block pings, punching holes in firewalls to allow pings, how to misuse ping (e.g. ping-of-death, or using anomalous ping packets to deduce the OS etc. flood pings for DOS), the host can respond to ping but applications do not work.  Fear of misuse of pings can result in the system administrator, network administrator or cybersecurity blocking pings. A possibility might be a study of what fraction of say working www/dns etc. apps (i.e. checking if a host responds to the relevant port) do not respond to pings.  This could be by application, by country or by region etc.  Also how to protect a remote pinger traceroute or server from being used in DOS attacks. As of 3/27/2018 there is no call so far. There was one last year, so Wajahat is expecting one. Emailed Wajahar 6/3/2018 asking for update. He responded "There is no call yet. There was one last year. May be change in the US-Pak policy. Just a guess."

Discussion items

Wajahat is hoping to get few students to work on Master thesis related to pinger data. If possible kindly share ideas related to data analytics which he can share with students

  • Suggestions anyone?

 Wajahat also asked:

  •  “Has any work gone into to predicting the cause of failures(blackout, flood, coup (turkey)) using pinger data?”
  • Les> there have been several case studies looking at the impacts of failures, however nothing on predicting failures. I am not sure how one might use PinGER to predict the cause of a failure. For some cases (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, flood, coup), it is unclear to me how Network performance monitoring could add to other means of predicting the cause.
  • Wajahat's thinking is along the lines of "Regarding other sources, I was thinking, internet is the pulse of digital world. Other sources require additional setup that might not be a possibility in developing countries. Internet being a necessity and having other uses is still prevalent in these developing countries. Can it be used as a real time sensor."
  • Again I am forwarding the question in case others in the team may have some suggestions?
SLAC was unable to gather data from:

Wajahat is hoping to get few students to work on Master thesis related to pinger data. If possible kindly share ideas related to data analytics which he can share with students

  • Suggestions anyone?

 Wajahat also asked:

  •  “Has any work gone into to predicting the cause of failures(blackout, flood, coup (Turkey)) using pinger data?”
  • Les> there have been several case studies looking at the impacts of failures, however nothing on predicting failures. I am not sure how one might use PinGER to predict the cause of a failure. For some cases (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, flood, coup), it is unclear to me how Network performance monitoring could add to other means of predicting the cause.
  • Wajahat's thinking is along the lines of "Regarding other sources, I was thinking, internet is the pulse of digital world. Other sources require additional setup that might not be a possibility in developing countries. Internet being a necessity and having other uses is still prevalent in these developing countries. Can it be used as a real time sensor."
  • Again I am forwarding the question in case others in the team may have some suggestions?  Below are some responses:
    • Umar mentioned the use of dark fibre testing and monitoring for earthquakes. There was a recent paper.
    • The idea of raising alerts from anomalies gives rise to the need for 3 types of alerts: Informational; need action but not critical; severe, wake person up etc. 
    • Things to look at include changes in a metric (e.g. minimum RTT), route changes, loss of connectivity. Correlation with multiple metrics in particular significant route changes and changes in RTT. A requirement is to get few false positives, and false negatives and then triage. Also apply some hysteresis so do not get multiple alerts for the same event.
SLAC was unable to gather data from:
  • ( down since Nov 22/2017. Wajahat recommends continuing at least until the new student is up to speed (3/8/2018). No data available 3/24/2018.
  • last time we were able to gather any data was February 27th.
  • pings but can't gather data 8/11/2017 and 9/16/2017. Contacted. Pings but can't gather data
  • ( down since Nov 22/2017. Wajahat recommends continuing at least until the new student is up to speed (3/8/2018). No data available 3/24/2018.
  • last time we were able to gather any data was February 27th.
  • pings but can't gather data 8/11/2017 and 9/16/2017. Contacted. Pings but can't gather data 10/24/2017. They are in the process of restoring 1/17/2018. Still down February 28, 2018, await new student. (3/8/2018). No data 3/24/2018.
  • unable to gather data since 3/6/2018, also does not ping.
  • Wajahat says they will get these nodes up. These have been good nodes. They just need the weekly push. NUST will push them soon.


UAF/GHZU (Updated 5/5/2018))

    • It was a faulty network card which was replaced. It was an old machine (10 years old) and finding compatible network card was a bit of a problem

UAF/GHZU (Updated 5/5/2018))

Saqib submitted Saqib submitted the Camera ready paper on  “A Blockchain-based Decentralized Data Storage and Access Framework for PingER” and it has been accepted in Trustcom2018.


IPv6 node in Beijing is up and running for the last 7 weeks but not available from outside China. It does not appear possible to make the host accessible outside China. We are looking at alternates (e.g. using the anonymous FTP server at SLAC as a proxy) that may also be relevant for PingER on Android gathering of data.

Discussion item

Saqib sent an email to the team:


Maybe a few test experiments can guide us to a good research paper. I am not sure about the feasibility idea, therefore, need your kind feedback

Umar responded:

"This is an interesting idea. I would like to think about it a bit more thought before I respond at length.


Thank you for sharing the URLs. I will think about it a bit more and get back to you."

PingER at SLAC (Updated





Umar looking at extending the comparison IPv6 vs IPv4 ping RTTs and TCP vs ICMP/ping RTTs. See Towards Analysis of ICMP vs TCP Ping Latencies

  • See Towards Analysis of ICMP vs TCP Ping Latencies - Umar
    • IPv6 results gathered using script. They are yet to be analyzed

      • Tests complete in less than a day; not many IPv6 addresses

      • About 56 nodes with IPv6 addresses, 14 of which responded with Npings

      • We essentially have a 14-point data set
    • IPv4 results gathered from SLAC. (Repeating Virginia Tech experiments.)
      • Complete batch may be downloaded here (approx. 24 MB)
      • Skimmed results; findings are pretty much the same as before
      • Identified relevant events in the network stack that highlight timing (_RECVFROM, _RECVMSG, _IP_RECV, _NETIF_RX etc.). Looking for instrumentation that enables us to measure timestamps. We also need to figure out how to determine whether ICMP & TCP traffic are treated differently? and then how to measure the difference?
        • perf-tools allows us to measure transport events
        • If we could assume that the path for ICMP & TCP through the network is the same, then the only difference between two (controlled) tests would be the time spent in the transport layers. This can be measured using perftools. 
        • However, such measurements must be made in a controlled environment where ICMP and TCP are treated the same. (I say so because some results — e.g., in East Asia and South Asia — clearly show that ICMP performs much worse than TCP.)
      • We would also need to cater for cross traffic and queuing delays. Given how small the differences are, one may argue that the variations in measurements are due to cross traffic. Perhaps we should start with controlled tests and then see if real world measurements reflect similar behavior.
    • We need to setup a test environment. We can either setup a bare-metal box or use a VM. 
      • I will see if I can arrange for a bare-metal box.

PingER IPV6 support

  • Les added an item to the form to enable the ability to select IPv4 or IPv6 measurements or both.

Meeting with Amazon Web Services

  • Dr Ali Khayam (ex NUST) is now at Amazon.  He has a colleague at Amazon (Awais Nemet) who heads the External Network Services group for AWS. Awais is kicking off many projects in the Internet monitoring space and Ali recommended that Awais talks to Les to learn about the experiences of operating Pinger and leveraging the data that Pinger generated.  Les updated the PingER front page at  so he could walk Awais through PingERthem. If you have suggestions for example better logos at the bottom of or other links, please let Les know.


HostStatelast seenStatus downNov 29, 2017 ( DownNov 22nd, 2017 27, 2018 6, 2018 
pinger2.if.ufrj.brFlaky, down since 4/28/2018, and out of disk space, pinger.xml truncated, emaile, sent email 4/28/2017, they are looking at itApril 4/28/2018Fixed 5/26/2018.
pingeramity.inIt is partially working. Now working on missing beacons.txt file and missing data (i.e data disappears a few hours after it is measured and saved at MA). Also it is unable to access 27, 2018

Unable to gather data since 5/26/2018. Unable to ping. Sent email to Adib 6/1/2018.May 26/2018. 
netmon.physics.carleton.caUnable to gather data, host is pingable, emailed contact 6/4/2018. Fixed 6/6/2018.June 1st, 2018 

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Thursday, July 5th 9pm Pacific time; Friday, July 6th, 2018  9:00am Pakistan time; 12:00noon Malaysian & Guangzhou time; and 11am Thailand time.


    • Looked into Traffic Differentiation - Rate Limiting vs. Traffic Prioritization (QoS)
    • IPv6 results gathered using script. About 56 nodes with IPv6 addresses, 14 of which responded with Npings

    • IPv4 results gathered from SLAC and Virginia Tech
      • SLAC's batch may be downloaded here (approx. 24 MB)
      • Skimmed results; findings are pretty much the same as before
  • Pending
    • Identified relevant events in the network stack that highlight timing (_RECVFROM, _RECVMSG, _IP_RECV, _NETIF_RX etc.). Looking for instrumentation that enables us to measure timestamps. We also need to figure out how to determine whether ICMP & TCP traffic are treated differently? and then how to measure the difference?
      • perf-tools allows us to measure transport events
      • If we could assume that the path for ICMP & TCP through the network is the same, then the only difference between two (controlled) tests would be the time spent in the transport layers. This can be measured using perftools. 
      • However, such measurements must be made in a controlled environment where ICMP and TCP are treated the same. (I say so because some results — e.g., in East Asia and South Asia — clearly show that ICMP performs much worse than TCP.)
    • We would also need to cater for cross traffic and queuing delays. Given how small the differences are, one may argue that the variations in measurements are due to cross traffic. Perhaps we should start with controlled tests and then see if real world measurements reflect similar behavior.
    • We need to setup a test environment. We can either setup a bare-metal box or use a VM. 
      • I will see if I can arrange for a bare-metal box.

PingER IPV6 support

  • Les added an item to the form to enable the ability to select IPv4 or IPv6 measurements or both.

Meeting with Amazon Web Services

  • Dr Ali Khayam (ex NUST) is now at Amazon.  He has a colleague at Amazon (Awais Nemet) who heads the External Network Services group for AWS. Awais is kicking off many projects in the Internet monitoring space and Ali recommended that Awais talks to Les to learn about the experiences of operating Pinger and leveraging the data that Pinger generated.  Les updated the PingER front page at  so he could walk Awais through PingER. 


HostStatelast seenStatus downNov 29, 2017 ( DownNov 22nd, 2017 27, 2018 6, 2018 
pinger2.if.ufrj.brFlaky, down since 4/28/2018, and out of disk space, pinger.xml truncated, emaile, sent email 4/28/2017, they are looking at itApril 4/28/2018Fixed 5/26/2018.
pingeramity.inIt is partially working. Now working on missing beacons.txt file and missing data (i.e data disappears a few hours after it is measured and saved at MA). Also it is unable to access 27, 2018

Unable to gather data since 5/26/2018. Unable to ping. Sent email to Adib 6/1/2018. Appears to be working again 6/6/2018May 26/2018. 
netmon.physics.carleton.caUnable to gather data, host is pingable, emailed contact 6/4/2018. Fixed 6/6/2018.June 1st, 2018 
pinger.unimas.myUnable to gather since Feb 26, 2018, Disabled in April 2018. Working again 6/6/2018, re-enabledFeb 26, 2018Working again.

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Thursday, July 5th 9pm Pacific time; Friday, July 6th, 2018  9:00am Pakistan time; 12:00noon Malaysian & Guangzhou time; and 11am Thailand time.


Old information

NUST (moved here 6/29/2018)

There is an upcoming grant call for projects between Pakistan and the US. Topics may be focused on cybersecurity, health, and education. It has not been announced yet. Wajahat will get the details and share them with the team as soon as they are available. It is interesting since getting a US partner appears to be a roadblock for many potential Pakistani responders. However, the topics may not be very related to PingER. NUST is looking at applying to set up a cyber lab. Getting the funding will be in competition with other Pakistani Universities. For cyber the main things we could think of from PingER were: quantifying what fraction of hosts block pings, punching holes in firewalls to allow pings, how to misuse ping (e.g. ping-of-death, or using anomalous ping packets to deduce the OS etc. flood pings for DOS), the host can respond to ping but applications do not work.  Fear of misuse of pings can result in the system administrator, network administrator or cybersecurity blocking pings. A possibility might be a study of what fraction of say working www/dns etc. apps (i.e. checking if a host responds to the relevant port) do not respond to pings.  This could be by application, by country or by region etc.  Also how to protect a remote pinger traceroute or server from being used in DOS attacks. As of 3/27/2018 there is no call so far. There was one last year, so Wajahat is expecting one. Emailed Wajahar 6/3/2018 asking for update. He responded "There is no call yet. There was one last year. May be change in the US-Pak policy. Just a guess."

UUM (moved here 6/29/2018)

Adib, Bebo, Les met with Southampton Web observatory person. There seemed to be enthusiasm. Adib was going to send some materials to Southampton. The person at Southampton gave us some links. Adib is in the early stages of exploring what web observatory data to link with such as business context indicators, social media and government sites. There was no update 3/29/2018, or 5/3/2018.

GZHU (moved here 3/8/2018)
