Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
cd /my/work/dir
svngit checkoutclone svnhttps://svngithub.freehep.orgcom/hpsJeffersonLab/java/trunk hps-java-trunk.git
cd hps-java-trunk
mvn install -DskipTests
java -jar distribution/target/hps-distribution-[VERSION]-bin.jar

Replace [VERSION] with the actual release that was built.

The last command will check that the distribution was installed correctly.


Before beginning the installation process, you will want to have available the following tools on your machine first.

Unix (optional)

Being Java software, the project is cross-platform and should run on Linux, OSX and Windows. 

The setup instructions assume a Unix-like environment using the bash shell. 

Windows users should be able to execute the equivalent commands on their system to perform the installation successfully.


The software is currently compatible with Java versions 1.7 8 and greater.  It will not currently build with Java 1.6 7 or other earlier versions.  You need to download the "Java Platform (JDK)" and not just the JRE.  It should work with Java 1.8 releases.

The bundle for your system should be downloaded from the Java SE downloads site.  Then you need to follow the setup instructions listed there.


No Format
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/jdk
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

#for example on rhel6-64 machine @ slac:
export JAVA_HOME=/afs/slac/package/java/amd64_linux/jdk1.8.0_101/
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

This will make sure that the shell can find the Java commands such as java and javac that will be needed for the installation.


No Format
[$] javac -version
javac 1.78.0_17101

If this command prints "command not found", the current PATH variable probably does not contain the Java bin directory or the location was set incorrectly.

titleJava on OSX - DEPRECATED

On OSX, the Java configuration found by Maven can sometimes conflict with what is shown by the 'java -version' from the command line.  In particular, the Java version that comes bundled with the operating system might be 1.6 when a 1.7 JDK is required to build HPS software.

In order to fix this, setup the JAVA_HOME variable as follows:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7)

Of course, a valid Java 1.7 JDK installation must be present for this to work. You can get the latest version from here.

Simply install the DMG file as normal, and then setting up your environment as above should configure your machine successfully for Maven usage.


If this command does not work, then you should check that the PATH variable is set correctly.



titleSubversion Git on your system

Subversion Git is a common tool on Unix systems, and it is likely already installed for you to use.  If not, then check with your system administrator about installing it.

Subversion Git is the source control system system used to obtain the source code from a remote server.  You will need the Subversion Git client tool in order to checkout the HPS Java code.Subversion should not be compiled from source code.  It is probably best to either have your local administrator install it if it is not present already, or you can use your package manager (like yum on Redhat systems).

This is an example of using your package manage to do thisinstall git, assuming it is not already present.

No Format
sudo yum install subversiongit

Windows users can install the TortoiseSVN tool, but its usage is not covered in these instructions.The Subversion client is a complex command line tool with many sub-commands and options.  You may want to study detailed documentation such as The SVN Book in order to familiarize yourself with itmay also want to install a graphical client such as TortoiseGit.

Build Instructions

Obtaining the Source Code

First, you are going to want to create some kind of work directory so that everything can be kept organized.

No Format
mkdir /work/hps
cd /work/hps

You will now use the svn git command to checkout the trunk"master", or main development branch, of the HPS Java Project.

No Format
svngit checkoutclone svnhttps://svngithub.freehep.orgcom/hpsJeffersonLab/java/trunk hps-java-trunk.git

This may take awhile as the source code is downloaded from the server.

Now you can cd into hps-java-trunk to execute build commands.

Building the


Maven Project

From the hps_-java-trunk directory, you can execute the following command to build the project.


Especially the first time this is done, it may take quite a long time to bootstrap Maven and download all jar dependencies.

Maven downloads a lot of jar dependencies by default into your home directory The directory containing the Maven jar cache (or repository) is by default in ~/.m2/repo but if you do not have space there this repository but can be changed using a flagcommand line option or user setting.

Code Block
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/path/to/my/repo

At JLab, you might want to use a directory on the work disk for the repo so your home directory does not get filled up.



a Maven Module

The list of available modules is available from the Project Modules Webpage on the HPS Java site generated by Maven.


For instance, this command will build the tracking reconstruction module.

No Format
cd hps-java-trunk/tracking
mvn -DskipTests

This will install that module's jar into your local Maven repository.  In order to include these changes in the distribution jar, you also need to build the distribution module, also.

No Format
cd hps-java-trunk/distribution

Checkstyle Errors

When introducing local changes, you may get error messages like "You have 2 Checkstyle violations." and the build will fail.

There are currently two checkstyle rules which run with the build, so you will need to determine which is relevant by reading the full error messages.

Firstly, tabs are disallowed completely in all Java code.  

An error message like this will show if you have tabs in one of your files.

No Format
[ERROR] src/main/java/org/hps/job/[29,1] (whitespace) FileTabCharacter: File contains tab characters (this is the first instance).
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.17:check (default) on project hps-job: You have 1 Checkstyle violation. -> [Help 1]

You can fix up your source code by using the Source > Format command in Eclipse, or you may prefer to use a command line Unix tool like expand to fix these issues.

Secondly, you are disallowed from committing Java files that have unused imports.

Error messages such as the following will print to the console if unused imports exist in one of your files.

No Format
[ERROR] src/main/java/org/hps/job/[14,8] (imports) UnusedImports: Unused import - org.apache.bcel.Constants.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.17:check (default) on project hps-job: You have 1 Checkstyle violation. -> [Help 1]

Unused imports will be underlined with a yellow line in Eclipse and can be removed by using Source > Organize Imports which will strip them out.


There are two types of tests in the HPS Java project: unit tests and integration tests.  

Unit tests will run by default if not excluded in the project's pom.xml file and if not disabled with the -DskipTests flag to Maven.  These tests typically cover a single class in the project and run quickly.

A specific test can be run from its submodule using a command like the following.

Code Block
cd hps-java/conditions; mvn test -Dtest=DatabaseConditionsManagerTest

Integration tests cover multiple classes or packages and may take several minutes or more to run.

All the integration tests are in the integration-tests module and can be run as follows.

Code Block
cd hps-java/integration-tests; mvn verify

The integration tests can also be activated individually.

Code Block
cd hps-java/integration-tests; mvn -Dit.test=ReconSteeringTest verify

When developing, you will typically want to check periodically that relevant integration tests pass.

Integrated Test Output

The integration tests run the full reconstruction, plus simple analysis modules. These produce histograms, which are then compared to a set of reference histograms. Any differences cause the tests to fail, requiring human intervention to decide whether the changes are acceptable. In that case the reference histograms will be updated to reflect the new state of the reconstruction/analysis.

Running the Distribution Jar

The primary tool produced by the installation is a standalone, runnable jar file that can be used along with XML steering files to run reconstruction or analysis jobs.

In order to test the installation, you may execute a command such as the following, where VERSION is replaced by your actual version from the last successful build.


The Maven tool will also install this file into your local repository.  This

Here is an example of running the bin jar from your its location in the local repository directory.

No Format
java -jar ~/.m2/repository/org/hps/hps-distribution/3.0.3-SNAPSHOT/hps-distribution-3.0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar

The output of these commands will be something like this.

No Format
java -jar lcsim-bin.jar [options] steeringFile.xml
 -D    Define a variable with form [name]=[value]
 -b    Run in headless mode in which plots will not be shown.
 -i    Add an LCIO input file to process
 -n    Set the max number of events to process
 -p    Load a properties file containing variable definitions
 -q    Turn on quiet mode
 -r    Use a steering resource rather than a file
 -s    Set the number of events to skip
 -v    Turn on verbose mode
 -w    Rewrite the XML file with variables resolved
 -x    Perform a dry run which does not process events

Actually running steering files using this tool is covered elsewhere.

Congratulations!  You now have a working local installation of HPS Java.


Running HPS Java
describes in much greater detail how to run various command line tools in HPS Java using the distribution jar.

Using Distribution Jars from Nexus

As an alternative to the above instructions for building the software locally, you may also download and run the a distribution jars jar from a the Nexus repository.

This search URL will show all the available versions list of releases of the distribution jar that can be downloaded.

You can also get the latest version from Nexus at;quick~hps-distribution

Now you can   Select the version that you are interested in and simply click on the "bin jar" link for the distribution version you want to download, save it to your machine, and run it using the previous instructions.

Subversion Credentials

HPS Java is publicly accessible as a read only download from the server.  But valid credentials must be supplied in order to commit your local source code changes to the repository.

titleRequesting a Subversion Account

In order to request a username and password for the Subversion repository, please email <hps-software AT> indicating your full name, desired username, and institutional affiliation.

To commit changes, the username and password must be supplied, or the command will fail:

No Format
svn commit --username [username] --password [password] -m "commit message goes here" the/file/to/commit

After the username and password have been supplied once, they can be cached automatically in the directory ~/.subversion if you select 'Y' when prompted whether to store them (unencrypted unfortunately!).  Then these two arguments can be omitted from subsequent commit commands.

Resolving Maven Dependencies

Maven is able to resolve project dependencies by downloading jar files from remote repositories.  In order to do this, it must know about the locations of these jars, or local builds can fail with errors about missing dependencies.

This should not be a problem when building the entire trunk  But errors may occur when building individual modules, if the parent POM has not already been installed locally beforehand.

There are several different ways to resolve these kinds of issues, and generally only one will be needed:

  1. Install the entire set of modules locally by building the trunk.
  2. Checkout and build the parent module at svn:// which contains the remote repository locations.
  3. Add the remote repository to your global Maven settings file.

The third option entails adding the remote repository information to a local settings file that will apply to all your local Maven builds.

In order to do this, the following XML can be put into the file ~/.m2/settings.xml which you should create if it does not exist already:

You may also directly download a jar using (rather ugly) URLs like this which should work in tools like wget.

When using wget you need to enclose the URL in quotes.

Code Block
wget "http
No Format
<?xml version="1.0"?>
                    <name>org.lcsim Maven Repository</name>
</settings>org/hps/hps-distribution/4.4-SNAPSHOT/hps-distribution-4.4-20190612.032534-24-bin.jar" -O hps-distribution-4.4-bin.jar

The above example command will save the latest 4.4 distribution jar as the file hps-distribution-4.4-bin.jar in the current directoryThe above configuration will allow Maven to check the repository used by HPS whenever it looks for dependencies during a build.