Versions Compared


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Technical details about XTCAV analysis can be found in the LCLS1 documentation here: XTCAV Documentation.  Since the scripts there have been ported to psana2 much of what is written there is relevant for psana2.  Here we try to describe requirements that are different for the LCLS2 case.


Required low-rate epics variables.  Note that OTRS:DMPS:695 refers to the sxr-xtcav camera (see entries in files like /cds/group/pcds/dist/pds/tmo/misc/epicsArch_xtcav.txt)

  • ROI_SIZE_X_names  = ['XTCAV_ROI_sizeX',  'ROI_X_Length', 'OTRS:DMPS:695:SizeX_RBV']
  • ROI_SIZE_Y_names  = ['XTCAV_ROI_sizeY',  'ROI_Y_Length', 'OTRS:DMPS:695:SizeY_RBV']
  • ROI_START_X_names = ['XTCAV_ROI_startX', 'ROI_X_Offset', 'OTRS:DMPS:695:MinX_RBV']
  • ROI_START_Y_names = ['XTCAV_ROI_startY', 'ROI_Y_Offset', 'OTRS:DMPS:695:MinY_RBV']
  • UM_PER_PIX_names     = ['XTCAV_calib_umPerPx','OTRS:DMPS:695:RESOLUTION']
  • STR_STRENGTH_names   = ['XTCAV_strength_par_S','Streak_Strength','OTRS:DMPS:695:TCAL_X']
  • RF_AMP_CALIB_names   = ['XTCAV_Amp_Des_calib_MV','XTCAV_Cal_Amp','SIOC:SYS0:ML05:AO214']
  • RF_PHASE_CALIB_names = ['XTCAV_Phas_Des_calib_deg','XTCAV_Cal_Phase','SIOC:SYS0:ML05:AO215']
  • DUMP_E_names         = ['XTCAV_Beam_energy_dump_GeV','Dump_Energy','REFS:DMPS:400:EDES']
  • DUMP_DISP_names      = ['XTCAV_calib_disp_posToEnergy','Dump_Disp','SIOC:SYS0:ML05:AO216']


A practice dataset appears to be tmoacr019 run 4 (dark) and run 5 (lasing off).  Run 6 is might be lasing on, but I'm not certain.  This data has been made public in s3df with the permission of PI Alberto Lutman.