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Include the flag --compile-debug

Building Interactively

Running SCons can be a slow process, especially as it initialIy reads in all the files.  Instead of invoking scons normally you invoke it with a --interactive option. This makes scons read all the files (the slow part) once and then you can issue build commands quickly. Here's the command line I used to test it:
/afs/slac/g/glast/applications/SCons/1.2.0/bin/scons --with-GLAST-EXT=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/tiger-i386-32bit --compile-debug --interactive
< goes through the regular checking external libraries here...>
after a while it'll give you an SCons prompt:
You can type in help to get a list of commands. It's fairly self explanatory.

Ignoring errors

By default SCons will stop compilation after the first error it encounters. Since the first error is most likely not in a package of interest, one can tell SCons to continue building after it encounters an error. To do this you append the -i option to the SCons command.

Specific Examples

Test Drive Building ScienceTools 09-10-00 with SCons

Test Drive Building GlastRelease 15-49-00 with SCons

stag Command Line Tagger