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This file contains a monthly snapshot of the project status and is updated as part of the monthly project update process. The first row of this file is an automatically updated line, contain the raw status information form the project files as well as the TID ID actuals files.  It is very important that you do not later alter the column order of this file!

At the request of the Division Director the PM must look at the incoming actuals, update their project files in order to reconcile the monthly and total actuals with the reported actual cost and copy the raw tile to the appropriate month row for the project status. The PM will then provide a short note explaining the project status as well as a mitigation strategy for high risk projects.

To copy/update the monthly status, select all columns except for the "Status Month" in the "Current Raw Data" row, right clock click and select "Copy". Select the same range of boxes on the appropriate month line, right click and choose "Paste Special", make sure the "Values" field is selected and click "Ok". This will copy the current values into the appropriate month, preserving the snapshot for that month.


This field contains the update date for the incoming actuals file. This can be used to determine how up to date the actuals information is.

Total Funds From Finance

This field contains the total allocated funds for this project.

Monthly Actuals From Finance


This field contains the total charges to date on this project up to the previous month.

Total Budget

This field contains the incoming Total Budgeted Cost from the project  file. 

Remaining Funds


This field contains computes the remaining funds on in the project given the current total actuals.


Earned Value

This field can be used to adjust for known errors in the incoming total actuals number for know misalignment. This field should be only used in approved situations.


contains the incoming earned value from the project  file. 

Planned Earned Value

This field contains the incoming reported cost planned earned value from the project budget file. This number needs to match the "Total Actuals From Finance" fieldproject  file


Cost Variance

This field contains the budget cost variance (how over budget is the project) value from the project budget file. 

Budget Variance With Contingency

This field contains the budget variance value, with contingency applied, from the project budget file. 




This is the cost performance index. CPI = Earned Value / Actual Cost

Schedule Variance

This field contains the duration variance (how late is the project) value from the project budget project  file. 

Duration Variance With Contingency

This field contains the duration variance value, with contingency applied, from the project budget file. 

Reporting Variance

This field contains the difference between the actuals total amount and the reported cost from the budget file. This value must be as close to zero as possible.

Tracking Risk


This is the schedule performance index. SPI = Earned Value / Planned Earned ValueThis field contains the tracking risk score based upon the value in the "Reporting Variance" field. This is generated automatically based upon a formula and may be overridden on each month's status line with pre-approval of the Division Director. 

Budget Risk

This field contains the budget risk score based upon the value in the "Budget VarianceCPI" field. This is generated automatically based upon a formula and may be overridden on each month's status line with pre-approval of the Division Director. 


This field contains the schedule risk score based upon the value in the "Duration VarianceSPI" field. This is generated automatically based upon a formula and may be overridden on each month's status line with pre-approval of the Division Director. 
