Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


This issue is to address the src/type vs type/src hierarchy. Here is some text from the parent issue (PSAS-101):
* Our hierarchy requires users to go through a potentially long list of Type names before they get to the data.
**    These typenames come from the C++ code and can be complicated.
**    Users are generally more familiar with sources, and in particular the DAQ aliases for the sources, these are currently not in our hierarchy.
* CalibCycle is not intuitive, and misleading for XPP due to when calibration data is created. They would like to call them CalibCycles steps.

Current Schema

Here is an example of the current schema

document is for developing a new schema for LCLS Hdf5 files. The schema defines how the data is layed out in the hdf5 files, and the user interface to that data. There are two main parts to the schema,

  • group hierarchy - the names the user works through to navigate to the data
  • data types in datasets  - the actual datatypes used in the datasets, this includes the names for all the subfields in compound data types (that look like C struct's in the data)

Presently we are only proposing changes to the group hierarchy. Issues we wish to address in the current schema

  • Presently our hierarchy requires users to go through a potentially long list of Type names before they get to the data. These typenames come from the C++ code and can be complicated.
  • Users are generally more familiar with sources, and in particular the DAQ aliases for the sources, these are currently not in our hierarchy.
  • CalibCycle is not intuitive, and misleading for XPP due to when calibration data is created. They would like to call them CalibCycles steps.

There are several other things that seem good to do as well. These have been listed below. A few alternatives were considered that are discussed below.

Initially, this schema could sit alongside the current schema and use softlinks to the actual data. This would not brake anybodies code. However two schemas that do the same thing adds confusion, so I am interested in developing something robust enough that we could use to replace the current schema. The below schema should be readable by frameworks as well as users browsing hdf5 files. We do not want to do schema changes that brake peoples code unless necessary. If we are going to change the schema, we would like to cover all the issues we can all at once. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel to use confluence to add comments to the bottom of the document, add to the document, or email me at

Current Schema

Here is an example of the current schema. Click on the box to expand the schema.

Code Block
*** DAQ configure
Code Block
*** DAQ configure
/Configure:0000/Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/Attenuator_transmission {Soft Link}
/Configure:0000/Lusi::IpmFexConfigV2/XppEnds_Ipm0 Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/Attenuator_transmission {Soft Link}
*** Run/CalibCycle

/Configure:0000/Run:0000/CalibCycle:0000/Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/Attenuator_transmission {Soft Link}
*** CalibStore

List of Schema Changes

Here are changes to make:

  1. We don't need to number Configure:0000 and Run:0000
    1. we only translate one run per file.
    2. Lets make a root group called Data. Main groups:



  2. Make a new group for Configure Data
    1. Now, we have




      why not put all Config data, TypeA, TypeB in one place?


      /Data/Config   this in turn will have TypeA and TypeB as children


  3. Put Epics in its own group and remove Epics Source name with Arch from Schema

    1. /Data/EpicsConfig



  4. Invert Type/Src relationship

    1. /Data/Config/SrcA/TypeA



  5. Use DAQ aliases when possible.





  6. Translator option for a alias.
    Sometimes inverting type/src makes it harder to find data. An example is timetool data. It will be attached to a source like opal_1, but the user may not know this. They will be looking for timetool data and now they have to go through all the sources, for all the ipimb's, etc. The . The thought is to allow the user to specify a one group alias name for a src/type combination. So, while the hdf5 file has
    we'll also create
    /Data/Run/Step:0000/TimeToolData       {Soft Link to}   /Data/Run/Step:0000/opal_1/TimeToolData

  7. Use type aliases in place of full C++ type names with version

    1. Basically, we will eliminate the V* and the :: from the typenames

    2. see section below for all aliases

  8. Use Step:000x rather than CalibCycle:000x

  9. separate config and epics in steps

    1. /Data/Run/Step:0000/Config


  10. Psana Module Keystrings treated like types

    1. if a module does


      then we translate


List of Type Aliases

There are three classes of types in use - DAQ, CalibStore, and user - from the event store


Below is a list of Type Aliases for Daq types. For the most part, this alias is remove version and the :: a few exceptions are notated with a - character. Click on the box to see all the type aliases.

Code Block
   AcqirisTdcConfig            Acqiris::TdcConfigV1
   AcqirisTdcData              Acqiris::TdcDataV1
   AcqirisConfig               Acqiris::ConfigV1
   AcqirisDataDesc             Acqiris::DataDescV1 
   AliasConfig                 Alias::ConfigV1                         
   AndorConfig                 Andor::ConfigV1
   AndorFrame                  Andor::FrameV1
   ArraycharData               Arraychar::DataV1
   ControlDataConfig           ControlData::ConfigV{1,2,3}
   CsPadConfig                 CsPad::ConfigV{1-5}
-  CsPadElement                CsPad::DataV{1,2} 
   CsPad2x2Config              CsPad2x2::ConfigV{1,2}
   CsPad2x2Element             CsPad2x2::ElementV1
   DiodeFexConfig              Lusi::DiodeFexConfigV{1,2}
   DiodeFex                    Lusi::DiodeFexV1
-  BldDataEBeam                Bld::BldDataEBeamV{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
   EncoderConfig               Encoder::ConfigV{1,2}
   EncoderData                 Encoder::DataV{1,2}
   EpicsConfig                 Epics::ConfigV1
   EpixConfig                  Epix::ConfigV1
   EpixElement                 Epix::ElementV{1,2}
   Epix100aConfig              Epix::Config100aV1
   Epix10kConfig               Epix::Config10KV1
   EpixSamplerConfig           EpixSampler::ConfigV1
   EpixSamplerElement          EpixSampler::ElementV1
   EvrConfig                   EvrData::ConfigV{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
   EvrData                     EvrData::DataV{3,4}  # I don't know why we don't have DataV1 or 2 in the ddl?
   EvrIOConfig                 EvrData::IOConfigV{1,2}
   EvrSrcConfig                EvrData::SrcConfigV1
-  BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy      Bld::BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy, Bld::BldDataFEEGasDetEnergyV1
   FccdConfig                  FCCD::FccdConfigV{1,2}
   FliConfig                   Fli::ConfigV1
   FliFrame                    Fli::FrameV1
   CameraFrame                 Camera::FrameV1
   CameraFrameFccdConfig       Camera::FrameFccdConfigV1
   CameraFrameFexConfig        Camera::FrameFexConfigV1
   BldDataGMD                  Bld::BldDataGMDV{0,1,2}
   GenericPgpConfig            GenericPgp::ConfigV1
   Gsc16aiConfig               Gsc16ai::ConfigV1
   Gcs16aiData                 Gsc16ai::DataV1
   ImpConfig                   Imp::ConfigV1
   ImpElement                  Imp::ElementV1
   IpimbConfig                 Ipimb::ConfigV{1,2}
   IpimbData                   Ipimb::DataV{1,2}
   IpmFexConfig                Lusi::IpmFexConfigV{1,2}
   IpmFex                      Lusi::IpmFexV1
   L3TConfig                   L3T::ConfigV1
   L3TData                     L3T::DataV1, L3T::DataV2
   OceanOpticsConfig           OceanOptics::ConfigV{1,2}
   OceanOpticsData             OceanOptics::DataV{1,2,3}
   Opal1kConfig                Opal1k::ConfigV1
   OrcaConfig                  Orca::ConfigV1
   PartitionConfig             Partition::ConfigV1
   BldDataPhaseCavity          Bld::BldDataPhaseCavity
   PimImageConfig              Lusi::PimImageConfigV1
   PimaxConfig                 Pimax::ConfigV1
   PimaxFrame                  Pimax::FrameV1
   PrincetonConfig             Princeton::ConfigV{1,2,3,4,5}
   PrincetonFrame              Princeton::FrameV{1,2}
   PrincetonInfo               Princeton::InfoV1
   QuartzConfig                Quartz::ConfigV{1,2}
   RayonixConfig               Rayonix::ConfigV{1,2}
-  BldDataAcqADC               Bld::BldDataAcqADCV1    # shared type 
-  BldDataIpimb                Bld::BldDataIpimbV{0,1} # shared type
-  BldDataPim                  Bld::BldDataPimV1       # shared type
   BldDataSpectrometer         Bld::BldDataSpectrometerV{0,1}
   PulnixTM6740Config          Pulnix::TM6740ConfigV{1,2}
   TimeToolConfig              TimeTool::ConfigV{1,2}
   TimeToolData                TimeTool::DataV{1,2}
   TimepixConfig               Timepix::ConfigV{1,2,3}
   TimepixData                 Timepix::DataV{1,2}
   CameraTwoDGaussian          Camera::TwoDGaussianV1
   UsdUsbConfig                UsdUsb::ConfigV1
   UsdUsbData                  UsdUsb::DataV1
   PNCCDConfig                 PNCCD::ConfigV{1,2}
-  PNCCDFrames                 PNCCD::FramesV1    # the DAQ sends PNCCD::FrameV1. psana intercepts this and
                                                  # creates both FullFrameV1 and FramesV1 from it. We will only translate FramesV1
                                                  # note - we used to call this PNCCD::FrameV1 in the translation

Note, the shared types should not show up in the translation. Psana breaks them upper-processes them and puts the sub types in the event.

Calib Store

We also need to introduce simpler type names for the calibStore types:


This is not a complete list, calib store types are not in the DDL

User Types

This refers to types the Translator finds in the Event that other Psana modules place there. Per the schema change "Use event key strings like types" we will not be using a type, just the key string - so no alias is required. If for some reason a user adds an ndarray or string to the event without a keystring, then we'll use the below aliases:

ndarray       will be an alias for all of these: ndarray<T,R>, ndarray<const T,R> as well as the special vlen versions of these ndarrays that the Translator understands
string          std::string


There are a few alternatives I was thinking about

Remove the Types

Removing the types is complicated because there can be several types associated with one source. If one puts all the datasets associated with the different types into one group, the issue is name collisions for datasets with the same name (like standard dataset names like 'data' or 'config' or 'image').  Moreover the different types may have different _damage or _mask datasets. More important for users is different time datasets that affect alignment, but another project is to align the 'DAQ readout groups' which means all types from each source will be aligned.

Smaller and fewer Type Aliases

Just use one alias for both config and data. For example:


The drawback is a higher risk of a name collision (see problems below). For instance if there is both config and regular event data occurring during the event, then the Translator will try to put them in the same group. When it fails, it will have to make a messy name to distinguish them.

A new Group for EventData

Since I there is a Config group, it seems like a good idea , it seems natural to group the non-config datahave a group for EventData, i.e:

/Data/Run/Step:0000/Config/UsdUsbConfig        # the config data
/Data/Run/Step:0000/EventData/UsdUsbData     # the event data


However maybe some will find this new group gets in the way.

Just starting with a Run group

Trying to have Have the hierarchy start here

/Run/Step:0000/Config/srcAlias/UsdUsbConfig        # the config data
/Run/Step:0000/srcAlias/UsdUsbData                     # the event data

The drawback is that this is not how the xtc data is formed. In xtc files, the beginRun transition is preceded by the Configure transition. Collapsing the information from both transitions into a Run group is probably reasonable, but makes it more awkward to recover information that belonged to one xtc transition and not the other (users generally don't care about this, but it when psana reads hdf5 it is importanta framework like psana does),


Group Name Collisions

A group name collision occurs when the Translator has already made a group for one kind of data, when all of a sudden another kind of data comes along with the same name.

Presently, there should not be a collision. If one happens, it is treated as a fatal error.

All the They don't happen because currently there is a near 1-1 mapping between the psana event keys from which the Translator gets the data, to the group names. This mapping uses the distinct pairs of C++ type names are distinct, and all the DAQ sources map to distinct stringsand  DAQ source names in the event keys.

That means one can always add a new TypeName parallel to the list of existing typenamesType without colliding with existing types, as long as the Translator uses a fully qualified C++ typename for the group name.

Likewise for DAQ sources - but we currently do simplify some of these, in particular the messy sources that have a distinct ipaddress in them from each stream.

An example of a collision would be

  • Daq Alias called noSrc
  • user does evt.put(myndarray,'mykey')

The Translator already uses the string noSrc for user data without a source - collision.


  1. Rename the first, then the users gets the original messy names CsPad::ElementV1 and CsPadElementV2. However if reading while writing ever works, this seems very problematic. What if you started reading from a group that got renames? I don't like it.
  2. So making  a new name for the second - CsPadElement_01 - this seems more reasonable.

Document Attributes

With corner cases like that, users may find they need to know exactly what type they are dealing with. This will be stored in hdf5 attributes to the groups.

Programmatic Interface

The programmatic interface to the new schema is more difficult - without using exact information in the attributes, that is just basing your code on the group names, some Issues

  1. When you read the group
    you don't know if you are reading a V3 or a V4. If it is V4, there will be two datasets (data and present) but for V3 there will only be 1.
    1. In general, the full type information must be discovered by looking at the types in the datasets, as well as the number of datasets.
  2. Another place where you might like to use full names, is looping over sources by the id. Suppose the experiment has the four sources
    XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.0, XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.1, XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.2 and XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.3
    but the have been aliased to cspad2x2_front, cspad2x2_left, cspad2x2_right, cspad_2x2_back.

So I think it important to have the full source and typename available in the group attributes.

Could DAQ Aliases be Confusing?

For example, if there are mistakes in the aliases, or suppose just one of several similar sources is aliases, then a user browsing the hdf5 would see

  1. renamed?
  2. So making  a new name for the second - CsPadElement_01 - this seems more reasonable.

Document Attributes

With corner cases like that, users, and frameworks, may find they need to know exactly what type they are dealing with. This will be stored in hdf5 attributes to the groups (Exactly how to extract this information will be documents for users and framework writers).

Programmatic Interface

The programmatic interface to the new schema is more difficult - without using exact information in the attributes, that is just basing your code on the group names, some Issues

  1. When you read the group
    you don't know if you are reading a V3 or a V4. If it is V4, there will be two datasets (data and present) but for V3 there will only be 1.
    1. In general, the full type information must be discovered by looking at the types in the datasets, as well as the number of datasets.
  2. Another place where you might like to use full names, is looping over sources by the id. Suppose the experiment has the four sources
    XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.0, XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.1, XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.2 and XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.3
    but the have been aliased to cspad2x2_front, cspad2x2_left, cspad2x2_right, cspad_2x2_back.
  3. You need to know the DAQ aliases to find the data. This may make things more difficult for a framework. Another idea is to write a separate group with the full DAQ source name, and have the DAQ alias be a soft link to this group.

So I think it important to have the full source and typename available in the group attributes.

Could DAQ Aliases be Confusing?

For example, if there are mistakes in the aliases, or suppose just one of several similar sources is aliases, then a user browsing the hdf5 would see

/Data/Config/evr0/Evr                            daq alias
/Data/Config/NoDetector.0:Evr.1/Evr      no alias

Is Src/Type ever more confusing than Type/Src?

If DAQ aliases are not used for all sources, there can be a number of technical looking source names that show up. For instance


New Schema

This is what the new schema might look like.

Lets say the user has specified two shortcuts

Opal_1/TimeToolConfig -> MyTimeToolConfig
Opal_1/TimeToolData -> MyTimeToolData

and calibrated data is translated.  And they are translating ndarrays and strings from psana modules that output during BeginRun, BeginCalibCycle, EndCalibCycle and EndRun, as well as during regular events.


Code Block
titlenew schema
NEW                                     |    WHERE IT WAS IN OLD SCHEMA OR NOTES
/Data/EpicsConfig/BEAM:LCLS:ELEC:Q               /Configure:0000/Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/BEAM:LCLS:ELEC:Q
/Data/EpicsConfig/Attenuator_transmission        /Configure:0000/Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/Attenuator_transmission
/Data/Config/Control                             * a standard source name, not an alias *
/Data/Config/Control/AliasConfig                 /Configure:0000/Alias::ConfigV1/Control 
/Data/Config/Control/ControlDataConfig           /Configure:0000/ControlData::ConfigV3/Control 
/Data/Config/Control/EvrIOConfig                 /Configure:0000/EvrData::IOConfigV2/Control
/Data/Config/Control/PartitionConfig             /Configure:0000/Partition::ConfigV1/Control 
/Data/Config/EBeam                               * a standard source name, not an alias *
/Data/Config/EBeam/BldDataEBeam                  /Configure:0000/Bld::BldDataEBeamV7/EBeam 
/Data/Config/Opal_1                              * this is a Daq Alias for XppEndstation.0:Opal1000.1 *
/Data/Config/Opal_1/TimeToolConfig               /Configure:0000/TimeTool::ConfigV2/XppEndstation.0:Opal1000.1     
/Data/Config/Opal_1/FrameFexConfig               /Configure:0000/Camera::FrameFexConfigV1/XppEndstation.0:Opal1000.1
/Data/Config/Opal_1/Opal1kConfig                 /Configure:0000/Opal1k::ConfigV1/XppEndstation.0:Opal1000.1 
/Data/Config/cs140_0                             * also an alias *
/Data/Config/cs140_0/CsPad2x2Config              /Configure:0000/CsPad2x2::ConfigV2/XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.0 
/Data/Config/evr0                                * alias *
/Data/Config/evr0/EvrConfig                      /Configure:0000/EvrData::ConfigV7/NoDetector.0:Evr.0
/Data/Config/evr1                                * alias *
/Data/Config/evr1/EvrConfig                      /Configure:0000/EvrData::ConfigV7/NoDetector.0:Evr.1
/Data/Config/MyTimeToolConfig                    * special alias from user, soft link to Opal_1/TimeToolConfig
/Data/Config/NH2-SB1-IPM-01/IpimbConfig          /Configure:0000/Ipimb::ConfigV2/NH2-SB1-IPM-01 
/Data/Config/NH2-SB1-IPM-01/IpmFexConfig         /Configure:0000/Lusi::IpmFexConfigV2/NH2-SB1-IPM-01 
/Data/Config/XppEnds_Ipm0/IpimbConfig            /Configure:0000/Ipimb::ConfigV2/XppEnds_Ipm0 
/Data/Config/XppEnds_Ipm0/IpmFexConfig           /Configure:0000/Lusi::IpmFexConfigV2/XppEnds_Ipm0 
/Data/Config/Event/L3TConfig                     /Configure:0000/L3T::ConfigV1/Event 

/Data/Run/Config/noSrc/mykey                      # if a user did configStore().put(myndarray, 'mykey') during beginrun
/Data/Run/Config/Opal_1/mykey                     # likewise, if a user did configStore().put(mystring, psana.Source('Opal_1'),'mykey')

/Data/Run/EndData/noSrc/summary                   # if a user did configStore().put(myndarray, 'summary') during endrun
/Data/Run/EndData/Opal_1/summary                  # if a user did configStore().put(myndarray, 'summary') during endrun
/Data/Run/Step:0000                               /Configure:0000/Run:0000/CalibCycle:0000
/Data/Run/Step:0000/Config/noSrc/myKeyString       # if user adding something to configStore during begincalibcycle
/Data/Run/Step:0000/MyTimeToolData                {soft link to above}
/Data/Run/Step:0000/cs140_0/radialIntegration     # a user module ndarray attached to a source
/Data/Run/Step:0000/noSrc/mykey                   # a user module ndarray not attached to a source


same as before, but invert type/source, and use DAQ aliases 


Here is some feedback I have gotten.

Keep hiearchy close to EventKeys

Simplifying the hiearchy too much could be confusing, keeping closer to what one sees with psana EventKeys is helpful

Original Sources are Useful

Just having the DAQ aliases may not be good, One could put both the DAQ alias and native source in the name, or have them side by side, one a link, or keep aliases separate from original native source names, in different groups.

compound types vs. Basic Types

Use basic types in place of compound types.

Flattened Input

A tool to gather up, and event build the particluar data a user is intereted in. This may be a few fields from EBeam, a particular EPICS PV, links to camera images.


 /Data/Config/evr0/Evr                            daq alias
/Data/Config/NoDetector.0:Evr.1/Evr      no alias