Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Run for alignment

  • cxi80410-r0628



pair: S1 S2 dS1 dS2 L1 L2 dL1 dL2 <dS/L> angle(deg)

Quad 0
pair: 0 20898 20907 -212 -203 43541 43540 105 104 -0.00477 -0.27305
pair: 1 20912 20911 27 26 43545 43529 0 -16 0.00030 0.01711
pair: 2 20914 20912 -265 -263 43546 43546 -125 -125 -0.00606 -0.34736
pair: 3 20904 20898 -65 -59 43544 43540 -26 -30 -0.00142 -0.08158
pair: 4 20902 20909 -121 -114 43536 43545 52 61 -0.00270 -0.15462
pair: 5 20904 20926 -105 -83 43540 43548 41 49 -0.00216 -0.12369
pair: 6 20912 20910 69 71 43538 43539 32 33 0.00161 0.09212
pair: 7 20908 20908 299 299 43543 43547 139 143 0.00687 0.39342

Quad 1
pair: 0 20898 20896 109 107 43531 43529 -58 -60 0.00248 0.14215
pair: 1 20901 20883 12 -6 43549 43540 12 3 0.00007 0.00395
pair: 2 20904 20895 98 107 43543 43542 49 48 0.00235 0.13488
pair: 3 20916 20908 88 96 43546 43538 48 40 0.00211 0.12106
pair: 4 21379 21371 90 82 43919 43907 -30 -42 0.00196 0.11221
pair: 5 21372 21377 82 87 43911 43918 -46 -39 0.00192 0.11025
pair: 6 20900 20911 -3 -14 43541 43542 0 1 -0.00016 -0.00921
pair: 7 20906 20906 48 48 43540 43542 18 20 0.00110 0.06316

Quad 2
pair: 0 21374 21376 -254 -252 43915 43916 121 122 -0.00576 -0.33008
pair: 1 21375 21336 21 -18 43906 43920 9 23 0.00003 0.00196
pair: 2 21386 21020 -310 56 43915 43374 -145 -686 -0.00288 -0.16524
pair: 3 21378 21376 -434 -432 43908 43908 -202 -202 -0.00986 -0.56502
pair: 4 20911 20906 -334 -339 43543 43536 170 163 -0.00773 -0.44282
pair: 5 20907 20906 -301 -302 43534 43543 140 149 -0.00692 -0.39677
pair: 6 21374 21359 -145 -130 42994 42871 60 -63 -0.00320 -0.18349
pair: 7 21370 21368 -170 -168 43222 43064 80 -78 -0.00392 -0.22444



Original table from optical measurement:

We calculate
S1 - 1st short side of 2x1
S2 - 2nd short side of 2x1
L1 - 1st long side of 2x1
L2 - 2nd long side of 2x1

dS and dL are the deviations of the 1st and 2nd corner along the short and long sides, respectively. The sign of all dS are chosen in order to provide correct sign for the tilt angle (the same direction for all 2x1 sensors).

Everything, excluding <dS/L> and angle(deg), are in micrometers.

Code Block

pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)

Quad  0
pair: 0   20898   20907    -212    -203     43541   43540     105     104   -0.00477   -0.27305
pair: 1   20912   20911      27      26     43545   43529       0     -16    0.00030    0.01711
pair: 2   20914   20912    -265    -263     43546   43546    -125    -125   -0.00606   -0.34736
pair: 3   20904   20898     -65     -59     43544   43540     -26     -30   -0.00142   -0.08158
pair: 4   20902   20909    -121    -114     43536   43545      52      61   -0.00270   -0.15462
pair: 5   20904   20926    -105     -83     43540   43548      41      49   -0.00216   -0.12369
pair: 6   20912   20910      69      71     43538   43539      32      33    0.00161    0.09212
pair: 7   20908   20908     299     299     43543   43547     139     143    0.00687    0.39342

Quad  1
pair: 0   20898   20896     109     107     43531   43529     -58     -60    0.00248    0.14215
pair: 1   20901   20883      12      -6     43549   43540      12       3    0.00007    0.00395
pair: 2   20904   20895      98     107     43543   43542      49      48    0.00235    0.13488
pair: 3   20916   20908      88      96     43546   43538      48      40    0.00211    0.12106
pair: 4   21379   21371      90      82     43919   43907     -30     -42    0.00196    0.11221
pair: 5   21372   21377      82      87     43911   43918     -46     -39    0.00192    0.11025
pair: 6   20900   20911      -3     -14     43541   43542       0       1   -0.00016   -0.00921
pair: 7   20906   20906      48      48     43540   43542      18      20    0.00110    0.06316

Quad  2
pair: 0   21374   21376    -254    -252     43915   43916     121     122   -0.00576   -0.33008
pair: 1   21375   21336      21     -18     43906   43920       9      23    0.00003    0.00196
pair: 2   21386   21020    -310      56     43915   43374    -145    -686   -0.00288   -0.16524
pair: 3   21378   21376    -434    -432     43908   43908    -202    -202   -0.00986   -0.56502
pair: 4   20911   20906    -334    -339     43543   43536     170     163   -0.00773   -0.44282
pair: 5   20907   20906    -301    -302     43534   43543     140     149   -0.00692   -0.39677
pair: 6   21374   21359    -145    -130     42994   42871      60     -63   -0.00320   -0.18349
pair: 7   21370   21368    -170    -168     43222   43064      80     -78   -0.00392   -0.22444

Quad  3
pair: 0   20910   20897    -260    -273     43539   43531     130     122   -0.00612   -0.35074
pair: 1   20902   20858      23     -21     43554   43539      21       6    0.00002    0.00131
pair: 2   20906   20907     -11     -12     43541   43538      -6      -9   -0.00026   -0.01513
pair: 3   20904   20909      32      27     43544   43538      19      13    0.00068    0.03882
pair: 4       0       0       0       0         0       0       0       0    0.00000    0.00000
pair: 5   20897   20909     257     269     43539   43540    -127    -126    0.00604    0.34609
pair: 6       0       0       0       0         0       0       0       0    0.00000    0.00000
pair: 7   20909   20917      71      63     43541   43544      35      38    0.00154    0.08816

Sensor center X and Y coordinates (in pixel) from optical measurement (after run 3)

Code Block
        self.pairXInQaud = [[ 198.59,  198.04,  310.42,   98.22,  629.25,  630.01,  712.11,  499.91],
                            [ 198.40,  198.13,  310.55,   97.68,  626.40,  626.59,  710.49,  498.15],
                            [ 200.58,  199.79,  314.91,  103.43,  631.36,  633.34,  714.25,  501.44],
                            [ 198.89,  198.18,  310.75,   98.13,  630.00,  629.41,  710.00,  499.99]] # 4,6 (630,710) were not measured

        self.pairYInQaud = [[ 308.00,   95.24,  626.85,  627.63,  517.84,  730.54,  200.79,  200.22],
                            [ 308.35,   95.09,  626.15,  626.58,  513.07,  725.86,  200.67,  200.57],
                            [ 309.62,   97.24,  622.35,  625.76,  513.46,  725.96,  199.78,  199.76],
                            [ 307.80,   95.08,  628.38,  628.43,  515.00,  730.70,  200.00,  202.96]] # 4,6 (515,200) were not measured

        self.pairZInQaud = [[   0.37,    0.15,    0.52,    0.62,    0.39,    0.55,    0.24,    0.18],
                            [   2.16,    1.08,    4.14,    3.51,    4.61,    5.68,    3.35,    2.63],
                            [   0.28,    0.20,    0.50,    0.65,    0.39,    0.56,    0.30,    0.27],
                            [   0.37,    0.30,    0.47,    0.25,    0.00,    1.06,    0.00,    0.85]]

Additional manual offset (in pixel)

Code Block
                            #   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
        self.dXInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0],
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,  -1,   0,   0,   0],
                            [   0,   0,  -1,  -1,   0,   0,   0,   0],
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]] # 4,6 (630,710) were not measured

        self.dYInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,-0.5,   0],
                            [   0,   0,   0, 0.5,  -1,   0,   0,   1],
                            [   1,   0,   1,  -2,   0,   0,  -5,  -4],
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  -1,   0,  -2]] # 4,6 (515,200) were not measured

Sensor nominal rotation angle (dergee)

Code Block
        self.pairInQaudOrient = [ [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180] ]

Sensor tilt angle (dergee) from optical measurement

Code Block
        self.dPhi = [ [-0.27305, 0.01711,-0.34736,-0.08158,-0.15462,-0.12369, 0.09212, 0.39342],
                      [ 0.14215, 0.00395, 0.13488, 0.12106, 0.11221, 0.11025,-0.00921, 0.06316],
                      [-0.33008, 0.00196,-0.16524,-0.56502,-0.44282,-0.39677,-0.18349,-0.22444],
                      [-0.35074, 0.00131,-0.01513, 0.03882, 0.00000, 0.34609, 0.00000, 0.08816] ]

Quad nominal rotation angle (dergee)

self.quadInDetOrient = 180, 90, 0, 270

Quad corner X and Y coordinates (in pixel)

off = 30
gapX = 0
gapY = 0
shiftX = 18
shiftY = 18
