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If the user wanted to work across multiple machines, the virtual machine appliance could be installed on each one and all that would have to be moved are the relevant scripts and data between the systems.

Demo virtual machine

Version 1

I've uploaded a demo virtual machine to u35.  The linux path to the files is /nfs/farm/g/glast/u35/VM/SL5_32-bit-09-24-00.tar.bz2.  It can be accessed via the web at .  The file is 1.4 GB comressed and expands to about 4.8 GB when uncompressed.  The virtual machine has the following characteristics:


  • Root password on the VM is stroot
  • the username is STuser
  • the user passowrd is stuser
  • In this particular incarnation, the GLAST_EXT environment variable is not set automatically, users will have to set it manually using 'export GLAST_EXT="$HOME/GLAST_EXT"' on the command line or adding it to their .bashrc file the first time they log in.  This will be fixed in the next one.
  • Science Tools are installed in $HOME/ST/
  • The Guest Additions (a feature of VirtualBox) that allows the sharing of folders between the guest and host OS's hasn't been installed yet.  As such, this machine was really just a test to see if it could be easily setup and have the Science Tools installed and to see if they actually worked.  (This will be fixed in the next one).
  • I didn't do any updates to the base OS after installation.  It is entirely possible there are updates available.
  • I didnt' try to trim any excess from the base OS installation.  This was more a proof of concept than an actuall implementation.  I suspect there is a bunch of things  (OpenOffice among others) that could be trimmed to make the distribution size smaller.

Version 2

I've make a new version and uploaded it to u35.  The linux path to the files is */nfs/farm/g/glast/u35/VM/*ST_SL5_64b_09-24-00.tar.bzip2.  It can be accessed via the web at .  The file is 1.3 GB comressed and expands to about 4.6 GB when uncompressed.  The virtual machine has the following characteristics:

  • Built with VirtualBox (v4.1.0 r73009)
  • Guest OS:  Scientific Linux 5.6 64-bit version (Scientific Linux is a RedHat Enterprise Linux clone, SL5==RHEL5 with a different branding)
  • Configured Memory:  768MB
  • Configured disk:  8GB (1.5GB to swap, rest to OS)
  • Installed ScienceTool version:  09-24-00


  • Root password on the VM is stroot
  • the username is STuser
  • the user passowrd is stuser
  • In this particular incarnation, the GLAST_EXT environment variable has set in the .bashrc file and is in the environment.
  • Science Tools are installed in $HOME/ST/
  • The Guest Additions (a feature of VirtualBox) is installed
  • Base OS fully updated after installation.
  • I did trim out a few thing (like OpenOffice and the games) but it didn't do much to the file size.
  • Installed the extFiles which the installer doesn't do by default.
  • Set the $CALDB variable to point to the correct point in the directory tree.
  • Didn't do anything to fix the corrupted numpy installation that Toby reported.

Try it and and provide feedback.


What OS configurations do we want/need?  Personally I (Tom S) propose that we only provide the VM for a single OS, preferably the most recent Redhat OS we are supporting (currently RHEL 5).  However, I (Tom S) don't have access to actual RHEL install media so I'd have to use a clone (namely Scientific Linux) but they are effectively the same thing.


Building the ST appliance

The basic plan would be to have a virtual machine with a bare-bones OS installation.  This would get updated as needed for OS patches but for the most part would be fairly static.

When a new build of ST was ready to be deployed, we make a copy of the base OS VM, and in the clone install the new ST version, update anything that needed to be changed and deploy this updated version.

This would give us a consistant starting point for all the ST installations and also save time by not having to reinstall the OS each time we did a new distribution.

Things to be done to create the release image:

1) Clone base OS image

2) Install ST version

3) Add bin directory to path

4) Add CALDB variable to point to the correct place

5) Install extFiles directory in GLAST_EXTMore to come