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This section will guide you trough the steps necessary to perform simple analysis in a C++ analysis framework (psana). For more detailed description of psana consult Psana User Manual - Old.

User modules in psana are the instances of the C++ class which must inherit from a special base class psana::Module. There are several methods in the base class which can be overriden in the subclass (event() must always be implemented):

  • void beginJob(Event& evt, Env& env)
  • void beginRun(Event& evt, Env& env)
  • void beginCalibCycle(Event& evt, Env& env)
  • void event(Event& evt, Env& env)
  • void endCalibCycle(Event& evt, Env& env)
  • void endRun(Event& evt, Env& env)
  • void endJob(Event& evt, Env& env)

To start with the doing analysis one should have user release setup first as explained in Packages and Releases. If you have not done it yet create a package for your analysis with some unique name:


Code Block

#include "psana/Module.h"

namespace my_ana_pkg {

class my_ana_mod : public Module {

  my_ana_mod (const std::string& name) ;

  virtual ~my_ana_mod () ;

  virtual void event(Event& evt, Env& env);

Code Block
#include "my_ana_pkg/my_ana_mod.h"

#include "MsgLogger/MsgLogger.h"
#include "PSEvt/EventId.h"
#include "psddl_psana/bld.ddl.h"

// This declares this class as psana module
using namespace my_ana_pkg;

namespace my_ana_pkg {

my_ana_mod::my_ana_mod (const std::string& name)
  : Module(name)

my_ana_mod::~my_ana_mod ()

my_ana_mod::event(Event& evt, Env& env)
  // get event time
  PSTime::Time evtTime;
  boost::shared_ptr<PSEvt::EventId> eventId = evt.get();
  if (eventId.get()) {
    evtTime = eventId->time();

  // get beam data
  boost::shared_ptr<Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeam> ebeam = evt.get(Source());
  if (ebeam.get()) {
    MsgLog(name(), info, "time: " << evtTime << ", charge: " << ebeam->ebeamCharge() << 
            ", energy: " << ebeam->ebeamL3Energy());


After you finished editing your module build everything in the release:

Code Block


To run this analysis start pyana giving it module name and input files:

Code Block

psana -m my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo14110/xtc/e43-r0100-s0*

which should produce output similar to this:

Code Block

[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] time: 2010-07-31 20:05:30.043360843-07, charge: 0.233403, energy: 4393.24
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] time: 2010-07-31 20:05:30.093381914-07, charge: 0.248759, energy: 4380.69
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] time: 2010-07-31 20:05:30.143398446-07, charge: 0.243547, energy: 4384.99
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] time: 2010-07-31 20:05:30.193412744-07, charge: 0.249897, energy: 4393.3
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] time: 2010-07-31 20:05:30.243427879-07, charge: 0.248667, energy: 4389.08
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] time: 2010-07-31 20:05:30.293446716-07, charge: 0.245666, energy: 4392.14
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] time: 2010-07-31 20:05:30.343468975-07, charge: 0.251093, energy: 4389.05
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] time: 2010-07-31 20:05:30.393488859-07, charge: 0.253302, energy: 4389.31

This is probably the simplest module that you can create and it does not use any interesting features such as module parameters. Here is an example of slightly more advanced module, it's job is to count fraction of events with beam energy above certain threshold. Replace code in module files with this:

Code Block


#include "psana/Module.h"

namespace my_ana_pkg {

class my_ana_mod : public Module {

  my_ana_mod (const std::string& name) ;

  virtual ~my_ana_mod () ;

  virtual void event(Event& evt, Env& env);

  virtual void endJob(Event& evt, Env& env);

  double m_threshold;
  unsigned long m_count;
  unsigned long m_total;

Code Block

#include "my_ana_pkg/my_ana_mod.h"

#include "MsgLogger/MsgLogger.h"
#include "psddl_psana/bld.ddl.h"

// This declares this class as psana module
using namespace my_ana_pkg;

namespace my_ana_pkg {

my_ana_mod::my_ana_mod (const std::string& name)
  : Module(name)
  , m_threshold(0.0)
  , m_count(0)
  , m_total(0)
  m_threshold = config("threshold");

my_ana_mod::~my_ana_mod ()

my_ana_mod::event(Event& evt, Env& env)
  // get beam data
  boost::shared_ptr<Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeam> ebeam = evt.get(Source());
  if (ebeam.get()) {
    if (ebeam->ebeamL3Energy() > m_threshold) {
      ++ m_count;
    ++ m_total;

my_ana_mod::endJob(Event& evt, Env& env)
    MsgLog(name(), info, "Fraction of events with energy>" << m_threshold
            << " is " << m_count*100.0/m_total << "%");


This module requires input parameter (threshold) from configuration file. Create file psana.cfg in current directory with this contents:

Code Block

modules = my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod

threshold = 4400

And run the job, module name is specified in config file so it is not needed on the command line:

Code Block

% scons
% psana /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo14110/xtc/e43-r0100-s0*
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod] Fraction of events with energy>4400 is 15.9316%

More interesting example is to run two instances of the same module in a job with different set of parameters. For this just replace the content of psana.cfg with this:

Code Block

modules = my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod:thresh4390 my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod:thresh4400

threshold = 4390

threshold = 4400

and run again:

Code Block

% psana /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo14110/xtc/e43-r0100-s0*
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod:thresh4390] Fraction of events with energy>4390 is 55.613%
[info:my_ana_pkg.my_ana_mod:thresh4400] Fraction of events with energy>4400 is 15.9316%