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It is your personal responsibility to follow all rules governing use of the CERN car. The following highlights some of the points but is not intended to be exhaustive. 

Since the car expenses are paid out of the Team Account, its use must therefore follow the boundary conditions of the corresponding SLAC Purchase Order. "The SLAC ATLAS Team Account at CERN, paid out of Purchase Order 61224, is used only for performing work on the ATLAS Experiment. This does not include employee reimbursable expenses or employee travel."

You must have a CERN Driving License to use the car. Go to EDH, click "Other Tasks" and "Car Driving Authorisation", fill out the form, submit it and wait for notification it has been approved. The notification includes information on getting your own plastic gadget to silence the alarm. As this might expire quietly without warning, it is worth checking the license validity before you go to CERN. Its status can be found in ADaMS under "training & permits"

Note that the CERN Driving License does not allow you to drive off-site such as going to the SLAC apartment; you will also need a Mission Order to do so. Go to EDH, click "Other Tasks" and then "Mission Order". Mission Orders have to be renewed every calendar year.  (Edit by AndyS: I tried to request Mission Order for travel St-Genis-Poilly and Prevessin and it was refused, both locations are considered inside CERN perimeter so Mission Order is not required for them. To see the map of CERN perimeter see last page of "Operational Circular No. 04", also  linked from

According to Conditions of Use, drivers need to have the following papers with them while driving a CERN car: national driving license, passport or ID, CERN attestation, Mission order (if going outside CERN perimeter).


The plastic gadget: Since each driver has his/her own gadget, there is now a record of who is driving at any time. And since the CERN car has GPS tracking, there is a record of who has driven where. Don't even think about driving it beyond the allowed area. Note that this allowed area is not necessarily the same for everyone – see Mission Order.  You can pick up your personal plastic gadget in building 124, as explained in this newsletter.