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Time & date 

Next meeting:  ThursdayThursday, March 29th  9pm Pacific time; Friday, March 30th 2018  9:00am Pakistan time; 12:00noon Malaysian & Guangzhou time; and 11am Thailand time.


? Individual emails sent

Actual Attendees

Wajahat, Saqib, Bebo, Umar, Les.




  • Manuscript titled - Clustering Analysis of PingER Network Data for Vardha Cyclone has been PEER REVIEWED and ACCEPTED for publication in the Confluence-2018:8th International Conference: on the theme “Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering”  presented on 11th - 12th January 2018 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India. 

  • Their PingER MA system has crashed and they are reinstalling the project.
    • PingER MA having problems, Les is working with them.  Still working with them, inching closer. Last email 3/12/2018.  Reminder 3/26/2018. Response from Amity 3/27/2018. unable to load xml file, will update at Amitty Amity so can debug.


March 22 March 2018 we started being unable to gather data from (


Looking into moving PingER to a "blockchain" database good for decentralize distribution of data. Monitoring sites would then be able to write to a distributed ledger. This would change the architecture to a more peer to peer architecture. It helps with continuity of PingER since reduces dependence on a single site (SLAC). See Block Chain in Future PingER Projects. Bebo sent several references to Saqib who has looked at them. We could start with real time data without including the whole archive, i.e. in parallel to the continued centrally manged managed archive. It would be a private Blockchain and hence not be as compute intensive as a public blockchainJoahari Johari is also interested and will follow up with Bebo and Saqib.



Saqib gave an outstanding presentation at Guangzhou. There were a lot of discussions. Saqib has submitted to IEEE transactions and should hear mid May if it has been accepted. The conference is in September. Saqib and Bebo will discuss the next steps. Saqib wil try and find a graduate student to work on it.


Charnsack has committed to joining the team working on comparing TCP vs  Ping and IPv4 vs IPv6Charnsack has committed to joining the team working on comparting TCP vs  Ping and IPv4 vs IPv6.  Umar has sent Charnak all Charnsack all the relevant information and instructions

Les is pursuing the possibility of an MoU with SLAC legal, the legal contact was on maternity leave so there was a delay. He has returned and been reminded and is looking at it. He says "The process for foreign MOUs has unfortunately gotten more complex per new DOE requirements."  It can take a long time to go through the process. SLAC has not submitted any  MoUs in the last 5 years.  Les is still pushing forward and sent an outline to his bosses.

UUM (No input from Adib 12/7/2017, 3/8/2018)

  • Adib has updated the paper on Internet Performance and its Reflection on Socioeconomic Development in the ASEAN Countries to IEEE Access and sent to Les and Bebo for review. It has been reviewed and suggestions returned to Adib. It looks very good. Adib has re-submitted it to IEEE Access. Hopefully, we will get a positive feedback this time.

  • Adib, Bebo, Les met with Southampton Web observatory person. There seemed to be enthusiasm. Adib was going to send some materials to Southampton. The person at Southampton gave us some links. Adib is in the early stages of exploring what web observatory data to link with such as business context indicators, social media and  government sites. There is no update 3/29/2018.

NUST: Updated 3/8/2018)

  • is no update 3/29/2018.

NUST: Updated 3/8/2018)

They The student who was working on getting new Pakistani MAs has completed the internship and left at the end of Feb. Wajahat is looking for new students. They have shortlisted candidates for the task of managing the Pakistani MAs.The students will be given a stipend. Now they are in the phase of selecting them. This involves bureaucracy so there will be a little delay. They will get new interns before summer starts, i.e. 6-8 weeks. Till then things will be little slow.

Wajahat proposes to get a list of the new Universities in Pakistan and contact them encouraging them to participate in PingER and set up MA. They have made a list of new university sites, communications networks, Labs in different regions of Pakistan (especially the remote regions) and will make contact.

There is an upcoming grant call for projects between Pakistan and the US. Topics may be focused on cybersecurity, health, and education. It has not been announced yet. Wajahat will get the details and share them with the team as soon as they are available. It is interesting since getting a US partner appears to be a roadblock for many potential Pakistani responders. However, the topics may not be very related to PingER. NUST is looking at applying to set up a cyber lab. Getting the funding will be in competition with other Pakistani Universities.

be very related to PingER.For cyber the main things we could think of from PingER were: quantifying what fraction of hosts block pings, punching holes in firewalls to allow pings, how to misuse ping (e.g. ping-of-death, or using anomalous ping packets to deduce the OS etc. flood pings for DOS), the host can respond to ping but applications do not work.  Fear of misuse of pings can result in the system administrator, network administrator or cybersecurity blocking pings. A possibility might be a study of what fraction of say working www/dns etc. apps (i.e. checking if a host responds to the relevant port) do not respond to pings.  This could be by application, by country or by region etc.  Also how to protect a remote pinger traceroute or server from being used in DOS attacks. As of 3/27/2018 there is no call so far. There was one last year, so Wajahat is expecting one.



  • ( down since Nov 22/2017. Wajahat recommends continuing at least until the new student is up to speed (3/8/2018). No data available 3/24/2018.
  • last time we were able to gather any data was February 27th.
  • pings but can't gather data 8/11/2017 and 9/16/2017. Contacted. Pings but can't gather data 10/24/2017. They are in the process of restoring 1/17/2018. Still down February 28, 2018, await new student. (3/8/2018). No data 3/24/2018.
  • unable to gather data since 3/6/2018, also does not ping.


He has written a very nice paper on blockchain and its potential use for PingER storage, reviewed by Les and Bebo (also see above under Bebo). MA is down since November due to a possible security issue. Saqib recommends giving up, i.e. Disable it. It has been disabled.

IPv6 node in Beijing is still down they are upgrading the subnet cloud. Hope to be restored in 2 -3 weeks (as of 3/828/2018). Any progress? 

Saqib has joined the team comparing icmp/ping vs TCP for both IPv4 and  IPv6, Umar will send whas sent instructions.

PingER at SLAC


  • Working on Validating ICMP ping measurements against TCP nping measurements.  
    • He has completed the measurements and analysis for SLAC,  the results are zipped and take 24MBytes
    • He is re-running the data for VTech. 
  • He has the script setup to make the IPv4 vs IPv6 measurements
    • It ran to completion in 12  hours. There were 56 IPv6 addresses of whuch 14 were responding to nping
  • Want MAs at:
    •  SLAC and Virginia tech (Les, Umar) measurements for ping vs nping completed, 
    • China (Saqib has agreed to join in), 
    • Thailand (Charnsak has agreed to join in), 
    •  If others wish to join the paper (i.e. make the measurements - takes just over a week elapsed time,  help analyze the data and put together the paper), we need to know soon.
      • Pakistan (Wajahat)?
      • Malaysia-Sarawak (Johari)? 
      • Malaysia mainland (Adib)? 
    Umar has sent instructions to Charnsak and Saqib. Do you need anything else?
      • )? 
      • Malaysia mainland (Adib)? 
  • Umar is concentrating on understanding why there are some significant differences. He will look at the impact of the stacks (by setting up a control environment wit the latest Linux tools, and see if the difference in the stack traversals times is significant when compared to the overall RTT differences.  He is also thinking of seeing if there are common elements (e.g. hops) that can be tied to significant differences in RTT time.

XSS vulnerability in


PingER data was kept on a Sun Solaris file server front-ending a  1TByte disk array.  Solaris is no longer supported at SLAC and the disk array is 13 years old so we need to migrate the data. The migration to GPFS was completed 3/29/2018 3:30pm Pacific time.  It took about 1.5 hours and we lost the ability to make three sets of half-hourly measurements,. It appears to be stable.


HostStatelast seenStatus
PakistanSee above. have security concerns. Give up 3/26/2018..Nov 23, 2017 
pingeramity.inUnable to gather data, needs re-installing the MA. Working with Amity, emails Jan 12, Jan 16, Jan 26, Feb 20, Mar 28March 22, 2017 

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Thursday, April 26th  9pm May 3rd  9pm Pacific time; Friday, March 27th May 4th, 2018  9:00am Pakistan time; 12:00noon Malaysian & Guangzhou time; and 11am Thailand time.


Saqib submitted a project in CERNET to monitor the performance of  IPv6 network using PingERv6. He received the news that the project is accepted with 100K RMB. Now he has 2 accepted projects regarding PingER and total amount he has is near about 40K USD. Further, in his lab, three U1 servers have already arrived through another  grant grant for research purpose. We can also use them for our PingER project.  

Therefore, the CERNET has given Saqib a IPv6 based CentOS 6.8 machine in cloud. Now he is  is trying to deploy the PingER server on the machine. Lets Let's see how it will work on IPv6 based network.  This is a 2-year project.

Saqib has made contact with John Pickard author of  "Quality of IPv6 Enablement of Universities: An International Study"  who has provided a list of about 125 Universities in about 60 countries hosting IPv6 sites. However many are proxies.  Les has suggested using perfSONAR (there are about 1000 and they all have lat longs in the sperfSONAR data baseperfSONAR database. Saqib is gathering the list, then we will see how many have IPv6 addresses.

The paper title: " Missing Values Imputation in PingER Internet End-to-end Performance Measurements using k-nearest neighbors (k NN)" was not accepted in IMC 2017. He is updating the paper according to the reviewer’s comments. Hopefully, Saqib will submit it at some other venue. Not yet decided about on the submission venue. Need some suggestions. Updated but not decided where to submit. Update 12/4/2017?
