Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


Clone a server config file, that defines on which port this server will run. The port number (defined in the line ooc.orb.oa.endpoint=iiop --port" must be unique on the host (and in fact, in case we change hosts, should at least be unique across all AIDA hosts). So, grep all the *.conf files, adn and pick an unused port num. By convention, the DPs are counting down from 58999. The .conf file name must be identical to the server name define by AIDA_*_NAME, since it's found automagically by the st. startup file (see below).


CVS the makefile additions to make the new server, and its server config file.

Working in your checked out version of common/script/:

  • Add the new server (eg dpRdb) as a new target to MakefileAida.sun4


  • (and add it as a subtarget of the "aida" target). cvs commit MakefileAida.sun4.
  • Add the .conf file (eg DpRdbServer.conf) to cvs and cvs commit it.
  • Add the .conf file (eg DpRdbServer.conf) to common/script/Makefile.sun4 and commit


  • Makefile.sun4.
  • gmaketst, dev,common/script, to release the .conf file.
  • If you have changed any other setup file in common/script, like aidaSetEnv.csh or aidaSetEnvDev.csh, too support runtime or build of the new server, then cvs commit it now.

Build the reference copy

Do initial checkout

Code Block
cd $CD_SOFT/ref
cvs co package/aida/edu/stanford/slac/aida/dp/dpRdb

Build Aida the new server in ref:.

Code Block
source $AIDASCRIPT/aidaSetEnvDev.csh dev
aidamake dpRdb (we



do "aidamake






(to get the new jar file, update javadoc etc), first test the examples test suite.

Create and cvs the type II startup file:

  • cvs add to st.DpRdbServer to package/aida/common/script
  • add st.DpRdbServer to Makefile.Host of package/aida/common/script
  • add AIDA_RDB_NAME to aidamanager
  • cvs commit st


  • .DpRdServer, Makefile.Host, and aidamanager
  • gmaketst,


  • gmakedev (can't do gmakenew of a type II startup file - only systems team can do that)
Teach procmanager and warmst about the new server

In common/setup/
edit setEnv.csh - release additions creating add AIDA_RDB_NAME, AIDA_RDB_HOST_DEV etc section (see other aida servers for *
gmaketst, gmakedev setEnv.cshreference), then cvs and release it:

Code Block

cvs commit setEnv.csh
gmaketst common/setup
gmakedev common/setup

In common/tool/ add the new server to procmanager and warmst, then cvs commit and release them. You have to release all teh way to new, because cddev does not have the "dev" directory in its path. So we can't test warmst until it's all the way to new.

  • To procmanager script, add line for AIDA_RDB_NAME
  • To warmst script, add line for new server
  • cvs commit procmanager and warmst
  • gmaketst common/tool, gmakedev common/tool,


  • gmakenew common/tool.
Test starting the new server

In a new login on a development host (so as to pick up the additions to the environment released above):

  • source /afs/slac/g/cd/soft/dev/script/ENVS.csh
  • source !:1:h/aidaSetEnv.csh dev
  • kinit (to get a token for the ssh done in the aidamanager step)
  • aidamanager $AIDA_RDB_NAME start dev
    You may like to have the cmlogviewer running while you do this.

Run the test suite, release it, and clean up

Release the test suite and clean up

  • Run the test suite you created for the server (as yet unreleaed) on the released server.
  • aidatest dpRdbTest 1 2 3 etc


  • Then release
  • java/
    • cvs add
    • cvs commit
  • matlab/
    • test the array extraction in matlab.
    • cvs add
    • cvs commit
      Compile the test suite in the released area:
      Code Block
      > addUserRefWrite
      > source $AIDASCRIPT/aidaSetEnvDev.csh dev
      > aidamake testsuite
      > removeUserRefWrite

Finally, aidamake all, to make the javadoc, zip file for Eclipse etc.
Test from the ref test examples.

Email Jingchen, ask him nicely to

  • gmakenew package/aida/common/script, to new the st file
  • create the "type I" st. file

Ask Bob nicely to:

  • add DpRdb to server check



  • add DpRdb to UWD