Versions Compared


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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


The SLAC ATLAS group has developed an inclusive software package for producing flat ROOT ntuples from ATLAS Pool files, either ESD or AOD.

Current Versions

Compatible with release








  • Updated CaloCellESDBlock to include H1 information
  • Ignacio fixed EMTrackMatch for EoverPcalculation

Compatible with release 15.1.0:


Changed with respect to JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-03-08

After 15.0.0 there were changes in the L1 Calo jetEtSum computation and related tools that are not compatible with with releases <= 15.0.0

  • includes the L1 jet ET sum computation in the trigger block, there are two possibilites:
  1. extract the weights provided in the L1 xml configuration file (L1ET_JetEtSum)
  2. passing the corresponding weights directly through job options (L1ET_myJetEtSum)

Also includes the a block for track jets and job options to construct them.

00-03-08 includes commented-out JVF changes which will work in the next release (JVF branches do NOT work in 00-03-08), various bugfixes and naming convention updates, and updates to jet moment handling. 00-03-06 will still work if 00-03-08 gives problems for any reason. 00-03-07 does not compile in 15.1.0.

Compatible with release 15.3.0:


Changes from JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-03-08:


  • Added the possibilit to apply cell energy density weighting to standard calo towers
  • Removed deletion of pointers in extrapolateTrack()
  • Updated JVF section of RecoJetBlock to use the functionality of the JetVertexAssociationTool and the JetVertexFraction in release 15.4.0
  • Uncommented the line in the TRackBlock which prevents the usage of the track impact parameters
  • Added TrigVertex branches to the TriggerBlock for beamspot analysis
  • Protection against missing measuredPerigee() in TrackJetBlock

Compatible with release 15.3.0:


Changes from JetTrackVertexAnalysis-00-03-08:

  • Some includes changed in order to compile in 00-03-10
  • b-tagging code in RecoJetBlock.
  • Some includes changed in order to compile in 00-03-10
  • b-tagging code in RecoJetBlock.cxx cleaned up and updated for 15.3.0 b-tagging changes


Install the following packages on top of 15.3.0 in order for the ntuple maker to work. Check out all packages before building any of them.

  • To avoid a seg fault in the magnetic field tool
    • InDetTrackingGeometry-01-04-03 in InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetTrackingGeometry
    • TrkDetDescrSvc-00-14-07 in Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkDetDescrSvc
    To avoid zeros in all TrackParticle parameters
  • TrkEventTPCnv-00-21-00-01 in Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventTPCnv
  • TrkEventAthenaPool-01-30-05 in Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventAthenaPool
  • TrackParticleTPCnv-00-02-01 in Reconstruction/TrackParticleTPCnv
  • TrackParticleAthenaPool-00-04-04 in Reconstruction/TrackParticleAthenaPoolthe magnetic field tool
    • InDetTrackingGeometry-01-04-03 in InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetTrackingGeometry
    • TrkDetDescrSvc-00-14-07 in Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkDetDescrSvc
  • To avoid zeros in all TrackParticle parameters
    • TrkEventTPCnv-00-21-00-01 in Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventTPCnv
    • TrkEventAthenaPool-01-30-05 in Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventAthenaPool
    • TrackParticleTPCnv-00-02-01 in Reconstruction/TrackParticleTPCnv
    • TrackParticleAthenaPool-00-04-04 in Reconstruction/TrackParticleAthenaPool

Compatible with release 15.1.0:


After 15.0.0 there were changes in the L1 Calo jetEtSum computation and related tools that are not compatible with with releases <= 15.0.0

  • includes the L1 jet ET sum computation in the trigger block, there are two possibilites:
  1. extract the weights provided in the L1 xml configuration file (L1ET_JetEtSum)
  2. passing the corresponding weights directly through job options (L1ET_myJetEtSum)

Also includes the a block for track jets and job options to construct them.

00-03-08 includes commented-out JVF changes which will work in the next release (JVF branches do NOT work in 00-03-08), various bugfixes and naming convention updates, and updates to jet moment handling. 00-03-06 will still work if 00-03-08 gives problems for any reason. 00-03-07 does not compile in 15.1.0.

Compatible with release <= 15.0.0:

We'll try to keep notes on the current recommended version of the code here, close to the top, for reference.


  • Updated CaloCellESDBlock to include H1 information
  • Ignacio fixed EMTrackMatch for EoverPcalculation

Structure and usage

 General structure


  • Geometry version used: e.g ATLAS-GEO-02-01-00
  • Events per file: Children Elements (right side) > event_range > details > nMaxEventPerFile = 250
  • Release used to produce the dataset: Transformation Package >
  • Job configuration at the simulation stage (e.g. if an offset beamspot is used): Production step > simul > JobConfig =



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