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  • Baraa is interested in monitoring other Jordanian hosts.  
  • 7/3/2019: Requested update and offered to find some Jordanian hosts that are in Jordan and respond to pings. Baraa responded 7/6/2019 "we have nothing new. we tested several sites but it turns out they are using proxies. we are still looking for other sites that are effectively distributed across Jordan."  Les was also unable to find any using Google.
    • Baraa responded 7/7/2019: "We have nothing new. we tested several sites but it turns out they are using proxies.
      we are still looking for other sites that are effectively distributed across Jordan."
    • Also Baraa has just graduated from Princess Sumaya University with a Masters Degree (Major: Enterprise Systems Engineering) and is looking for Universities to continue his education (PhD.)
        • 7/24/2019 Les sent email to Baraa aksing whether and how might Baraa's future affect the MA in Jordan.
        • 7/24/2019 Baraa responded "I will have to check with my system's administrator regarding that, however I will do my best to keep the MA live.


Turkey (No update 7/23/2019)

Eyad emailed: "I have gathered some information about how to have a public IP address and it seems it is not complicated, just a subscription with the ISP, I will discuss in the next meeting". Sent email requesting update 5/26/2019. Eyad responded no progress yet.


  • Amity MA continues to be frequently non pingable from SLAC, and hence no data is gathered. See plot below:
    • I have a crown job that daily checks if the Amity PingER MA is pingable and if so tries to gather the last 60 days of data from Amity.
    • Below is an example of recent Amity data:

  • Given Topher does not have the resources to provide assistance, Amity needs to take a leadership role. 
  • To facilitate mobile devices they would need to add the lat/long of the Android to each measurement.
    • And SLAC would need to extend PingER to accept the location lat/long data.
  • Bebo suggested it would be most useful if Amity were to provide a stand-alone app on the Android app store that people could install at their will. 
    • This would also provide valuable experience to the Amity developer in terms of Android app development.
  • Then PingER would need to know of the new MA so it could gather data from it.
  • I believe Topher has a stash of Androids he could provide.
  • Bebo will contact Amity to discuss futures, also see the recent history at the bottom under Old Information.
  • Bebo mentioned that Amity work appears to ramp up before the conference in January, maybe they will get more active in the near future.

Adib  (Updated 7/22/2019)

  •  Adib submitted to "Socio-economic Development Indices and Their Reflection on Internet Performance in ASEAN Countries" to Journal: Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. They have requested a re-submission since it is over the limit of 10 pages. Adib re-submitted 7/22/2019.

NUST (Updated 7/24/2019)

Wajahat mentioned a possibility of proposing a project for,where it says "These grants will support research focused on the availability, reliability, and security of the Internet, with a particular focus on operational stability and security. The research outcomes should aim to expand access to knowledge, expand coverage for research applications and maximize the benefit to the community. Three small grants of USD 20,000 USD will be allocated, for a total of USD 60,000 in funding." 
  • Les put together a possible project based on providing a better understanding of routes between Internet hosts.  The early draft document is at:  This might be the basis for a proposal that Wajahat would lead. 
  • Wajahat agreed to try, but there was little time left before it was due. 
  • Wajahat reported at the meeting (7/23/2019) that he had submitted a proposal.
  • However, there was a section on a Business Plan, and Wajahat did not know how to respond to this and left it empty.


IPv6 host at NUST:

Wajahat has requested Hasan to install PingER on an IPv6 host at NUST, Saqib has contacted Hasan to tell him where to find and upload the code. There is not a host name for the MA yet. Hopefully, this will be available by next month's meeting.

  •  7/24/2019 Les emailed Wajahat with a request for an update.

Wajahat has 2 students, he will propose some PingER related projects to them. He says students do not appear to have much interest in Internet monitoring and getting funding is a major issue.

We have not been able to gather data from since March 2019. Sent email to Wajahat, he responded that it may be an IPv6 host.  Tried accessing using IPv6 but no success.  It has been disabled.

 UAF (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad)/GHZU (Updated 7/24/2019)


  • From Les: WP6 mentions Pakistan, however, the examples are a bit of a stretch for PingER. Possibly deploying PingER MAs based on the Android in remote regions (NWFP, Gilgit, Balochistan, etc.) The difficulty will be getting collaborators in the remote regions, also probably a lot of travel to shake hands, give encouragement, assist, troubleshoot, etc. A challenge will be convincing the collaborators that they are getting something useful out of this. Maybe need to extend PingER to add some easy to use tools.  Another possibility is reviving the PingER MAs in Pakistan. Again, as Wajahat indicates, it is finding collaborators willing to install and manage the MAs. Some development may be needed to make the installation easier and maybe add remote management. Again an issue may be what do the collaborators stand to gain, and the longer-term continuation of the collaboration as people move on.

    WP4 talks about PerfSONAR which is monitoring. Providing training on PingER, the reverse traceroute servers might have some traction.  


    For both of these if one could install a mesh of MAs in Pakistan, including the reverse traceroute/ping servers (which are trivial to install on a web server, take minimal maintenance, and are much simpler than an MA) then one could address the problem of locating the lat/long of routers  by trilateration of ping response time. Note though getting the lat longs of end hosts is fairly well addressed, routers are usually identified as being located to the owner (e.g. all ESnet's routers on the US and Europe are defined as being located at Berkeley California (the HQ of ESnet)

Thailand, Charnsak (No update 7/23/2019)


Need to add Umar Kalim to From the 7/5/2018 meeting: Johari can't ssh into the server so he will go to it on Monday.  He will also upload the new UNIMAS PingER website next week.

Email from Johari 4/21/2019:  I am still very much interested in the project but I have to manage my time better. Will try to join the next meeting and probably get someone from my side to monitor the equipment and make use of the data collected

SLAC (Updated





Les believes most of the problems caused by the blocking of www-wanmon have been discovered and fixed. www-wanmon has been shut-down.


last seen
Status to gather data, not pingable. Emailed Wajahat 7/5/2019. 7/5/2019, Wajahat replied he is checking.6/26/2019Fixed 7/8/2019. to gather data since 2nd May 2019. Host is pingable. Sent email 5/5/2019 to Adib, he will contact Dr. Suhaidi. Sent reminder 5/14/2019, Adib has contacted Dr Suhaidi who will get someone to help. Still down 6/2/2019, sent another reminder to Adib. Adib nudged Sohail. 6/19/2019 emailed Adib. 6/26/2019 Adib responded "Prof. Suhaidi has promised to follow up, but he was fully occupied / outstation early this month.Kindly give our friends some time ^_*"5/2/2019 
pinger.unimas.myUnable to gather data, does not ping. Email sent 5/24/2019. Johari responded that he will look at it. Sent reminder 6/2/2019 & 6/19/2019. Johari responded 6/19/2019: Issue started when UNIMAS started join domain policy which requires all PC connected to the LAN network to join the domain. Easily done for Windows based PC but we are having problem to configure the Linux server to do so. Still trying to find solution to this.5/20/2019 
pingeramity.inContinues to be unstable

Stopped being pingable 2/25/2019. Thus by default, the gathering failed. Gathering also fails to . Emailed Charnsak 3/4/2019, 3/15/2019. Down again 4/23/2019, restored 4/27/2019. Down again 6/6/2019. It is pingable. Sent email 7/5/2019. No response. Sent another email 7/24/2019 ikt was not pingable.

2/25/2019. to gather data since March 26, 2019. Sent email to Wajahar 5/25/2019. Should we Disable it or is someone working on it? Wajahat said it might be an IPv6 node, however, ping6 from to maggie1 does not work.March 26, 2019Disabled 7/3/2019.
