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- Responded but  Unable to attend: 

Actual attendees: 

Hassaan, Raja, Johari, Saqib, Renan, Bebo, Les

Unfortunately we were unable to hear Saqib though he appeared to be present and responded to some messages.


  • Johari proposes that UTM host a PingER workshop in 2014, maybe associated with another conference. Anjum will be in Malaysia then. Saqib will meet  Hanan Jan 9th and discuss this. Johari will email Hanan also. After the meeting Johari sent email to the Les, Hanan, Saqib, Badrul, and Adib with the issues and suggesting a skype meeting
    • We need to know if UTM is able to host it.
    • Bebo suggested late September. 
    • Adib suggested a summer school that is aimed at graduate students and

    • The summer school is aimed at graduate students and researchers from different disciplines where everyone needs to be present for team presentations based on case studies/assignments given to each team. Each team will be mentored by one professional researcher (from PingER Current Member) to guide and advise. The Summer School activities will include: Keynote talk, Presentations on current projects related to Pinger that open up challenges for students to solve and address, and case studies (assignments based on the presentations) for each team of students......



  • Anjum

    is going to spend a year in Malaysia at UM. He awaits his visa. Dr Hassaan Khaliq will be taking over as the PingER Leader there.


  • plans to be at UM by January 28th, we all hope he has his visa by then.



Renan has contacted the admin (Vinicius) Renan is trying to contact the admin for the UFRJ PingER monitor, to see if it can be restored to a working state.  Vinicius explained they went through infrastructure changes and there are some important hardware pieces missing, which is delaying the process. Vinicius explained that hopefully around mid-February they should have the necessary hardware so they can reinstall the systems and PingER program. So we

Renan has provided a 4 page Appendix on PingERLOD to the ICFA Renan has provided a 4 page Appendix on PingERLOD to the ICFA report.  This is also available at PingER LOD Overview

Renan 's thesis has around 130 pages. However, almost half of it is about generic stuff about Semantic Web. The other half is specific about PingER LOD project. The Semantic Web generic stuff part should be translated because it is good material for those who want to study and understand more about it. The PingER LOD part should be translated for further documentation about the project we developed at SLAC.  Things Renan needs to do:


is testing Virtuoso which is free to see if it can overcome the slowness of the current PingERLOD. He plans to be done in the next 2 weeks. If this does not work we may need to look into a tool that costs money.

Renan is looking at submitting a paper or poster for a Big Data and Social Computing conference that will be held at Stanford: He is pretty sure he can argue that we have made  nice contributions for social computing using (big) data handling technologies.


He will discuss with his professor at Rio so she can help him with advice.


  • Any help from a developer who would be able to engage him/herself to invest some time on the project would be very much appreciated.

Bebo will look at the conference information and the deadline to verify its relevance. Renan will look into whether he can get financial assistance to attend.

It would be good if somebody else was able to work with Renan to  move PingER LOD forward. However we think the performance issue has to be resolved first.


Ridzuan was unable

Renan is now working as a systems developer at his university at this moment so he is busy. He has plans to keep in touch with us and producing more work. Currently he is unsure he  will have an outstanding productivity.


Ridzuan was unable to attend but sent the following status report: "My progress is that currently I am setting up the Hadoop environment to our UM servers. There have been some installation problems and will take some time to debug and testing Pinger data. We will start using Malaysia pinger data first as a starter. Will inform you the progress in our next meeting."


UM appears to be experiencing very high packet losses (>4%). We need help in understanding these. It does not look like simple congestion since the jitter and RTT is staying low. Saqib needs assistance from Badrul as part of his case study of Malaysia.  Badrul writes: "UM is now currently changing the new policy regarding the bandwidth and connection. They are upgrading the switch and router to a new router - mostly every weekend they shut down the network. therefore we are now having some difficulty." Saqib has identified what appear to be losses starting at a JARING router in KL. It would be good if Badrul could run mtrt from UM to UTM. will run some mtr traceorute/pings to various sites.  


The IPDV jitter looks high for UNIMAS seen from SLAC in Nov & Dec. Saqib needs help from Johari to try and understand this. Could it be due to students? Johari does not recall any particular reason for the high jitter.

The UNIMAS monitor was down over the new year. The problem was that the file was moved.  It was restored, however it was running an older version. Johari has fixed this. He has also loaded the latest version of that has better diagnostics. 

The tool to enable synchronizing Malaysian monitors is completed. It provides the ability to add, edit and delete nodes. However there are still some errors (wild cards) in the pinger.xml file producedJohari has sent less the URLs to try out. Les has not had much time so far only looked at add form made some suggestions, and edit form - looks good. Johari is working on it.authentication for the tool. Once that is ready he will send to Badrul and Saqib.

The traceroute server at  has the same problem as before. They know (sort of) the problem but haven't got the chance to rectify it (mapping NAT address, needs to be added). There is no progress 12/4/2013, 1/8/2013, 1.22.2014.

Custom iso: tried using remastersys tool to create custom iso, able to generate the custom iso but unable to boot from the iso due to kernel panic. Still troubleshooting the issue and also looking for other tool for creating custom iso No progress 1/8/2013.He can get as far as the boot screen, but is unable to get to the desktop.

Joharis has received the replacement Raspberry Pi. He has installed a 64GB card. Once it is` setup he will return it to the computer center and see how it goes.

Johari has created a shell script to automate the installation of pinger package in Ubuntu/Linux distro. He is using SLAC repo version 2.3 with a virtual box and ubuntu server 13.04 for testing purpose.  Johari has added a page at website on the usage of a shell script to automate the installation steps for pinger package. It is available at If any of you have a go at it, please let Johari know whether it works, or if there is any error that you encounter. This might be good for NUST to try out. Kashif has tried it and provided feedback to Johari concerning what versions of Linux distribution it supports.Currently it is based on Ubuntu.  Of the 50 Pakistani hosts none are using Ubuntu. Pakistan is using Fedora and CentOS. Johari plans by the next meeting to have a evrsion ready to try with CentOS in Pakistan

Johari has a research student who finalized a proposal in order to officially apply for his masters.  He will start in February. He is currently working on threshold/anomaly detection, and will extend to correlating performance over multiple routes.


Saqib has started a case study of Malaysian hosts seen from Malaysian Monitors. the case study is identifying the need for the Malaysian monitors to collect traceroutes to their target hosts daily. SLAC has  a script to facilitate this, for routes seen from SLAC, that could be adapted for other sites.


The latest copy of the word file was shared with Badrul and Johari.


Dec 4, 2013: The Dec 4, 2013: The director of computer centre has agreed to support this collaboration and already appointed one staff to be with us during the configuration.  Next step, Adib needs to discuss with Prof. Suhaidi to dedicate one PC  OR get  support from Badrul grant to buy one PC for this purpose or have a bake sale and buy a Raspberry Pi.  Adib will do his  best to setup PingER monitoring host at UUM before the end of this year. Adib was not on the meeting. He provided an update by email: "Still waiting to get PC. But they promise to provide one very soon. it is totally beyond my control." Regarding the meeting, Adib will attend the upcoming meetings once UUM pinger host is up.


At the Connect Asia Pacific Summit in Bangkok 2 weeks ago and seeing the  project "Mapping the pan Asia Pacific information Superhighway and closing gaps in infrastructure  connectivity" Shahryar found that very much related to the work in the PingER project. So Shahryar sent email to a UN agency for a possible collaboration with them on PingER project. He has heard nothing so he will write a detailed proposal and then should contact them again.

Anjum believes he can add two more PingER hosts, one at Bahawalpur the other at Hassaan  is working with Anjum to get contacts at Bahawalpur and Sahiwal. These are in central Pakistan towards the Eastern border and so should help with providing TULIP landmarks. However with his impending move he has not had time to follow up. Hassaan will follow up with Anjum. Progress?

We are unable to gather data from We are unable to gather data from airuniversity, buitms, cae, duhs, pingerisl-air, pingerisl-qau, quest, uaf.


Raja has added 22 more PerfSONAR landmarks in North America and 1 in China.

As the ICFA report winds down and Raja's work on TULIP begins to go into testing he will be engaging more with Renan and Linked Open Data. Raja has  sent email to Renan and has a list of things from Renan that Raja should look at.Raja is working on a visual traceroute using TULIP to geolocate the routers. IT is incorporated in the TULIP front page at It is very slow (e.g. 10 mins) however we are working on populating a large cache of router location's to speed up. 

PingER at SLAC 

We are working on the annual PingER report for the International Committee on Future Accelerators (ICFA). It is due mid January. We just need to incorporate the high performance monitoring section from Shawn McKee.


Anjum suggested Saqib,  Badrul and Johari put together a paper on user experiences with using the Internet in Malaysia as seen from Malaysian universities. In particular round trip time, losses, jitter, reliability, routing/peering, in particular anomalies, and the impact on VoIP, throughput etc.  It would be good to engage someone from MYREN.

Potential projects

See list of Projects

Future meeting  - Les

Next meeting Wednesday February 5th  2014 8:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday February 6th 2014 9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday February 6th, 2014 noon Malaysian time, Thursday 6th February, 2014 02:00am Rio Standard Time.
