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  • Anjum reports (6/23/2014) that "the proposal for conference has been submitted for approval and Pinger has been added in the agenda. Travel expenses for you Les and Bebo have also been included in the conference proposal. We are awaiting the proposal approval. If the proposal gets approved, we can then decide on wether to actually conduct the Pinger Workshop at UM or at another place. I am saying this because I believe a stand alone pinger workshop will be more preferable." It has been approved by the dean, next it goes to the chancellor. Hope to have decision in a couple of weeks. Once the approval is given the venus for the conference can be at UM or UUM.

    As discussed earlier, the only twist here is that Pinger will be seen as a case study for big data. This is good in a sense that people interested in doing research in the domain of big data can deploy pinger monitoring nodes at their respective universities/organisations and in return, play around with the data. We agreed that it looked like the 25th would be a good day for the PingER workshop. Les should be able to make it from Burkina Faso, and Bebo should be able to get back to the US for Thanksgiving.  There would be back to back presentation on how PingER gathers, archives data, what data there is, the data types, how to access etc.  by Les followed by Bebo on Google Tools for Big data.
  • Les will be in Burkina Faso Nov 13-21. He flies back to London on Nov 22nd.  He can get to Malaysia mid morning November 24th. Thus the workshop should be at the end of the ISTT2014 meeting if Les is to attend. 

  • Bebo will be in Western Australia, Okinawa and possibly Singapore in November. Bebo says: "A workshop beginning on November 17 (or that week) would be ideal for me."  I think that conflicts with Les who is in Burkina Faso that week. 
  • Anjum suggested putting together a paper on metrics provided by PingER for Sigmetrix. The due date is in November.



The continuation of Renan's work on access toPingER data via Linked Open data is now an official project on the Reference Center on Big Data at UFRJ. That is good news, as we have three students working on it (one more than initially planned during Renan and Luiza's trip to Stanford, California)Up to this moment, Renan has


just explained with more details what we have done so far and what needs to be done.


 The next steps are


to define a work plan for the next months

Renan reports "Our whole country is working a bit differently these past days because of the World Cup. We are having lots and lots of holidays, which slows down a bit our production".


No updates regarding traceroute problem at UTM. However, Saqib thinks the problem is still in CICT firewall or router as tcp traceroute command works fine from UTM.

Les has reviewed the Malaysian Case Study and sent suggestions. Saqib will incorporate. Saqib met with MYREN Saqib met with MYREN who have made many topology changes. Saqib will also incoporate incorporate these into the Malaysian case study.

Saqib is in discussions with his PhD superviser to get the requirements for a PingER proposal and to see where to submit it.


He is seeing anomalously long delays between mainland Malaysia and Sarawak. It does not appear to be due to congestion. We need to understand the routing and which undersea cables are being used. Saqib will send more details after the meeting. He will also contact MYREN.

Saqib's proposal is almost ready however we do not see somewhere (funding agency) to submit it to. The next round of the FRGS may be the next opportunity


Regarding the monitoring Regarding the monitoring host in UUM, Adib has assigned one student to prepare the configuration/installation plan including how to secure their host from attack. He has a public IP address.  He needs to the DNS registration by Sunday 25th May or Monday.  He is in the last stage of working with the Computer Center. Adib requested Johari to share  the UNIMAS setting so it is easier for the student to follow. No update 6/5/2014, 6/25/2014. 

UUM pinger is almost ready. Adib has got an public IP address together with a dns name. Once this is settled the will follow. This  will increase  the number of  landmarks in mainland Malaysia by 50% and improve geolocation. Adib plans to get to this next week when he returns from vacation.


The Bahawalpur site for new PingER Monitoring node: Kashif contacted once again tohe Director IT, and this time he replied positively and he is waiting for the new machine and hopefully the installation of PingER node will be done in next week.



Raja has improved improving the GUI for TULIP. In particular visualizing the intersection region (showing both the minimum and maximal circles), showing landmarks, adding Google analytics. Raja has added undns  (a tool for guessing the location from the router name)  to TULIP and also to VTrace. It is not very successful, its heuristics are outdated (last update 2005)added an optional feature to exclude water areas from the acceptable area. this reduces the error (proportional to area), but sometimes leads to a less accurate centroid. Currently it is only available for N. America. He will update the documentation with examples. The number of working, usable landmarks is now up to 340. 

PingER at SLAC

Les requested an update from Yahoo about TULIP's geolocation. They answered "We are very much interested in getting IP triangulation at internet scale, we will have internal sync-up on how we can leverage this initiative if there is rate limit and get back. Regarding opening up yahoo sites for deploying ping server requires some more time to discuss this with relevant stake holders with in yahoo." No word, sent a reminder 5/19/2014. No response 6/4/2014, 6/25/2014. Sent an update on the applicability to visual traceroute.

Les sent email to Google as follows: "I would like to bring to your attention that we have developed a geolocation tool using delay based (using RTTs from known ping server landmarks) distance estimates to triangulate the location of an IP host target. The tool is accessible at: We have identified that the accuracy of the geolocation is directly related to the landmark density (e.g. # of landmarks/ million sq km). The higher the density the smaller the error and the fall off is exponential. We currently have over 1000 registered landmarks, of which at any given time ~300 are working. The tool not only finds the location of the target, it also gives an estimated error. To the best of our knowledge it is the only freely available delay based measurement geolocation service publicly available today. A drawback (compared to database methods such as those based on GeoMind) is the time taken to make the measurements. We have worked on this from many directions including parallelization of the ping requests, caching, tiering to get the rough location (i.e. region of the world) then zooming in using all landmarks in the region. We are putting together a publication on this." Les sent an update to his contact at Google 6/23/2014, stressing the applicability to traceroute visualization.


Anjum suggested Saqib,  Badrul and Johari put together a paper on user experiences with using the Internet in Malaysia as seen from Malaysian universities. In particular round trip time, losses, jitter, reliability, routing/peering, in particular anomalies, and the impact on VoIP, throughput etc.  It would be good to engage someone from MYREN.

Potential projects

See list of Projects

Future meeting  - Les

Next meeting Wednesday July 16th  2014 9:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday July 17th 2014 9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday July 17th, 2014 noon Malaysian time, Thursday July 17th, 2014 01:00am Rio Standard Time.
