Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


SLIC crashes on approximately 1 in a billion events. This bug is believed to be resolved in v7.



Working geometry for 2014 run studies. Changes will be announced on the hps-software list; you should rerun SLIC on all your data after any change since old data may not work with up-to-date versions of readout sim/analysis/reconstruction.

  • SVT rotated 30.52 mrad around target; single sensors for layers 1-3, double sensors with double readout (unganged) for layers 4-6
  • ECal flange face at z=1318 mm and photon hole aligned at 30.52 mrad from target
  • Front face of ECal crystals is z=1393 mm; ECal aligned so the 30.52 mrad photon beam intersects centerline of ECal at its front face
  • All dead material defined using Geant4 primitives: SVT vacuum chamber, ECal flange and vacuum chamber (with honeycomb)
  • Uniform magnetic field extending from z=-8.28 to 99.72 cm
  • Vacuum (zero density) planes at z=15 cm, same shape as standard SVT layers; hits are saved for charged particles passing through these planes (for use in recoil electron studies)
  • Vacuum (zero density) planes at magnetic field boundaries; hits are saved for all particles passing through these planes
  • Vacuum (zero density) planes just downstream of the ECal flange; hits are saved for all particles passing through these planes



Engineering run geometry with surveyed SVT and ECAL.  Identical to HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v2, except:

  • Top ECAL shifted up by 2.7 mm
  • Bottom ECAL shifted down by 0.9 mm


Engineering run geometry with surveyed SVT. 

  • Based on HPS-EngRun2015-v1
  • Includes first pass of  SVT survey.


Engineering run geometry. Replaces the v0.  The SVTPosition is either "Nominal" (+/- 1.5 mm to active sensor) or "Open" (+/~ 7mm to active sensor). 

  • Based on HPS-EngRun2015-v0
  • Fixed bug in local sensor coordinate system.


First version of engineering run geometry.  The SVTPosition is either "Nominal" (+/- 1.5 mm to active sensor) or "Open" (+/~ 7mm to active sensor). 


  • Based on HPS-Proposal2014-v7
  • Added the ECAL crystal support structure in front of the crystals.
  • v9
  • B-field is box dipole of By=-0.25T  (applicable for 1.1 GeV)

HPS-ECalCommissioning-V3 (with and w/o fieldmap)

Official geometry for the Decembers 2014 ECal commissioning run

  • As designed ECAL with asymmetric top/bottom gaps
  • no SVT!
  • B-field of -0.33T (in y)Added the ECAL cooling plates and pipes.


Official geometry for 2012 test run as-built.

  • Current best guess at alignment of SVT
  • Plate-and-pipe ECal flange
  • ECal as surveyed

Adding a new detector

  • ALWAYS create a new detector when you make changes to the geometry
  • make a subdirectory of hps-detectors/detectors; name of the subdirectory is the name of the detectoradd name of the detector to detectors/taglist.txt
  • copy from another detector: compact.xml,, SamplingFractions
  • in compact.xml: change name and comment in <info> block
  • in change name, change ConditionsReader if necessary (TestRunConditionsReader for 2012 test run, HpsConditionsReader for 2014 run) - both of these lines are required
  • Create the LCDD file for use in slicuse GeomConverter to make LCDD file: see below

Using GeomConverter to make detector descriptions

Converting the compact.xml file to LCDD

Note that in these examples 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT will need to be appropriately modified.

The following will directly create the lcdd fileDetector conversion can be done using hps-detectors/Makefile, but you need to set the environment variable GEOMCONVERTER to point to the GeomConverter jar:

No Format
export GEOMCONVERTER=/home/meeg/lcsim_svn/lcsim/detector-frameworkjava -cp distribution/target/lcsimhps-detector-frameworkdistribution-

Run "make" in hps-detectors to get a full list of options, but usually you'll use this to convert a single detector (can ask for heprep, lcdd, gdml, vrml, etc.):

No Format
make DETECTOR=HPS-Proposal2014-v2 lcdd


 org.hps.detector.DetectorConverter -f lcdd -i compact.xml -o detectorName.lcdd


Note that it is easiest to run this command from the HPS detector-data directory, as the gdml directory, needed by most recent detectors, will be found automatically.

You also need to specify the run number using -r <runNumber> to have the detector added to the conditions database


Viewing LCDD

The LCDD file can be viewed directly using SLIC:
