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Time & date 

Wednesday  Oct 15th Dec 10th,  2014 8:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday Oct 16th Dec 11th 2014 9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday Oct 16th Dec 11th 12:00 noon Malaysian time, Thursday Sep 16thDec 11th, 2014 2:00am Rio Standard Time.


  • The workshop 1-866-740-1260, updates from Johari, Anjum, Adib.   It went well there were about 18 attendants mainly students and PhDs. A MYREN technical guy seemed very interested and there has been an exchange of emails.  He is not at the decision level so is probably working with upper management to get approval.  The idea would be that MYREN would install a PingEr monitor at a MYREN hosts and monitor about 20 MYREN hosts at NOCs and other sites. Given the end of year holidays there may be some delay. Joahari will reprompt the  MYREN person in the New Year.
    • There are links to the presentations by Johari and Anjum at PingER Papers and Presentations.
    • Follow up with MYREN.with MYREN.
    • Anjum feels we need to engage the universities then extend to MYREN. Following up with the Malaysia Ministry of education (MoE), to get funding for universities would be a next step. This would come better from Johari than Anjum. Anjum will send Johari details of how this worked in Pakistan (with HEC). 
  • Anjum and Raja have been working on a paper on Geolocation as developed for TULIP. Using an exponential relation between the Directivity (Alpha) and RTT for Pakistan the accuracy is ~ 18Km. Now Raja needs to run for Europe and the US. Meanwhile Raja has got a job and has less time to work on this so it is stalled.
  • Anjum's contract in Malaysia ends in 50 days. It may be extended or he may pursue a Senior lectureship  elsewhere.


 As of 10/13/2014 was not pingable from SLAC. Adib fixed earlier this week. There was an interesting plateau in the RTTs to UUM from SLAC see below (black means the host was no reachable). Apart from the delay the performance in terms of lack of congestion and loss appears to be the same. 


Ridzuan and Ibrahim both requested for additional space. We require an infrastructure update for the cloud because the existing storage space is not enough, given a number of other users. The 5 Tera byte SAS along with some blade servers all have minimum 1Gig interfaces. We are in process of purchasing the switch to support the networking. Once available, we shall be able to provide the capacity for one instance of SLAC data. Anjum will provide this over the coming weekend (by 15 Dec 2014)


Pinger2 (Raspberry Pi) ran  successfully from Sept 2nd to October 23. We have been unable to gather data since. It still responds to pings. The graphs below show the RTTs from SLAC to www, pinger and raspberry pi at UNIMAS. At first glimpse they are very similar. www & pi are probably closer together (more jitter and lower loss)  in RTT performance  than pinger. To quantify one would need to do a frequency analysis and possibly a Kolmogorov/Smirnov test. 


Traceroute server: Status unsolved. The problem is the same on Pinger2. Johari talked to the network administrator at the centre about this issues and he suggested to talk to the security manager to check whether the firewall is blocking the icmp packer from the traceroute command (to do list). It is possible/probable that they are blocking the default traceroute UDP ports 33434 - 33465. If Johari has superuser privs on the machine he could try and tried the traceroute -I to see if ICMP pings work, and -T -p 80 to see if TCP probes (SYN) to port 80 get  through OK.  They do so the next step is to temprarily unblock UDP ports 33434 - 33465 to see if that fixes it.

Custom iso: He can get as far as the boot screen, but is unable to get to the desktop. They will started work on it  but student is still unable to boot ISO (9/17/2014). The student gave up , Johari needs a new student with more technical knowledge.


Research: there is Advanced Project (Master by coursework student working on the statistics of teh the data from teh the raspberry Pi and the production PingEr monitor at UNIMAS to see how much they differ.  


They are also looking at anomaly detection: or for comparisons of some techniques and Next they will look at perfromance performance among correlated routes. There are quite a lot of papers in this are so a literature search is highly recommended.


Saqib has updated the case study and is available in Google drive as a Word "Shared-PingER" document for review at (thanks to Bebo who will notify all of how to access). Further it needs some updates from UNIMAS (on Raspberry  Pi),  UM (on big data) and UUM. work works. traceroute problem regarding maximum reachable hops ( i.e. 11 hopes ) is still unresolved.  The traceroute looks as below.


The  Burkina Faso workshop was postponed since the government fell, there was civil unrest, the capital's (Ouagadougou) airport closed, there were deaths etc. 

Next meeting:  Wednesday January  14th Jan 7th 2015 8:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday January 15th Jan 8th  2015  9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday January 15th Jan 8th 2015 noon Malaysian time, Thursday  January 15th Jan 8th, 2015 02:00am Rio Standard Time.  

Bebo came up with a self funded researcher who is interested in communications. Les needsto needs to review the information.

Old Items


"I have come up with initial proposed solution model. This model consists of several parts. The upper parts of the Figure below shows the data source, in which PingER data will be convert into RDF format. Then the data pre-processor will take care of converting RDF/XML into N-triples serialization formats using N-triples convertor module. This N-triple file of an RDF graph will be as an input and stores the triples in storage as a key value pair using MapReduce jobs"

Potential projects

See list of Projects

Coordinates of team members:
