Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


? - Not tested

(sad) - Doesn't work

GLAST Component 




ROOT Classes

calibRootData (v1r7p7)



Compiled just fine

commonRootData (v2r15p4)



Inserted #include <string> and then compiled.

digiRootData (v9r19p2)



mcRootData (v2r21p1)



reconRootData (v9r17)



Insert #include <string> and in AcdRecon #include for TROOT.h to handle call to gROOT

gcrSelectRootData (v2r1)



metatRootData (v0r1)



Handle TVirtualIndex::Append method which must be defined for PointerSkim as it is derived from this abstract class

General I/O

Can read in ntuples from DC2


Can read in ntuples from DC1


Can read in full ROOT tree files generated with 5.14.00g using 5.16.00?

How is hadd?



ROOT I/O Packages

RootConvert (v1r28)



RootIo (v18r5)



ntupleWriterSvc (v3r17)




GlastRelease (v12r9)



Ran test_Gleam with all output turned on.


PyRoot - does it work?



ran python %ROOTSYS%\tutorials\pyroot\

RootAnalysis ()



Are there any problems with the standard analysis and plotting tools ?


Ran test/demo.c in interactive mode and compiled and ran tutorials/stress.exe


make cintdlls  (which seems to do nothing)
make map
make install

Building on Unixes

We ran into a problem this time with distribution of our linux build for ROOT.  It seems prefix cannot be used, so we must set the ROOTSYS env var for our build.  make install no longer seems to work unless prefix is used, so we are left to prune the resulting ROOT build directories on our own.

set ROOTSYS to the same directory as the source was checked out into.  cd into the root directory and then run configure:

./configure linux --disable-cern --enable-mysql --enable-xrootd --with-python-incdir=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rhel4_gcc34/python/2.5.1/include/python2.5 --with-python-libdir=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rhel4_gcc34/python/2.5.1/lib/python2.5/config/ --enable-mathcore --enable-mathmore  --enable-reflex --enable-cintex --enable-roofit --with-oracle-incdir=/usr/oracle/rdbms/public --with-oracle-libdir=/usr/oracle/lib --enable-minuit2 --with-mysql-incdir=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rhel4_gcc34/MYSQL/4.1.18/include/mysql --with-mysql-libdir=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rhel4_gcc34/MYSQL/4.1.18/lib/mysql
and then just copied the useful directories to another location