Versions Compared


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  • time-resolved diffraction
    • signal concentrated in smaller area (like Bragg spots but can be a cluster: spots with satellites.  200x200 or 400x400 pixels, ROI is fixed)
    • look at time-evolution
    • can be a single pixel as a function of time
    • user interested in time-evolution of every pixel in ROI.
    • each event has delay time, delay correction, and I0, beam-position, beam-intensity, and other per-shot machine parameters (ebeam and gasdet BLD)
    • 400x400 ROI would be 8GB per second.
    • readout all detector just so we don't damage the detector, but could throw away data after viewing
    • save whole detector at low rate for determining ROI and then only save ROI at high rates
  • time-resolved diffuse scattering (evolution of radial integration over time)
    • need the whole image
    • currently do cube
      • risky: time-calibration and filtering, I0 (can be done in many different ways) can be error prone 
        • currently XPP gets this right "the first time" (after initial setup)
        • Diling and Vincent are confident that we can make the cube work "the first time" (after tuning) although Tim van Driel expressed worries that the calibrations would not be good enough in a mtg on Jan. 18, 2024.
          • need online visualization (AMI-style)
      • can't afford to do angular integration
        • Vincent writes about the reason for this: The diffuse scattering signal generally does not have cylindrical symmetry, so azimuthal integration is not appropriate for it
        • Diling writes about the reason for this:  Right, the pie slice was an example I raised for Tim’s liquid scattering analysis, generally does not apply to material science.
      • I0 from wave8 or hsd or another area detector
        • DON'T normalize shot-to-shot
        • hypercube: image, I0, time-bins, electric-field bins (voltage, e.g. with wave8) and others (aim for 10000 total bins)
      • All this happens at 25kHz (not 1MHz)
    • another option: angular integration ("pie slices") (wasn't preferred by XPP scientists? Silke is surprised they didn't like this approach, maybe depends on physics?)
    • 4Mpx*1000=16GB (float32 data type)
    • binning: need the piranha time tool calibrated edge, and need coarse timing per shot: delay-stage encoder
      • hope you could use same solution as RIX: interpolated absolute encoder (100Hz) or axilon MHz relative encoder (renishaw?)
    • to get error bars may need to store a second cube with image-sum-of-squares for each time-bin (also integrated over shots)
  • peakfinding for "speckle visibility spectroscopy"
    • "speckles" 
    • low-intensity XPCS where droplets (synonymous with peak-finding?) are used
    • talk to Yanwen/Vincent to get a high-occupancy XPP/XCS dataset (a low-intensity XPCS where droplets are used).
    • eventually using sparkpix photon-assignment: either 0 (throw away) or photon locations
      • getting I,j,value from sparkpix
      • need to tune sparkpix "thresholds" first
    • occupancy is 1% or less, implies 2GB/s with 4Mpx 25kHz sparkpix
    • can be done with epixUHR or sparkpix, so we need software photon-finding for epixUHR
      • photon finding: threshold, find droplet
    • need to "count photons" within each peak (which pixels have which photons)
      • this could be done as a second step offline?
      • could be done as one step in Cong's neural net ("hydranet")
    • Yanwen writes: "an example will be run 622, experiment xppx49520. most runs in xppx49520 are usable."
    • Analysis code appears to be here: /cds/data/psdm/xpp/xppx49520/scratch/ffb/smalldata_tools/
  • auto-correlation (XPCS within image)
    • save an ROI after an auto-correlation (i.e. calibrated image)
    • low priority
    • sparse images
    • complexity: no single computer sees the whole detector.  a big problem
      • need to try libSZ or peak finding?
    • could do it at high intensity

Analysis Meeting Dec. 2023

Dec. 18, 2023

Yanwen, Vincent, Valerio, Cong, Stefano, Fred, cpo

  • To learn how to run the analysis scripts which we think are in /cds/data/psdm/xpp/xppx49520/scratch/ffb/smalldata_tools/
    Full python implementation here: and
  • Yanwen writes: "an example will be run 622, experiment xppx49520. most runs in xppx49520 are usable."
  • Another similar expt xpplx9221 in s3df
  • look at smd droplet code in ARP
  • line 278
  • Image Added
  • get_droplet_params: old psana is in ADU, RMS is 3 (0.15keV) use 5 times that for threshold
  • Image Added
  • don't need the precise geometry of the four detectors
  • 4 epix100 detectors
  • used to read ADUs but now psana does keV.  threshold in keV is ~9.9?
  • XPCS data
  • put the detector is very far back
  • each detector covers a very small solid-angle, so all pixels about "the same"
    • sometimes you have zoom in to an ROI so all pixels look the same
  • threshold is critical
  • bad pixels done by psana.  mask is used to get rid of high-intensity regions
  • each pixel should show up equally: if a pixel "stands out" with too many hits mask it out as a hot pixel
  • also need to mask out cosmic rays, and radiation background from trace elements concrete (at higher energies).  could leave to a second offline stage
  • pixels with connecting borders form a droplet.  don't use scipy.label, not sure why.
  • there is a fifth detector, but has too many photons?
  • from droplet, assign a number of photons
  • use "greedy guess" for assigning photons
  • different algorithms have different biases, have to "calibrate" the bias
    • two main ways to calibration:
      • find a speckle pattern with known contrast, use unfocused beam (100s micron, vs usual 1 micron).  Use that to measure bias.
      • second way cannot be done per-frame.  measuring a change on picosecond timescale.  measure a sequence of speckle patterns: not related.  turns out adding two subsequent frames (long timescale) halves the "contrast-beta".  Have to find two frames of similar intensity to add.  Need to add them together before the photonization.  can't data-reduce them.
      • bias changes as function of temperature but other than that it's pretty constant: a characteristic of the algorithm and the detector.  depends on how the charge-cloud size compares to the pixel size of the detector
      • also have simulated data where ground truth is known
    • would like to label calibration runs like dark runs
  • everything up until now everything is more generally interesting: not just XPCS 
  • goal: get the contrast Beta from the ratio of 1-photon and 2-photon droplets
    • some corrections from the pulse-to-pulse intensity using I0 measurement (e.g. SASI pulse intensity)
    • can defer I0 correction to offline (not drp)
  • photon occupancy is 10^-4 (per pixel) for XPCS.  XES is larger.  Also need 2-photon events to get beta.
    • droplet might be enough (don't need photonizing?)
    • need the location of each pixel
    • save i,j,intensity (don't need the droplet-label, can be computed from i,j)
  • get one number for a contrast (beta) compare to different samples under different conditions.
    • need 0.5 million frames (~ 1 hour of data taking 
  • beta is -0.038 +- .007.
  • want to see a "trend" in beta as a function of tau (separation of two pulses)
    • can also look as a function of Q
    • get tau from accelerator: doesn't vary shot to shot or from path-length change of a mirror.
  • watch for count-rate dependence
    • bin according to different intensity and measure beta

Two main tasks:

  • implement two-threshold dropletizing algorithm for drp (including data-format for I,j,intensity for a multi-panel detector)
    • gpu's could still help with the thresholding in drp
    • need to calibrate the data
  • how much gpu/cpu resources do we need to do 4Mpx 25kHz offline analysis with the above reduced data?
    • includes photonizing, rejection of cosmic rays and other background radiation
    • code is "loopy" python, Silke has version with less loops
    • greedy guess algorithm assumes photon is in 2 pixels (like Chuck's idea for 2 pixel photons)
      • a little different in how it handles the last small pieces of photons 
      • avoids time-consuming gaussian fits: maybe neural nets could do this faster?
    • could consider neural net

Meeting with Diling 2021

Nov. 12, 2021 and Nov. 18, 2021
