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This document is for developing a new schema for LCLS Hdf5 files. The main motivation is

  • use a src/type vs a type/src hierarchy
  • use DAQ aliases
  • Use the name Step in place of CalibCycle

There are several other things that seem good to do as well. These have been listed below. A few alternatives were considered. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel to use confluence to add comments to the bottom of the document, add to the document, or email me at

This document is just about changing the group hierarchy and names for data. Issues like aligning data are orthogonal to this issue and not covered here.

Implementing Schema


schema defines how the data is layed out in the hdf5 files, and the user interface to that data. There are two main parts to the schema,

  • group hierarchy - the names the user works through to navigate to the data
  • data types in datasets  - the actual datatypes used in the datasets, this includes the names for all the subfields in compound data types (that look like C struct's in the data)

Presently we are only proposing changes to the group hierarchy. Issues we wish to address in the current schema

  • Presently our hierarchy requires users to go through a potentially long list of Type names before they get to the data. These typenames come from the C++ code and can be complicated.
  • Users are generally more familiar with sources, and in particular the DAQ aliases for the sources, these are currently not in our hierarchy.
  • CalibCycle is not intuitive, and misleading for XPP due to when calibration data is created. They would like to call them CalibCycles steps.

There are several other things that seem good to do as well. These have been listed below. A few alternatives were considered that are discussed below.

Initially, this schema could sit alongside the current schema and use softlinks to the actual data. This would not brake anybodies code. However two schemas that do the same thing adds confusion, so I am interested in developing something robust enough that we could use to replace the current schema. The below schema should be readable by frameworks as well as users browsing hdf5 files. We do not want to do schema changes that brake peoples code unless necessary. If we are going to change the schema, we would like to cover all the issues we can all at once. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel to use confluence to add comments to the bottom of the document, add to the document, or email me at

Current Schema

Here is an example of the current schema. Click on the box to expand the schema.

Code Block
*** DAQ configure

Current Schema

Here is an example of the current schema. Click on the box to expand the schema.

Code Block
*** DAQ configure
/Configure:0000/Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/Attenuator_transmission {Soft Link}
/Configure:0000/Lusi::IpmFexConfigV2/XppEnds_Ipm0 Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/Attenuator_transmission {Soft Link}


/Configure:0000/Run:0000/CalibCycle:0000/Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/Attenuator_transmission {Soft Link}



With corner cases like that, users, and frameworks, may find they need to know exactly what type they are dealing with. This will be stored in hdf5 attributes to the groups .(Exactly how to extract this information will be documents for users and framework writers).

Programmatic Interface

The programmatic interface to the new schema is more difficult - without using exact information in the attributes, that is just basing your code on the group names, some Issues

  1. When you read the group
    you don't know if you are reading a V3 or a V4. If it is V4, there will be two datasets (data and present) but for V3 there will only be 1.
    1. In general, the full type information must be discovered by looking at the types in the datasets, as well as the number of datasets.
  2. Another place where you might like to use full names, is looping over sources by the id. Suppose the experiment has the four sources
    XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.0, XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.1, XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.2 and XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.3
    but the have been aliased to cspad2x2_front, cspad2x2_left, cspad2x2_right, cspad_2x2_back.
  3. You need to know the DAQ aliases to find the data. This may make things more difficult for a framework. Another idea is to write a separate group with the full DAQ source name, and have the DAQ alias be a soft link to this group.

So I think it important to have the full source and typename available in the group attributes.


Code Block
titlenew schema
NEW                                     |    WHERE IT WAS IN OLD SCHEMA OR NOTES
/Data/EpicsConfig/BEAM:LCLS:ELEC:Q               /Configure:0000/Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/BEAM:LCLS:ELEC:Q
/Data/EpicsConfig/Attenuator_transmission        /Configure:0000/Epics::EpicsPv/EpicsArch.0:NoDevice.0/Attenuator_transmission
/Data/Config/Control                             * a standard source name, not an alias *
/Data/Config/Control/AliasConfig                 /Configure:0000/Alias::ConfigV1/Control 
/Data/Config/Control/ControlDataConfig           /Configure:0000/ControlData::ConfigV3/Control 
/Data/Config/Control/EvrIOConfig                 /Configure:0000/EvrData::IOConfigV2/Control
/Data/Config/Control/PartitionConfig             /Configure:0000/Partition::ConfigV1/Control 
/Data/Config/EBeam                               * a standard source name, not an alias *
/Data/Config/EBeam/BldDataEBeam                  /Configure:0000/Bld::BldDataEBeamV7/EBeam 
/Data/Config/Opal_1                              * this is a Daq Alias for XppEndstation.0:Opal1000.1 *
/Data/Config/Opal_1/TimeToolConfig               /Configure:0000/TimeTool::ConfigV2/XppEndstation.0:Opal1000.1     
/Data/Config/Opal_1/FrameFexConfig               /Configure:0000/Camera::FrameFexConfigV1/XppEndstation.0:Opal1000.1
/Data/Config/Opal_1/Opal1kConfig                 /Configure:0000/Opal1k::ConfigV1/XppEndstation.0:Opal1000.1 
/Data/Config/cs140_0                             * also an alias *
/Data/Config/cs140_0/CsPad2x2Config              /Configure:0000/CsPad2x2::ConfigV2/XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.0 
/Data/Config/evr0                                * alias *
/Data/Config/evr0/EvrConfig                      /Configure:0000/EvrData::ConfigV7/NoDetector.0:Evr.0
/Data/Config/evr1                                * alias *
/Data/Config/evr1/EvrConfig                      /Configure:0000/EvrData::ConfigV7/NoDetector.0:Evr.1
/Data/Config/MyTimeToolConfig                    * special alias from user, soft link to Opal_1/TimeToolConfig
/Data/Config/NH2-SB1-IPM-01/IpimbConfig          /Configure:0000/Ipimb::ConfigV2/NH2-SB1-IPM-01 
/Data/Config/NH2-SB1-IPM-01/IpmFexConfig         /Configure:0000/Lusi::IpmFexConfigV2/NH2-SB1-IPM-01 
/Data/Config/XppEnds_Ipm0/IpimbConfig            /Configure:0000/Ipimb::ConfigV2/XppEnds_Ipm0 
/Data/Config/XppEnds_Ipm0/IpmFexConfig           /Configure:0000/Lusi::IpmFexConfigV2/XppEnds_Ipm0 
/Data/Config/Event/L3TConfig                     /Configure:0000/L3T::ConfigV1/Event 

/Data/Run/Config/noSrc/mykey                      # if a user did configStore().put(myndarray, 'mykey') during beginrun
/Data/Run/Config/Opal_1/mykey                     # likewise, if a user did configStore().put(mystring, psana.Source('Opal_1'),'mykey')

/Data/Run/EndData/noSrc/summary                   # if a user did configStore().put(myndarray, 'summary') during endrun
/Data/Run/EndData/Opal_1/summary                  # if a user did configStore().put(myndarray, 'summary') during endrun
/Data/Run/Step:0000                               /Configure:0000/Run:0000/CalibCycle:0000
/Data/Run/Step:0000/Config/noSrc/myKeyString       # if user adding something to configStore during begincalibcycle
/Data/Run/Step:0000/MyTimeToolData                {soft link to above}
/Data/Run/Step:0000/cs140_0/radialIntegration     # a user module ndarray attached to a source
/Data/Run/Step:0000/noSrc/mykey                   # a user module ndarray not attached to a source


same as before, but invert type/source, and use DAQ aliases as before, but invert type/source, and use DAQ aliases 


Here is some feedback I have gotten.

Keep hiearchy close to EventKeys

Simplifying the hiearchy too much could be confusing, keeping closer to what one sees with psana EventKeys is helpful

Original Sources are Useful

Just having the DAQ aliases may not be good, One could put both the DAQ alias and native source in the name, or have them side by side, one a link, or keep aliases separate from original native source names, in different groups.

compound types vs. Basic Types

Use basic types in place of compound types.

Flattened Input

A tool to gather up, and event build the particluar data a user is intereted in. This may be a few fields from EBeam, a particular EPICS PV, links to camera images.