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- Responded but  Unable to attend: 

Actual attendees:

Hassaan, Kashif, Raja, Abdullah, Ibrahim, Saqib, Les


  • Adib has contacted his colleague (Dr. Nordin: chair of ISTT2014) to discuss the possibility of slotting our workshop in to the ISTT2014. The conference will be held in Langkawi between 24-26 Nov. therefore, we need to provide detailed proposal about the whole workshop and Dr. Nordin will discuss our proposal with the organizing committee.The conference is 2 days so the workshop may be squeezed to one day.

    Adib received draft for workshop from Johari 4/9/Adib was awaiting the workshop proposal from Johari to share with Dr. Nordin. Johari has sent a draft to Adib 4/9/2014.

    Hopefully, this will help us to attract good number of participants and get sponsor/support to cover our expenditure. Other option is to conduct the workshop in UUM, we are ready to provide Local Arrangement (lab, local transportation, and food). But there is no funding provided by the school  to support the transportation/accommodation of the  speakers.


Renan believes we  should invest more time on Virtuoso. He just cannot work on this at this moment because he  knows it will take him   some time to correctly migrate the data and perform more experiments; and unfortunately he has no extra time to do this.


Ibrahim Abaker  is planning to work on a topic initially entitled " leveraging pingER big data with a modified pingtable for event-correlation and clustering".  Ibrahim has a proposal, see is currently spending  time reading about RDF storage and its retrieval, alsohe also he is  trying to setup Hadoop clusters for the experiment. He plans  soon to discuss is in email discussion with Renan on which part to work on first. He plans to  collaborate with Renan to make the pinger store and process more efficient.


. Les has sent him documentation of PinGER which is very helpful. Ridzuans' work is more to do with hosting the data and stream data analysis. Ibrahim is looking more at applying MapReduce ( programming model for processing large data sets with a paralleldistributed algorithm on a cluster), reducing the storage needs and providing querying of the data.


The Raspberry Pi is at the data centre and has a public The Raspberry Pi is at the data centre and has a public IP address. The private IP address works but not the public. Johari reports no progress 4/8/2014.


Johari has a research student who finalized a proposal in order to officially apply for his masters.  He will start in February. He is currently working on threshold/anomaly detection, and will extend to correlating performance over multiple routes. He will share the proposal with Les and others April.


Saqib received feedback on the submitted an FRGS 2014 proposal ("A Fundamental Active Internet Performance Monitoring Framework for Malaysian Research & Education Network") for 36 months.  Proposes  He will update it and re-submit. He proposes to submit another in ERGS or E-Science grants.  He is in discussions with his PhD. superviser to get the requirements and has started on the proposal.

Saqib is seeing some unexplainable results from the traceroute servers at UTM. Basically traceroute from UTM works fine with -I option. Otherwise it stop at hops 10 or 11 unless he uses the -f 6 option. He will document and then we will share with others.

Saqib has started a case study of Malaysian hosts seen from Malaysian Monitors. He has updated the remote host list on UTM Pinger (Malaysian & S.E Asia) and remote host xml tool. In the next two weeks, he will finish the case study of Malaysian hosts seen from Malaysian Monitors.

UTM pinger server is now running with an updated version of pinger.xml file using the tool provided by Dr. Johari. Saqib has updated the data on remote host management page with all S.E Asia nodes. Now UM and UNIMAS can synchronize their host list.  The list is available here.


Regarding the monitoring host in UUM, Adib has assigned one student to prepare the configuration/installation plan including how to secure our host from attack. Adib requested Johari to share  the UNIMAS setting so it is easier for the student to follow.


Kashif has returned.

The process of trouble shooting/rebuilding Maggie1 will be pursued by Kashif (now Joun has left).

BUITMS is apparently working but does not seem to have access internationally. Kashif and Raja are investigating.

needs to add 3 more graphs.


Regarding the monitoring host in UUM, Adib has assigned one student to prepare the configuration/installation plan including how to secure our host from attack. He has a public IP address.  He needs to the DNS registration by Sunday or Monday. He is in the last stage of working with the Computer Center. Adib requested Johari to share  the UNIMAS setting so it is easier for the student to follow. 


Kashif has returned. He had a power outage for much of the meeting. 

The process of trouble shooting/rebuilding Maggie1 will be pursued by Kashif (now Joun has left).


The BeaconLists at NUST and SLAC are out of sync. The BeaconLists at NUST and SLAC are out of sync. Raja compared the two pinger.xml files. It turns out NUST was not using the HostList for the non Beacons and so Pakistani monitors have an expanded BeaconList which was updated from SEECS. Raja has explained this to NUST and believe it will be easy to synchronize. Kashif asked about the definition of Beacons. Les updated the web page at Hopefully this helps. However, Anjum pointed out that due to restrictions imposed at the at the PERN PoPs (limit number of hosts monitored, do not allow monitoring of non Pakistani hosts, do not provide full access permissions to the monitor) they cannot use the standard SLAC based beacon list. Anjum will talk to Arshad.  Maybe the PERN PoPs should use a different Beacon list kept at SEECS.

Hassaan reports that they have established contact with people in Bahawalpur.  The contact person forwarded the request to higher authorities for approval of PingER deployment.  Bahawalpur are not responding. When Kashif returns SEECS will try again. Anjum has some contacts from Bahawalpur at UM who may be able to help. He will contact them before Monday. The contact was on leave 4/9/2014

The  installation of PingER at Sahiwal is complete. It just needs the Beacon List.  This awaits It was awaiting Kashif's return. has been restored to a working stateBUITMS has been fixed. It is working now with the standard BeaconList and HostList.

We  are unable to gather data from airuniversity, buitms, cae, duhs, kohat, lcwu, pingerfsbd, pingerisl-qau, , uaf.


Added 92 new perfSONAR landmarks to TULIP DB,  48 of which are geographically unique. This gives us a total of 1010 landmarks, 316 of which are currently enabled of geolocationfor geolocation.

Written a script to find landmarks with incorrect coordinates. So far have identified 2 in North America, still looking for others.

A link to Vtrace from the perfSONAR home page has been added. perfSONAR has updated to a new release. With this there are motre more perfSONAR landmarks now available.

Raja, Umar and Les are working on a paper on TULIP and its application to Visual Tracerouting to be submitted later this year


Les contacted the  Hong Kong, Rutherford Lab (.uk), Daresbury Lab (.uk), CEFET (.br, UNESP(.br) and ACMESecurity (.br) PingER monitors to try and get them fixed. The Hong Kong contact has retired.  The others have not responded.

Old Items

Linked Open Data


Anjum suggested Saqib,  Badrul and Johari put together a paper on user experiences with using the Internet in Malaysia as seen from Malaysian universities. In particular round trip time, losses, jitter, reliability, routing/peering, in particular anomalies, and the impact on VoIP, throughput etc.  It would be good to engage someone from MYREN.

Potential projects

See list of Projects

Future meeting  - Les

Next meeting Wednesday April 9th 23rd  2014 9:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday April 10th  2014 24th 2014 9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday April 10th24th, 2014 noon Malaysian time, Thursday April 10th24th, 2014 02:00am Rio Standard Time.
