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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


The current sim/reco consists of five steps

  1. Get Events
  2. SLIC for running events through GEANT4
  3. lcsim to run the digitzation and the tracking
  4. SlicPandora to do the ParticleFlowAnalysis
  5. LCFIPlus to do the Vertexing
  6. lcsim to make DST's


Particle Gun

create a macro file calle called mymacro.macro

Code Block
/lcio/PDGFlag true


/lcio/filename myparticlegun.slcio




/generator/select gun


/gun/particle e-


/gun/position 0 0 0


/gun/direction 0. 1. 0




10 GeV


/run/beamOn 100


get an example stdhep file from the SLAC FTP server


now get ready to run SLIC

Step 2 Running SLIC

For all the following purposes, we're using the sidloi3 detector model, others can be used as well (or you can design your own)

for the particle gun do the following

the execute this with

Code Block
cd data
$SLIC/build/bin/slic  -g ../lcsim/LCDetectors/detectors/sidloi3/sidloi3.lcdd -m -i pythiaZPolemumu.stdhep  -O -p . -r 100
  • -g denotes the location of the detector description
  •  -i the input file
  • -O autonaming of the output file
  • -p the path, here "."
  • -r run for 100 events

it should produce an outputfile called


Running the reco

use the following Command line (all in one line!)



this will generate a file called myparticlegun.slcio with 100 10 GeV electrons fired at 90 degrees in the sidloi3 detector version

For the stdhep, use the following

Code Block
cd data
$SLIC/build/bin/slic -g ../lcsim/LCDetectors/detectors/sidloi3/sidloi3.lcdd  -i pythiaZPolemumu.stdhep  -O -p . -r 100
  • -g denotes the location of the detector description
  •  -i the input file
  • -O autonaming of the output file
  • -p the path, here "."
  • -r run for 100 events

it should produce an outputfile called





Step 3 Running the reco


For the following we'll use the LCIO file made from the stdhep input, for the particle gun file, just replace the file names


use the following Command line (all in one line!)

Code Block
 java -jar ../lcsim/lcsim/target/lcsim-2.11-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar   ../myscripts/sid_dbd_prePandora_noOverlay.xml -DinputFile=pythiaZPolemumu_slic-3.1.0_geant4-v9r6p1_QGSP_BERT_sidloi3.slcio -DtrackingStrategies=../myscripts/sidloi3_trackingStrategies_default.xml -DoutputFile=pythiaZPolemumu_slic-3.1.0_geant4-v9r6p1_QGSP_BERT_sidloi3_reco.slcio
  • -jar ../lcsim/lcsim/target/lcsim-2.11-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar  contains the reco code
  • ../myscripts/sid_dbd_prePandora_noOverlay.xml is the steeringfile
  • -DinputFile/-DoutputFile define the files to be used
  • -DtrackingStrategies is a file with tracking strategies to be used

Step 4 Running the PFA

Code Block
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:../slicPandora/lib/
../slicPandora/bin/PandoraFrontend -g ../myscripts/sidloi3_pandora.xml -c ../myscripts/sid_dbd_pandoraSettings.xml -i pythiaZPolemumu_slic-3.1.0_geant4-v9r6p1_QGSP_BERT_sidloi3_reco.slcio -o pythiaZPolemumu_slic-3.1.0_geant4-v9r6p1_QGSP_BERT_sidloi3_pandora.slcio

* -g Geometry file

  • -c settings
  • -i input -o outputfile

Step 5 Running the Vertexing

Code Block
cp ../myscripts/sid_dbd_vertexing.xml .

modify the filenames accordingly in an editor

Code Block
	<parameter name="LCIOInputFiles"> pythiaZPolemumu_slic-3.1.0_geant4-v9r6p1_QGSP_BERT_sidloi3_pandora.slcio</parameter>
	<parameter name="GearXMLFile"> </parameter>  
	<parameter name="MaxRecordNumber" value="-1" />  
	<parameter name="SkipNEvents" value="0" />  
	<parameter name="SupressCheck" value="false" />  
	<parameter name="Verbosity" options="DEBUG0-4,MESSAGE0-4,WARNING0-4,ERROR0-4,SILENT">WARNING</parameter> 

<processor name="MyLCIOOutputProcessor" type="LCIOOutputProcessor">
	<parameter name="LCIOOutputFile" type="string">pythiaZPolemumu
  • -jar ../lcsim/lcsim/target/lcsim-2.11-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar  contains the reco code
  • ../myscripts/sid_dbd_prePandora_noOverlay.xml is the steeringfile
  • -DinputFile/-DoutputFile define the files to be used
  • -DtrackingStrategies is a file with tracking strategies to be used

Running the PFA

Code Block
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:../slicPandora/lib/
../slicPandora/bin/PandoraFrontend -g ../myscripts/sidloi3_pandora.xml -c ../myscripts/sid_dbd_pandoraSettings.xml -i pythiaZPolemumu_slic-3.1.0_geant4-v9r6p1_QGSP_BERT_sidloi3_reco.slcio -o pythiaZPolemumu_slic-3.1.0_geant4-v9r6p1_QGSP_BERT_sidloi3_pandora.slcio

* -g Geometry file

  • -c settings
  • -i input -o outputfile

Running the Vertexing

Code Block
cp ~/myscripts/sid_dbd_vertexing.xml .


_QGSP_BERT_sidloi3_lcfi.slcio  </parameter>
	<parameter name="LCIOWriteMode" type="string" value="WRITE_NEW"/>

Code Block
 $MARLIN/bin/Marlin sid_dbd_vertexing.xml

Step 6 Making the DST

This final step creates two lcio files, one DST and with all the collections. It also performs the truth-matching
