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This page provides examples for selected modules from Psana psana - Module Catalog.

Auxiliary scripts

A few python scripts in ImgPixSpectra/data/ show how to process/plot the spectral array stored in the file.


  • psana.cfg - set non-default parameters to run psana for ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder and ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter
    The psana running this script saves images and peaks for event 115 in text files.
  • - Plots image and spectrum for image saved in file.
  • - Plots image with found peaks and spectrum.

Examples for package cspad_mod

Example for module cspad_mod::CsPad2x2Pedestals

Configuration file for pedestals calibration of two CSPAD2x2 simultaneously:

Code Block

files = /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/e308-r0070-s02-c00.xtc \
modules = cspad_mod.CsPad2x2Pedestals:0 \

#skip-events = 100
#events = 1111

source = DetInfo(XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.0)
output = pedestals-ave-xppi0513-r0070-Cspad2x2.0.dat
noise  = pedestals-rms-xppi0513-r0070-Cspad2x2.0.dat

source = DetInfo(XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.1)
output = pedestals-ave-xppi0513-r0070-Cspad2x2.1.dat
noise  = pedestals-rms-xppi0513-r0070-Cspad2x2.1.dat

Command to run this script:

Code Block

psana -c psana-xppi0513-r0070-cspad2x2-pedestals.cfg

The xtc file name(s) may be passed as an argument:

Code Block

psana -c psana-xppi0513-r0070-cspad2x2-pedestals.cfg /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/e308-r0070-*.xtc

Output files contain results, which can be plotted for average values:

and rms values:

Examples for package CSPadPixCoords

Example for


module CSPadPixCoords::CSPadImageProducer

How to write the CSPad image in text file:

Code Block

files         = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc
events        = 5

modules       = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

calibDir      = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName = CsPad::CalibV1
source        = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key           = calibrated
imgkey        = Image2D
tiltIsApplied = true

source        = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
#eventSave    = 1
saveAll       = true

See Package CSPadPixCoords


Example for module CSPadPixCoords::



See Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2ImageProducerCSPadNDArrProducer

Example of the configuration script for psana (cspad2x2-test.cfg):module CSPadNDArrProducer working in sequence with ImgAlgos::NDArrAverage is shown in Example for module ImgAlgos::NDArrAverage 


Example for module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2NDArrProducer

No Format
# Run this script:
# psana -c psana-meca1113-r0045-cspad-cspad2x2-dark-hotpix.cfg
Code Block
files# Default calibration      directory:
# calib-dir = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>mec/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc
events        = 5

files = exp=meca1113:run=45
events = 400
#skip-events = 0

modules = CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrProducer:1 \
       =   CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer.CSPad2x2NDArrProducer:2 \
          ImgAlgos.NDArrAverage:1 \

source  = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
inkey   = 
outkey  = DetInfo(:Cspad2x2)
inkey          = 
outimgkey      = Image
tiltIsApplied  = truecspad2x2.1_ndarr
outtype = int16
print_bits  = 3

source  = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.2
inkey   = 
outkey  = cspad2x2.2_ndarr
outtype = int16
print_bits     = 153

source        = DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2).1
key           = Image
avefile         = cspad2x2
saveAll .1-ave
rmsfile      = true
maskfile     = 5




Image RemovedImage Removed

Configuration file for cspad2x2 with pedestal subtraction


Access to the CSPad2x2 aligned geometry is added on 2013-02-13
and is available for offline release > ana-0.9.1.

Example of <psana-config-file.cfg>:

Code Block

files    = /reg/d/psdm/mec/mec73313/xtc/e268-r0180-s02-c00.xtc
#calib-dir = ./calib

modules  = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
events   = 5

hotpixfile   = cspad2x2.1-hot
#evts_stage1  = 100
#gate_width1  = 100.
thr_rms_ADU  = 10
thr_min_ADU  = 4
thr_max_ADU  = 10000
print_bits   = 29

source        = DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3)2
inputKeykey      = 
outputKey     = calibratedcspad2x2.2_arrndarr
doPedestalsavefile   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

calibDir cspad2x2.2-ave
rmsfile      = /reg/d/psdm/mec/mec73313/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad2x2::CalibV1
#source        = DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3)
source         = :Cspad2x2.3
inkey          = calibrated_arr
outimgkey      = Image
tiltIsApplied  = true
print_bits     = 15

maskfile     = cspad2x2.2-msk
hotpixfile   = cspad2x2.2-hot
#evts_stage1  = 100
#gate_width1  = 100.
thr_rms_ADU  = 10
thr_min_ADU  = 4
thr_max_ADU  = 10000
print_bits   = 29

This script makes ndarrays for two cspad2x2 detectors and use them evaluate average, rms, mask and hot pixel arrays.

See Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2NDArrProducer

Example for module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2NDArrReshape

Example of configuration file

Code Block
#files = exp=meca1113:run=376
#events = 10
##skip-events = 0

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
         = DetInfo(MecTargetChamberCSPadPixCoords.0:Cspad2x2.3)
keyCSPad2x2NDArrProducer:clb \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrProducer:raw \
 = Image
fname        CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrReshape \
 = cspad2x2.3
saveAll        = true
print_bitsImgAlgos.NDArrAverage:clb \
         = 3
#         = 5

Example of psana configuration file to get cspad2x2 images for two detectors and save them in files, one in txt, another in tiff formats:

Code Block


inputKey      = /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/e308-r0008-s02-c00.xtc \

outputKey     = clb_data
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus  /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/e308-r0008-s03-c00.xtc

#modules = cspad_mod.CsPad2x2Pedestals

#calib-dir = ./calib
calib-dir = /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/calib

modules  = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib:0 \ 
     = yes
doCommonMode  = yes

source     = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
inkey      = clb_data
outkey     = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib:1 \ 
outtype    = int16
print_bits      = 5

[CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer:0 \
source           CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer:1 \ 
= MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
inkey      = 
outkey     = ImgAlgoscspad2x2.ImgSaveInFile:0  \
outtype    = int16
print_bits = 5

source     = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
keys_in    = ImgAlgoscspad2x2.ImgSaveInFile:1

events   = 5

[cspad_mod.CsPadCalib:01_raw:as_data cspad2x2.1_clb:as_data
print_bits = 255

source        = DetInfo(XppGonMecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.0)
key          = 
avefile      = calibrated_arr0
rmsfile    = yes
doPixelStatus = no
print_bits   = yes255

source        = DetInfo(XppGonMecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1)
inputKeykey      = 
outputKey     = calibratedcspad2x2.1_arr1raw
doPedestalsavefile    = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = yes

rmsfile         = /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/calib
typeGroupName= arr-rms-raw
print_bits    = CsPad2x2::CalibV1
source       = 255

This script produces raw and calibrated ndarrays shaped as data (185,388,2), then pass these arrays  as

keys_in    = 


cspad2x2.1_raw:as_data cspad2x2.1_clb:as_data

to the CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrReshape module, which produces two reshaped (2,185,388) arrays and saves them in the event store with default keys 

cspad2x2.1_raw, cspad2x2.1_clb    (suffixes are dropped)

then both re-shaped arrays are averaged and saved in files on disk.

Example of associated python script:

Code Block
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import psana


dsname = 'exp=meca1113:run=376'
print "Data source: %s" % dsname
ds = psana.DataSource(dsname)

print "Initializing Matplotlib Plotter"
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', frameon=True)

evnum = 0
evnum_max = 50

for evt in :

    evtid  = evt.get(psana.EventId)

    evnum += 1
    if evnum > evnum_max : break

    img_as_data = evt.get(psana.ndarray_int16_3, psana.Source('DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1)'), 'cspad2x2.1_clb:as_data')
    img_reshpd  = evt.get(psana.ndarray_int16_3, psana.Source('DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1)'), 'cspad2x2.1_clb')

    print 'img_as_data.shape = ', img_as_data.shape
    print 'img_reshpd.shape  = ', img_reshpd.shape

    img_as_data.shape = (2*185,388)
    img_reshpd.shape = (2*185,388)

    ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05,  0.06, 0.44, 0.87])
    ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.55,  0.06, 0.44, 0.87])

    fig.canvas.set_window_title('Image from arrays "as-data" and "reshaped"')

    imsh1 = ax1.imshow(img_as_data, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', origin='upper') # , extent=img_range)
    imsh2 = ax2.imshow(img_reshpd,  interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', origin='upper') # , extent=img_range)

    plt.title("Event: %d.%d" % evtid.time())

This script retrieves from the event store calibrated ndarrays shaped as data (185,388,2) and re-shaped (2,185,388), then re-shape both to 2-d arrays (2*185,388) and plot them. Re-shaped array looks as recognizable (without spaces between ASICs) cspad2x2 image. Array shapes "as data" looks as an overlap of two images.


See Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2NDArrReshape

JIRA issue:

serverSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


Example for module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2ImageProducer

See Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2ImageProducer

Example of the configuration script for psana (cspad2x2-test.cfg):

Code Block

Example for package ImgPixSpectra

See Package ImgPixSpectra


  • ImgPixSpectra::CSPadPixSpectra
  • ImgPixSpectra::MiniCSPadPixSpectra
  • ImgPixSpectra::CameraPixSpectra

Configuration file example for MiniCSPadPixSpectra:

Code Block

files         = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>name-1>.xtc
events        = 5
modules       = CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer ImgPixSpectraImgAlgos.MiniCSPadPixSpectraImgSaveInFile

source         = CxiSc1.0DetInfo(:Cspad2x2.0
amin )
inkey          = 
outimgkey      = Image
tiltIsApplied  = true
print_bits    500.
amax = 15

source        = DetInfo(:Cspad2x2)
key           =  1000.Image
nbinsfname         = cspad2x2
saveAll  100
arr_fname     = mini-cspad-pix-spectra.txt

To get images from saved file one may execute the auxiliary script:

Code Block

ImgPixSpectra/data/ mini-cspad-pix-spectra.txt

generates image for limited range of pixels for CSPad, MiniCSPad, or Camera, respectively:
Image RemovedImage Removed Image Removed

Examples for package ImgAlgos

See Package ImgAlgos

Example for module ImgAlgos::Tahometer

See Module ImgAlgos::Tahometer

Example of the psana configuration file:

#eventSave     = 5

Command to run:
psana -c cspad2x2-test.cfg
One of the saved files cspad2x2-<run>-<timestamp>.txt is plotted as an image by the command
./ cspad2x2-<run>-<timestamp>.txt 0 1200

Image AddedImage Added

Configuration file for cspad2x2 with pedestal subtraction


Access to the CSPad2x2 aligned geometry is added on 2013-02-13
and is available for offline release > ana-0.9.1.

Example of <psana-config-file.cfg>:

Code Block
Code Block

files         = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>mec/<experiment>mec73313/xtc/<filee268-r0180-names02-1>c00.xtc\

#calib-dir = ./calib

modules  = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
events   = 5

source       /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc

modules = DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3)
inputKey       = ImgAlgos.Tahometer

outputKey     = calibrated_arr
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = 10
doCommonMode  = 7

Example for module ImgAlgos::PnccdImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::PnccdImageProducer

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block


calibDir       = /reg/d/psdm/mec/mec73313/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad2x2::CalibV1
#source        = DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3)
source         = :Cspad2x2.3
inkey          = calibrated_arr
outimgkey      = Image
tiltIsApplied  = true
print_bits     = 15

source         = 
key            = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc\
fname          = cspad2x2.3
saveAll     /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc
#skip-events = 100
events   = true
print_bits     = 3
#eventSave  =  5
modules = ImgAlgos.PnccdImageProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile


Example of psana configuration file to get cspad2x2 images for two detectors and save them in files, one in txt, another in tiff formats:

Code Block
files    = /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/e308-r0008-s02-c00.xtc \
  = DetInfo(:pnCCD)
inkey         =
outimgkey     = imgpnccd
print_bits    = 1


#modules = cspad_mod.CsPad2x2Pedestals

#calib-dir = ./calib
calib-dir = /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/calib

modules  = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib:0 \ 
          = DetInfo(:pnCCD)
key cspad_mod.CsPadCalib:1 \ 
           = imgpnccd
fnameCSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer:0 \
           = pnccd-img-ev
saveAllCSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer:1 \ 
           = true
#eventSave  ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:0  \

events   = 825

source        = 1

This script saves text files with images like pnccd-img-ev-<run-date-time.nsec>.txt, which can be presented as:
Image Removed

Example for module ImgAlgos::CameraImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::CameraImageProducer

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated_arr0
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = yes

source        = DetInfo(XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.1)
inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated_arr1
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
files= yes

calibDir           = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>xpp/<experiment>xpptut13/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc
modules    calib
typeGroupName     = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
source           = 5

inkey            = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in  calibrated_arr0
outimgkey        = Image
key_outtiltIsApplied         = imgfalse
subtract_offsetuseWidePixCenter = truefalse
print_bits       = 15

sourcecalibDir         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
typeGroupName    = CsPad2x2::CalibV1
source      = img
fname    = DetInfo(XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.1)
inkey    = img-from-my-experiment
saveAll       = true
outimgkey      = 1

This script saves text files with images like img-from-my-experiment-<run-date-time.nsec>.txt, which can be drawn by the python script

./ImgAlgos/data/ <filename>.txt <Amin> <Amax>

Example for module ImgAlgos::PrincetonImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::PrincetonImageProducer

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block

[psana]  = Image
tiltIsApplied    = false
useWidePixCenter = false
print_bits       = 15

source         = DetInfo(:Cspad2x2.0)
key            = Image
fname          = cspad2x2.0
ftype          = txt
#ftype          = tiff
filessaveAll         = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc\
= true
print_bits     = 3
#eventSave     = 5

source    /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc
modules       = ImgAlgos.PrincetonImageProducer \
key                ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
events= Image
fname          = 3

#ftype          = DetInfo(:Princeton)
ftype          = tiff
key_outsaveAll         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 31

source   3
#eventSave     = DetInfo(:Princeton)
key           = img
fname         = img-xcs
saveAll       = true
print_bits    = 31

Image Removed

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgAverage

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgAverage


Example for package ImgPixSpectra

See Package ImgPixSpectra


  • ImgPixSpectra::CSPadPixSpectra
  • ImgPixSpectra::CSPad2x2PixSpectra
  • ImgPixSpectra::CameraPixSpectra

Example for module ImgPixSpectra::CSPadPixSpectra

See module description in Module ImgPixSpectra::CSPadPixSpectra
Configuration file psana-cxib2313-r0114-cspad-pix-spectra.cfgThe ImgAverage module can be used for evaluation of averaged pedestals or background using dedicated runs. Typical configuration file may looks like this:

Code Block

[psana]# Command to run this script: 
# psana -c psana-cxib2313-r0114-cspad-pix-spectra.cfg
# Other useful commands: 
# psana -n 5 -m  PrintSeparator,PrintEventId,psana_examples.DumpCsPad /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxib2313/xtc/e336-r0114*
# psana -n 5 -m EventKeys exp=cxib2313:run=114:xtc

files      = exp=cxib2313:run=114:xtc
#calib-dir = ./calib
skip-events = 0
events      = 100
modules     = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgPixSpectra.CSPadPixSpectra

source        =    
inputKey    = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc
modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = ImgAlgos.ImgAverageyes
eventsdoPixelStatus  = 1000no
doCommonMode  = yes

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
inputKey         = calibrated
key_outamin         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

amax          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img
nbins         = img-ave.dat
rmsfile         = img-rms.dat
print_bits 10
arr_fname     = 31
evts_stage1     = 100
evts_stage2     = 100
gate_width1     = 200
gate_width2     = 20

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgMaskEvaluation

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgMaskEvaluation



where module cspad_mod.CsPadCalib subtracts pedestals, apply common mode correction, and save CSPAD array in the event store with key "calibrated", which is used in the next module ImgPixSpectra.CSPadPixSpectra.

To run this script use command

psana -c psana-cxib2313-r0114-cspad-pix-spectra.cfg

which produces two files:

  • cspad_spectral_array.txt – array of 10-bin amplitude spectra for all pixels
  • cspad_spectral_array.txt.sha– file with metadata for array shape:

    Code Block


    NPIXELS  2296960
    NBINS    10


  • -20
    AMAX     20
    NEVENTS  100
    ARRFNAME cspad_spectral_array.txt

Plot for content of the file cspad_spectral_array.txt:
Image Added

Example for module ImgPixSpectra::CSPad2x2PixSpectra

See module description in Module ImgPixSpectra::CSPad2x2PixSpectra
Configuration file example for CSPad2x2PixSpectra:

Code Block
files         = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/<file-name>.xtc
modules       = ImgPixSpectra.CSPad2x2PixSpectra

source      = img
file_mask_satu	= img-mask-satu.dat
file_mask_nois	= img-mask-nois.dat
file_mask_comb	= img-mask-comb.dat
file_frac_satu	= img-frac-satu.dat
file_frac_nois	= img-frac-nois.dat
thre_satu   	= 400   
frac_satu       = 0
dr              = 1
amin          =   3
amax          =  0.05
nbins         =   100
arr_fname      = 63

In this example parameters were chosen in order to get a small number of "noisy" pixel just due to statistics.

Typical image:
Image Removed

Plots for fraction of noisy pixels:
Image RemovedImage Removed

Plots for fraction of saturated pixels:
Image RemovedImage Removed

Masks: noisy, saturated, and combined:
Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed


To get images from saved file one may execute the auxiliary script:

Code Block
ImgPixSpectra/data/ cspad2x2-pix-spectra.txt

generates image for limited range of pixels for CSPad, CSPad2x2, or Camera, respectively:
Image AddedImage Added Image Added

Examples for package ImgAlgos

See Package ImgAlgos

Example for module ImgAlgos::



See Module ImgAlgos::ImgCalib:Tahometer

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
files          = 
             = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc

modules       = 1ImgAlgos.Tahometer

source dn         = 10
print_bits = 7

Example for module ImgAlgos::EpixNDArrProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::EpixNDArrProducer

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block
key_in            = img
events         = calibrated
modules       = <pedestal-file-name>
fname_mask ImgAlgos.EpixNDArrProducer \
                = <mask-file-name>
fname_bkgd      = 

source = DetInfo(:Epix10k)
key_in =
key_out = epix-nda
outtype = float
print_bits = 255

source       = 
key          = 31

Example of the mask file and resulting image:
Image RemovedImage Removed

avefile      = epix-ave
print_bits   = 29

EpixNDArrProducer gets Epix10k ndarray from data and saves it in the events store with possible type conversion. Then NDArrAverage averages this ndarray over requested number of events (100) and saves it in file.

Example for module ImgAlgos::



See Module ImgAlgos::ImgRadialCorrectionPnccdImageProducer

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block

files  = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \
        /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc \
skip-events = 500
events      = 10
modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
#                         ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract \
files          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer \
= /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc\
              ImgAlgos.ImgRadialCorrection \
#skip-events = 100
events      =  5
modules = ImgAlgos.PnccdImageProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:1

inputKeysource        = 
inkey         =
outimgkey calibrated
doPedestals    = yesimgpnccd
doPixelStatusprint_bits = no
doCommonMode  = no1

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0:pnCCD)
inputKeykey      = calibrated
outputKey     = bkgd_subtracted_arr
bkgd_fname    = <the-file-name-with-background-array>
fname    = 0
print_bits    = 0

saveAll      = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName = CsPad::CalibV1
#eventSave        = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key    82
print_bits       = calibrated
imgkey        = current_img
#tiltIsApplied = true

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)

This script saves text files with images like pnccd-img-ev-<run-date-time.nsec>.txt, which can be presented as:
Image Added

Advanced example for PnccdImageProducer;

  • get pnccd ndarray from data,
  • calibrate ndarray (subtract pedestals, common mode, remove pixels with bad status),
  • produce image with two gaps from calibrated ndarray,
  • average image for 10 events:
Code Block
[psana]          = current_img
outkey        = r_cor_img
xcenter       = 866
ycenter       = 857
rmin          = 100
rmax          = 810
n_phi_bins    = 60
event#calib-dir = /reg/d/psdm/SXR/sxrb5914/calib
files       = 0
print_bits    = 3

source= exp=sxrb5914:run=245
events = 10

modules = ImgAlgos.Tahometer \
        =  CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
keyImgAlgos.PnccdNDArrProducer \
          ImgAlgos.NDArrCalib \
           = r_cor_img
fnameImgAlgos.PnccdImageProducer \
         = <file-name-for-image-array>
#saveAll ImgAlgos.NDArrAverage

dn         = true100
eventSaveprint_bits = 7

source   = 8

Note: the option of the background subtraction (ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract) is commented out in this configuration file . In order to evoke this option, the comment sign (#) should be removed from the list of modules and the key=bkgd_subtracted_arr should be used in CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer.

Calibrated image and spectrum:
Image RemovedImage Removed

Calibrated and radial-corrected image, spectrum, and subtracted r-phi65 distribution for n_phi_bins=65:
Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Calibrated and radial-corrected image, spectrum, and subtracted r-phi12 distribution for n_phi_bins=12:
Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder

Configuration file example:

Code Block

[psana]                                             DetInfo(Camp.0:pnCCD.1)
key_in  =
key_out = pnccd-ndarr
outtype = asdata
print_bits = 0

source = DetInfo(Camp.0:pnCCD.1) 
key_in = pnccd-ndarr 
key_out = calibrated 
do_peds = yes
do_cmod = yes
do_stat = yes
do_mask = no
do_bkgd = no
do_gain = no 
do_nrms = no
do_thre = no
#fname_mask = pnccd-test-mask.txt
#fname_bkgd = pnccd-test-bkgd.txt
masked_value     =    0
threshold_nrms   =  4.0
threshold        =  100
below_thre_value =       
files    0
bkgd_ind_min     = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \
bkgd_ind_max     = 10200
bkgd_ind_inc     =     /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc \
print_bits       =     1

source        = DetInfo(Camp.0:pnCCD..1)
inkey         = calibrated
outimgkey      /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-N>.xtc

modules= pnccd-img
gap_rows       = ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFinder PrintSeparator

#skip-events= 0
gap_cols      = 500
gap_value     = 0
print_bits    = 1201

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000Camp.0:pnCCD.1)
key            = pnccd-img
peaksKeyavefile       =  peaks
rmsfile   =  20
threshold_high =  50
#maskfile     = pnccd-msk
#hotpixfile    = pnccd-hot
thr_rms_ADU  = 160
thr_min_ADU  = 2
thr_max_ADU  = 10000
print_bits   = 29

Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::CameraImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::CameraImageProducer

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block
[psana]            1.5
smear_radius   =  2
peak_radius    =  3
xmin           =  200
xmax           =  800
ymin           =  100
ymax           =  900
files           =  115
print_bits /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc
modules         =  0
finderIsOnImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
events          =  true
  • This algorithm consumes ~15 ms/event on psana0101 for full Opal1000 (1024x1024) camera image.
  • Smearing algorithm use a "safety margin" which is currently set to 10 pixels (offset from each boarder of the full image size).

Image on different stages of this algorithm:
Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

  1. raw image,
  2. image in the window with amplitudes above the threshold_low
    • few peaks at the edges were discarded by the window limits,
    • image still contains many 1-photon pixels, which need to be eliminated,
  3. smeared image,
  4. raw image with found peaks (marked by the red circles)
  5. zoom of the previous plot.

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter

Code Block


source              = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in            = peaks
thresholdkey_peakout   = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10img
printsubtract_bits  offset   = 11true
fnameprint_bits          = img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinderAB

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinderAB

Configuration file example:

Code Block


source        = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key           = img
fname         = img-from-my-experiment
saveAll       = true
#eventSave     = 1

This script saves text files with images like img-from-my-experiment-<run-date-time.nsec>.txt, which can be drawn by the python script

./ImgAlgos/data/ <filename>.txt <Amin> <Amax>

Example for module ImgAlgos::PrincetonImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::PrincetonImageProducer

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block
files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc
modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
events  = 10

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source                 = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
files         = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc\
      = img
key_peaks_out          = peaks
modules        = signal-arr
#hot_pix_mask_inp_file = ana-misc-exp/mask.dat
#hot_pix_mask_out_file = noise-mask-out.dat
#frac_noisy_evts_file  = noise-frac-out.dat
evt_file_outImgAlgos.PrincetonImageProducer \
               = tmp/img-

rmin ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
events          = 3

source    =    10
dr       = DetInfo(:Princeton)
key_in           =     1
SoNThrkey_noiseout         =     3
SoNThr_signal       =     3
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      =   0.9

source        = DetInfo(:Princeton)
key    3
peak_npix_max       =   100
fname    =     0.
peak_SoN_thr        =     4.
event_npeak_min= img-xcs
saveAll       =     5
print_bits     =  1000
event_amp_tot_thr   =     0.
nevents_mask_update =     0
nevents_mask_accum  =    50
selection_mode      = SELECTION_ON
out_file_bits       =    15
print_bits          =   513

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgHitFinder

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgHitFinder

ImgHitFinder in regular mode needs in file with pedestals (offset) to correct the image and file with threshold.
In amo74213 run 93 these files can be obtained directly from data, discarding signal hits as outliers using
ImgAlgos.ImgAverage module as follows with configuration file:


Image Added



Example for module ImgAlgos::AcqirisArrProducer

See description of parameters in Module ImgAlgos::AcqirisArrProducer

Example of the psana configuration file psana-amo01509-r0125-acqiris.cfg :

Code Block
# Command to run this script:
# psana -c psana-amo01509-r0125-acqiris.cfg;
# Useful commands:
# psana -n 5 -m EventKeys exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;
# psana -n 5 -m psana_examples.DumpAcqiris exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;    (C++ version)
# psana -n 1 -m psana_examples.dump_acqiris exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;   (python version)
Code Block

# File: psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-average.cfg

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo74213amo01509/xtc/e269-r0093-s05e8-r0125-s00-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo01509/xtc/e8-r0125-s01-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo74213amo01509:run=93125:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgAverageAcqirisArrProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:wf ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:wt

skip-events = 0
events      = 1000100

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key_in          = 
key_outwform     = acqiris_wform
key_wtime     = imgacqiris_wtime
subtractfname_offsetprefix  = trueacq
print_bits      = 111

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key             = img
fname          = imgacq-aveAmoETOF-for-peds
ftype          = img-rms-for-thre
#ftype     = 100
evts_stage2     = 100
#saveAll        = 50true
gateprint_width2bits     = 103
print_bitseventSave      = 31

Run psana using command:

Code Block

psana -c psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-average.cfg

At the end of this procedure two files will be created:

  • img-ave-for-peds-r0093.dat - may be used for pedestal subtraction:
    Image Removed Image Removed
  • img-rms-for-thre-r0093.dat - may be used multiplied by number of rms as a threshold:
    Image Removed Image Removed

The file with accumulated pixel hits can be obtained using configuration file:

Code Block

# File: psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-hit-finder.cfg

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo74213/xtc/e269-r0093-s05-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo74213:run=93:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \

source         = AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key            = acqiris_wtime
fname          = acq-AmoETOF-wtime
ftype          = txt
#ftype          ImgAlgos.ImgHitFinder= \tiff
  #saveAll        ImgAlgos.ImgAverage
skip-events = 0
events true
print_bits     = 1000

eventSave           = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source           = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in           = img
key_out          = img_hits
fname_peds       = img-ave-for-peds-r0093.dat
fname_mask       = 
fname_gain       = 
fname_thre       = img-rms-for-thre-r0093.dat
masked_value     = 0
thre_mode        = 3
#thre_mode        = 2
thre_param       = 5
thre_below_value = 0
thre_above_value = 1
win_row_min      = 10
win_row_max      = 1000
win_col_min      = 10

This script with psana does a few things:

  • module AcqirisArrProducer gets Acqiris data objects from event store, adjusts trigger time corrections, and saves them back in the event store as uniform ndarrays<double,2> objects for waveforms and times
  • two instances of the module ImgSaveInFile save arrays of waveforms and wave-times for locally counted event 5.

This script saves 3 text files:

  • acq-amo01509-r0125.txt -- with configuration parameters:

    Code Block
      nbrBanks=1 channelMask=69905 nbrChannels=5 nbrConvertersPerChannel=4
      horiz: sampInterval=2.5e-10 delayTime=0 nbrSegments=1 nbrSamples=10000
      vert(0): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(1): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(2): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(3): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(4): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
  • acq-AmoETOF-wform-r0125-20091018-182512.194787218.txt – with waveforms for 5th event
  • acq-AmoETOF-wtime-r0125-20091018-182512.194787218.txt – with wave-times for 5th event

Arrays from these files can be plotted for all channels, shown by different colors:

Image Added  Image Added




Example for module ImgAlgos::AcqirisAverage

See description of parameters in Module ImgAlgos::AcqirisAverage

Configuration file psana-amo01509-r0125-acqiris-average.cfg:

Code Block
# Command to run this script: 
# psana -c psana-amo01509-r0125-acqiris-average.cfg;
# Useful commands: 
# psana -n 5 -m EventKeys exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;
# psana -n 5 -m psana_examples.DumpAcqiris exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;    (C++ version)
# psana -n 1 -m psana_examples.dump_acqiris exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;   (python version)

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo01509/xtc/e8-r0125-s00-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo01509/xtc/e8-r0125-s01-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.AcqirisArrProducer ImgAlgos.AcqirisAverage

skip-events = 0
events      = 1000
print_bits       = 39

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key_in        = 
key_wform     = imgacqiris_hitswform
sumfilekey_wtime     = acqiris_wtime
fname_prefix   = img-sum-resultacq
print_bits      = 25

and run it by the command:

Code Block

psana -c psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-hit-finder.cfg

Which creates the file: img-sum-result-r0093.dat for thre_mode = 2 and thre_mode = 3, respectively:
Image Removed Image Removed

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra
Configuration file for psana:

Code Block


source               = AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key_in               = acqiris_wform
key_ave              = acqiris_average
fname_ave_prefix     = acq
files = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc

modules    -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 -0.005
is_positive_signal   =  ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
do_inverse_selection = yes
#skip_events          = 0
#proc_events      ImgAlgos.ImgSpectra \
   = 100
print_bits           = 255

Psana with this script runs over 1000 events apply threshold-based selection algorithm and produces files:

  • acq-amo01509-r0125-config.txt -- with Acqiris configuration parameters:

    Code Block
      nbrBanks=1 channelMask=69905 nbrChannels=5 nbrConvertersPerChannel=4
      horiz: sampInterval=2.5e-10 delayTime=0 nbrSegments=1 nbrSamples=10000
      vert(0): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(1): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(2): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(3): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(4): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
  • acq-amo01509-r0125-ave-wfs.txt with averaged array of waveforms, which were below threshold (averaging for baseline level):

Image Added


Example for module ImgAlgos::AcqirisCalib

See description of parameters in Module ImgAlgos::AcqirisCalib

Configuration file psana-amo01509-r0125-acqiris-calib.cfg:

Code Block
# Command to run this script: 
# psana -c psana-amo01509-r0125-acqiris-calib.cfg;
# Useful commands: 
# psana -n 5 -m EventKeys exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;
# psana -n 5 -m psana_examples.DumpAcqiris exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;    (C++ version)
# psana -n 1 -m psana_examples.dump_acqiris exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc > test-acqiris-file.txt;   (python version)

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo01509/xtc/e8-r0125-s00-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo01509/xtc/e8-r0125-s01-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.AcqirisArrProducer ImgAlgos.AcqirisCalib ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:wf_raw ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:wf_calib

skip-events = 0
events  ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:2
#                ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
#                psana_examples.DumpOpal1k \

events          = 100

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = img
key_out         = spectra
sig_band_rowc   = 512.
ref_band_rowc   = 552.
sig_band_tilt   =   0.
ref_band_tilt   =   0.
sig_band_width  =  10 
ref_band_width  =  10 
print_bits      =  310

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key_in          = spectra
printkey_bits wform     =  15

key_wtime        = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key= acqiris_wtime
fname_prefix  = acq
print_bits    = 1

source               = AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key_in               = spectra
key_out              = specwf-xppi0412
fname_base_line       = true

#skip_events          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
#proc_events           = img
print_bits           = img-xppi0412

source         = true

This script can be used in order to produce text files with image and spectral array:
Image Removed Image Removed Image Removed
or graphics for several images:
Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectraProc

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectraProc
Configuration file for psana:

Code Block

key            = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
fname          = spectra
ftype          =  15

For each event it prints something similar to:

Code Block

[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Spectral array shape =3, 1024
[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Image spectra for run=0060 Evt=000100
#ftype          = tiff
#saveAll       0 = true
print_bits   100  = 3
eventSave  200     300     400     500     600     700     800     900    1000
Signal:= 5

source    1211    4062 =  11150AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key    17070   16406   12949  = wf-calibrated
fname 7991    5168    3968    3542    3811
Refer.:= acq-AmoETOF-wform-calibrated
ftype     933    3485 = txt
#ftype 10425   17128   17791   13522= tiff
#saveAll   8315    5000 = true
print_bits  3390    2967    3193
Diff. := 3
eventSave    0.259   0.153   0.067  -0.003  -0.081  -0.043  -0.040   0.033   0.157   0.177   0.176
[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Run=0060 Evt=000100 Time=20120507-125420.982421325 done...

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile

Code Block

modules = ... ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:1 ...

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)   # or CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = img
fname          = my-img
#ftype          = txt
#ftype          = bin
#ftype          = png
ftype          = tiff
#eventSave     = 5
saveAll        = true

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile

Example for module ImgPeakFinder and ImgPeakFilter for CSPad

Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder works on image. In order to apply this algorithm to CSPad the image should be produced. In next example the image is produced using consequtive modules cspad_mod.CsPadCalib, ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply, and CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer:

= 5

In this script the base-line level for all waveforms is loaded from file and is subtracted in module ImgAlgos.AcqirisCalib.

For example, the raw and calibrated waveforms for event 5 were saved in the files:

  • acq-AmoETOF-wform-raw-r0125-e00000005-20091018-182512.194787218.txt
  • acq-AmoETOF-wform-calibrated-r0125-e00000005-20091018-182512.194787218.txt

which content is presented on plots:

Image Added Image Added


Example for module ImgAlgos::AcqirisCFD

See description of parameters in Module ImgAlgos::AcqirisCFD

Configuration file psana_cfd.cfg:

Code Block
# Command to run this script: 
# psana -c psana_cfd.cfg;
modules = ImgAlgos.AcqirisArrProducer ImgAlgos.AcqirisCalib ImgAlgos.AcqirisCFD 
files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo01509/xtc/e8-r0125-s00-c00.xtc
source  = AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key_in  =
key_wform  = acqiris_wform
key_wtime  = acqiris_wtime
fname_prefix  = acq
print_bits  = 0
source  = AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key_in  = acqiris_wform
key_out  = wf-calibrated
fname_base_line  = acq--r0000-ave-wfs.txt
#skip_events  = 0
#proc_events  = 100
print_bits  = 0
source  = AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
key_wform  = wf-calibrated
baselines =  0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
thresholds =  -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 -0.005
fractions =  0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
deadtimes =  20.0e-9 20.0e-9 20.0e-9 20.0e-9 20.0e-9
leading_edges = 1 1 1 1 1

This script analyzes an AMO run where 5 acqiris channels were in use.  It uses an AcqirisArrProducer to producer the list of waveforms/times for all channels.  It then uses an AcqirisCalib module to do a baseline subtraction using a previously generated file of baselines act--r0000-ave-wfs.txt.  Finally, a constant fraction discriminator algorithm is run on all the waveforms with user specified parameters.  The edges calculated by AcqirisCFD are saved to the event as one ndarray<double,1> per channel, each with a (default) key "acqiris_edges_N" where N is the channel number.  Channels where no edges were found are not saved to the event.


Example for combination of Acqiris modules

See description of parameters in Modules ImgAlgos::AcqirisArrProducer, AcqirisAverage, and AcqirisCalib

Configuration file psana-amo01509-r0125-acqiris-comb.cfg:

Code Block
# Command to run this script: 
# psana -c psana-amo01509-r0125-acqiris-comb.cfg;

files = exp=amo01509:run=125:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.AcqirisArrProducer ImgAlgos.AcqirisAverage:bl  ImgAlgos.AcqirisCalib ImgAlgos.AcqirisAverage:signal ImgAlgos.Tahometer

#skip-events = 0
events      = 2010

Code Block

files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \

events      =  1000
experiment  = cxii0212
calib-dir   = ana-cxii0212/calib

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFinder \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFilter \
        =  ImgAlgosAmoETOF.ImgSaveInFile0:1

key_in        = 
outputKeykey_wform     = calibrated
key_wtime     = yes
fname_prefix  = no
print_bits    = yes7

source               = DetInfo(CxiDs1AmoETOF.0:CspadAcqiris.0)
inkeykey_in               = calibrated
#key_ave              = masked_arr
fname_ave_prefix     = acq-bline
thresholds  = <your-local-directory>/<mask-file-name>.dat
masked_amp        = -0.005 0
print_bits    -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 
is_positive_signal    =  5no
maskdo_controlinverse_bitsselection = 15

skip_events       = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad::CalibV1
proc_events          = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
print_bits            = masked_arr

source         = img
print_bits     =  AmoETOF.0:Acqiris.0
#tiltIsAppliedkey_in  = true

source         = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key  = acqiris_wform
key_out              = img
peaksKey wf-calibrated
fname_base_line      = peaksacq-bline
thresholdskip_lowevents    = 2
threshold_high = 5
sigma   = 1001
proc_events      = 1.5
smear_radius   = 51000
peakprint_radiusbits    = 7
xmin        = 47

source   = 20
xmax           = 1700
key_in           = 20
ymax   = wf-calibrated
#key_ave       = 1700
#testEvent      = 5
printfname_ave_bitsprefix     = 3acq-signal
#finderIsOnthresholds     = true

source    =     = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = cspad-img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

source-0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 
is_positive_signal   = no
do_inverse_selection = no
skip_events          = 1001
proc_events          = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
print_bits            = img
fname          = cspad-img
#eventSave     = 1
saveAll        = true

Example for module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage

Configuration file example for evaluation of pedestals:

Code Block

modules = ImgAlgos.CSPadArrAverage
files   = <path-to-the-dark-run-file>.xtc

source  = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key     =
avefile = cspad-pedestals-ave.dat
rmsfile = cspad-pedestals-rms.dat
print_bits  = 15
evts_stage1 = 100
evts_stage2 = 100
gate_width1 = 100
gate_width2 =  10

Configuration file example for evaluation of background:

Code Block

files       = <path-to-the-background-run-file>.xtc
modules     = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadArrAverage
skip-events = 500
events      = 1000000

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source  = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key     = calibrated
avefile = cspad-background-ave.dat
rmsfile = cspad-background-rms.dat
print_bits  = 15

Images of the CSPad arrays for averaged and rms values, respectively, in one of the CXI runs:
Image RemovedImage Removed

Example for module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract


print_bits  = 7

This script works with psana as follows:

  • for the 1st 1000 events averages waveforms below threshold and saves results in the file acq-bline-amo01509-r0125-ave-wfs.txt;
  • for the next 1000 events subtracts baseline level and averages waveforms above thresholds and saves results in the file acq-signal-amo01509-r0125-ave-wfs.txt.

This script produces three files:

  • acq-amo01509-r0125-config.txt - with Acqris configuration parameters:

    Code Block
      nbrBanks=1 channelMask=69905 nbrChannels=5 nbrConvertersPerChannel=4
      horiz: sampInterval=2.5e-10 delayTime=0 nbrSegments=1 nbrSamples=10000
      vert(0): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(1): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(2): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(3): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0
      vert(4): fullScale=0.1 slope=1.52588e-06 offset=0 coupling=3 bandwidth=0


  • acq-bline-amo01509-r0125-ave-wfs.txt - contains baseline averaged arrays, which can be presented by full scale and zoomed plots:

Image Added Image Added

  • acq-signal-amo01509-r0125-ave-wfs.txt- contains signal averaged arrays, which can be presented by full scale and zoomed plots:

Image Added Image Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::NDArrImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::NDArrImageProducer

Module ImgAlgos.NDArrImageProducer produces image from any detector-associated ndarray

Possible chain of modules:

  •           <Package>.<Detector>NDArrProducer
  •           ImgAlgos.NDArrCalib
  •           ImgAlgos.NDArrImageProducer
  •           ImgAlgos.NDArrAverage

Example of the configuration file for cspad

Code Block
files = exp=cxii0114:run=227
events = 100

modules = ImgAlgos.Tahometer \
Code Block

files = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \
        /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc \
        ... CSPadPixCoords.CSPadNDArrProducer \
skip-events = 500
events  ImgAlgos.NDArrCalib \
          =ImgAlgos.NDArrImageProducer 10\
modules        = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtractNDArrAverage

inputKeysource      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals= DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0) 
inkey        = 
outkey       = yes
outtype      = nofloat
doCommonModeis_fullsize  = no
print_bits   = 3

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0) 
inputKeykey_in  = cspad_ndarr
key_out = calibrated
do_peds = calibratedyes
outputKeydo_cmod = yes
do_stat = yes
do_mask = no
bkgd_fname    = <the-file-name-with-background-array>
norm_sector   = 0
print_bits = no
do_gain = no 
do_nrms = no
do_thre = no
fname_mask = 
fname_bkgd = 
masked_value     = 3

The file with the background array, bkgd_fname, was obtained by averaging 1000 events using module CSPadArrAverage. Subtraction is done with normalization for norm_sector=0.
Event image and pixel amplitude spectrum before and after the background subtraction are shown in plots:
Image RemovedImage Removed
Image RemovedImage Removed

Other event with better subtracted background:
Image RemovedImage Removed

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadMaskApply

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadMaskApply

The array for mask contains zeros and ones for masked and passed pixels, respectively, and has a shape of full-size CSPad array 4*8*185388.
For example, it can be generated by the command

Code Block

./ <input-background-cspad-arr-file-name> <threshold> <output-file-name> 

for the averaged background amplitude array <input-background-cspad-arr-file-name> abtained as a result of ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage module.

Plots show the averaged background, and the mask arrays generated from this background for three thresholds 10, 20, and 30 EDU:
Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

The best results in filtering can be achieved in combination of modiles:

Code Block

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract \
threshold_nrms   =    4 
threshold        =    7
below_thre_value =    0
print_bits       =    3 

source       = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key_in       = calibrated
key_out      = cspad_img
#type_out     = asinp
#type_out     = float
#x0_off_pix   = 50
#y0_off_pix   = 50
print_bits   = 255
#calibdir     = /reg/neh/home/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-cxi-ds1-2014-03-19/calib

source          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
= DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0) 
key          ...
[= cspad_mod.CsPadCalib]
avefile      = cspad-img-ave
outputKeyrmsfile      = calibrated_arr
#maskfile   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
#hotpixfile  = no

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inputKey      = calibrated_arr
outputKey     = bkgd_subtracted_arr
bkgd_fname    = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0025-background-ave.dat
norm_sector   = 0
print_bits    = 0

source            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkey             = bkgd_subtracted_arr
outkey      cspad-img-hot
thr_rms_ADU  = 0
thr_min_ADU  = 4
thr_max_ADU  = 65000
print_bits   = 29


Example of the configuration file for cspad2x2

Code Block
# calib-dir = /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca1113/calib
#calib-dir = /reg/neh/home/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPad2x2Alignment/calib-cspad2x2-01-2013-02-13/calib

files = exp=meca1113:run=376
events = 10
#skip-events = 0

modules = CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrProducer \
          ImgAlgos.NDArrImageProducer \
      = masked_arr
mask_fname   ImgAlgos.NDArrAverage

source     = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0025-mask-40.dat
inkey      = 
outkey =  0
print_bits  = cspad2x2_ndarr
outtype     =  3int16
maskprint_control_bits =  1


  • cspad_mod.CsPadCalib - subtracts the pedestals from raw CSPad data,
  • ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract - subtracts the background,
  • ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply - apply the mask.

In the test with images for background represented by the water and solvent rings this filter provides the background suppression factor about 100.
The background images that still pass this filter have significantly larger intensity with respect to averaged background:
Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Input parameter mask_control_bits allows to control masking regions of 2x1. For example, if all edges need to be masked, then use mask_control_bits = 15, which gives image array like:
Image Removed
where red regions/lines of pixels of amplitude=8 are masked.

Example for module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrNoise

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrNoise


source       = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
key_in       = cspad2x2_ndarr
key_out      = cspad2x2_img
#type_out     = asinp
#type_out     = float
#x0_off_pix   = 50
#y0_off_pix   = 50
print_bits   = 255
#oname        = CSPAD2X2:V1
#oindex       = 0
#pix_scale_size_um = 218.
#calibdir     = /reg/neh/home/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPad2x2Alignment/calib-cspad2x2-01-2013-02-13/calib
#calibgroup   = CsPad2x2::CalibV1

source       = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
#key          = cspad2x2_ndarr
key          = cspad2x2_img
avefile      = arr-ave
rmsfile      = arr-rms
maskfile     = arr-msk
hotpixfile   = arr-hot
thr_rms_ADU  = 10
#thr_min_ADU = 2
#thr_max_ADU = 20000
print_bits   = 255

Example for module ImgAlgos::NDArrAverage

  • See Module ImgAlgos::NDArrAverage andModule CSPadPixCoords::CSPadNDArrProducer
  • The NDArrAverage module in combination with CSPadNDArrProducer (or any other device NDArrProducer) can be used for evaluation of averaged pedestals or background using dedicated runs.
    Typical configuration file may looks like this:

    No Format
    # Run this script:
    # psana -c psana-meca1113-r0045-cspad-cspad-dark-hotpix.cfg
    files = exp=meca1113:run=45
    events = 400
    #skip-events = 0
    modules = CSPadPixCoords.CSPadNDArrProducer \
              ImgAlgos.NDArrAverage \
    source       = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad.0
    inkey        = 
    outkey       = cspad_ndarr
    outtype      = int16
    is_fullsize  = yes
    print_bits   = 3
    source       = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad.0
    key          = cspad_ndarr
    avefile      = cspad.0-ave
    rmsfile      = cspad.0-rms
    maskfile     = cspad.0-msk
    hotpixfile   = cspad.0-hot
    thr_rms_ADU  = 10
    thr_min_ADU  = 4
    thr_max_ADU  = 10000
    print_bits   = 29
    #evts_stage1  = 100
    #gate_width1  = 500.
    #evts_stage2  = 200
    #gate_width2  = 100.
    dn         = 100
    print_bits = 7
  • Module ImgAlgos.Tahometer is not required in this configuration file and is added for convenience to print timing statistics for this job.
  • Evaluation of average intensity in 2 or 3 stages using gate-based algorithms excludes out-layers in intensity spectra and makes average more stable and reliable. However, the gate width is not an universal parameter. In order to set this parameter one has to look at spectrum of averaged intensities for particular device.  The same is valid for evaluation of hot/bad pixel masks. One has to plot spectra of averaged intensity and rms values. Averaged intensity and rms spectra for exp=meca1113:run=45 are shown on plots, respectively:

Image AddedImage Added

Then, one has to decide how to set parameters for NDArrAverage algorithms, for example, it is quite safe to use

  • thr_rms_ADU = 10  – to discard very noisy pixels,
  • thr_min_ADU = 4  – to discard presumably dead pixels with 0-intensity,
  • thr_max_ADU = 10000 – to discard pixels with intensity significantly exceeding average value. To be on safe side for int16 data this parameter can be set to 216-4, where 4 in both cases is just a small arbitrary number for spare safety gap.

Example for module ImgAlgos::NDArrCalib

Example of ImgAlgos::NDArrCalib for pnCCD

Code Block
files = exp=amoa1214:run=7
#skip-events = 100
events      = 5

modules = ImgAlgos.Tahometer \
          ImgAlgos.PnccdNDArrProducer \
          ImgAlgos.NDArrCalib \
          ImgAlgos.PnccdImageProducer \
#         ImgAlgos.NDArrAverage \

source        = DetInfo(Camp.0:pnCCD.0)
key_in  =
key_out = pnccd-ndarr
outtype = asdata
print_bits = 13

source = DetInfo(Camp.0:pnCCD.0) 
key_in = pnccd-ndarr 
key_out = calibrated
outtype = float
do_peds = yes
do_cmod = yes
do_stat = no
do_mask = no
do_bkgd = no
do_gain = no 
do_nrms = no
do_thre = no
fname_mask = 
fname_bkgd = 
masked_value     =    0
threshold_nrms   =    3 
threshold        =  100
below_thre_value =    0
bkgd_ind_min     =    0
bkgd_ind_max     = 1000
bkgd_ind_inc     =   10
print_bits       =  255 

source        = DetInfo(Camp.0:pnCCD.0)
#inkey         = pnccd-ndarr
inkey         = calibrated
outimgkey     = pnccd-img
gap_size      = 20
gap_value     = 0
print_bits    = 1

source        = DetInfo(Camp.0:pnCCD.0)
key           = pnccd-img
fname         = pnccd-img-from-arr
ftype         = txt
saveAll       = true
print_bits    = 31

dn         = 100
print_bits = 7

Example of ImgAlgos::NDArrCalib for CSPAD

Code Block
files = exp=cxi83714:run=136
events = 100

modules = ImgAlgos.Tahometer \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadNDArrProducer \
          ImgAlgos.NDArrCalib \

source       = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0) 
inkey        = 
outkey       = cspad_ndarr
outtype      = float
is_fullsize  = yes
print_bits   = 3

source  = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0) 
key_in  = cspad_ndarr
key_out = calibrated
outtype = double
do_peds = yes
do_cmod = yes
do_stat = yes
do_mask = no
do_bkgd = no
do_gain = no 
do_nrms = no
do_thre = no
fname_mask = 
fname_bkgd = 
masked_value     =  -10
threshold_nrms   =    4 
threshold        =    7
below_thre_value =    0
bkgd_ind_min     =    0
bkgd_ind_max     = 1000
bkgd_ind_inc     =   10
print_bits       =    3 

source       = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0) 
key          = calibrated
avefile      = cspad-ave
rmsfile      = cspad-rms
#maskfile     = cspad-msk
#hotpixfile   = cspad-hot
thr_rms_ADU  = 10
thr_min_ADU  = 4
thr_max_ADU  = 10000
print_bits   = 29

dn         = 10
print_bits = 7

For test purpose we use exp=cxi83714:run=136 and loop over 100 exents.


Case 1: raw, non-calibrated images

do_peds = no; 50-60 ms/event

plots for average and rms value distribution for all pixels
Image AddedImage Added

Case 2: images with subtracted pedestals and applied status mask

do_peds = yes; 60-70 ms/event
do_stat = yes

Image AddedImage Added

Case 3: The same as 2 with common mode subtracted

do_cmod = yes; 107-117 ms/event

Andy's algorithm for CSPAD common mode correction with minor adaptive modifications is applied with parameters:


1 10 10 100 - algorithm mode, allowed peak mean, allowed peak rms, threshold on number of pixels in ADU bin.

Image AddedImage Added

Comparison with Andy's module cspad_mod.CsPadCalib for common mode correction of int16_t data

Code Block
# Default calibration directory:
# calib-dir = /reg/d/psdm/mec/cxi83714/calib
# calib-dir = /reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-mec-2013-12-10/

files = exp=cxi83714:run=136
events = 100
#skip-events = 4000

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadNDArrProducer \
          ImgAlgos.NDArrAverage \

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated_data
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = yes
doCommonMode  = yes

source       = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0) 
inkey        = calibrated_data
outkey       = cspad_ndarr
outtype      = float
is_fullsize  = yes
print_bits   = 3

source       = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0) 
key          = cspad_ndarr
avefile      = cspad-calib-ave
rmsfile      = cspad-calib-rms
#maskfile     = cspad-msk
#hotpixfile   = cspad-hot
thr_rms_ADU  = 10
thr_min_ADU  = 4
thr_max_ADU  = 10000
print_bits   = 29

dn         = 10
print_bits = 7

doPedestals = yes

doCommonMode = no; 100-110ms
Image AddedImage Added

doPedestals = yes
doPixelStatus = yes
doCommonMode = yes; 150-160ms

Image AddedImage Added


  • Results of ImgAlgos.NDArrCalib well reproduce cspad_mod.CsPadCalib

  • Common mode correction shrinks the width of averaged intensities from 0.60 to 0.54, and rms from 3.78 to 3.27.
  • Algorithm is quite time expensive, it takes 30-40ms/event.


Example of ImgAlgos::NDArrCalib for Fccd960

  • Calibration

To calibrate fccd960 for dark runs use command


For test purpose a couple of dark runs were processed and constants were deployed:

Code Block
Content of: /reg/d/psdm/XCS/xcsd7814/calib for detector: Fccd960
            file is not used
            run range 0078 - 0081
            file is not used
            run range 0078 - 0081
            file is not used
            run range 0078 - 0081


  • Access data in psana

Example of the configuration file for psana psana-xcsd7814-r0079-fccd960-aver.cfg can be processed by the command

psana -c psana-xcsd7814-r0079-fccd960-aver.cfg

Two averaged images are saved in the text files for exp=xcsd7814:run=79 for raw and calibrated (subtracted dark level) data.

Gain bit coded gain factor 8 is applied automatically.

Image AddedImage Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::NDArrDropletFinder

See description in psana - Module Catalog and examples in Peak Finding Module

Example for module ImgAlgos::PixCoordsProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::PixCoordsProducer

Psana configuration file which produces enough data to get CSPAD calibrated intensity and coordinate arrays:

Code Block
modules	 = ImgAlgos.PixCoordsProducer \
           cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \

source     = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
print_bits = 0

source          = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
inputKey        = 
outputKey       = calibrated
doPedestals     = yes
doPixelStatus   = no
doCommonMode    = no

source          = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
inkey           = calibrated
outkey          = cspad_ndarr
outtype         = int16
is_fullsize     = yes
print_bits      = 3

Additional keywors need to be added to the list of module parameters in order to evaluate pixel area and coordinate indexes (for image) arrays. For example:

Code Block
source       = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key_out_area = pix_area
key_out_mask = pix_mask
key_out_ix   = pix_ix
key_out_iy   = pix_iy
x0_off_pix   = 1000
y0_off_pix   = 1000
mask_bits    = 15
print_bits   = 255

In python code these arrays can be obtained with env.calibStore().get(...) method:

Code Block
    env = ds.env()
    cls = env.calibStore()
    src = psana.Source('DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)')
    A = evt.get(psana.ndarray_int16_3,   src, 'cspad_ndarr').flatten()

    X    = cls.get(psana.ndarray_float64_1, src, 'x-pix-coords')
    Y    = cls.get(psana.ndarray_float64_1, src, 'y-pix-coords')
    Area = cls.get(psana.ndarray_float64_1, src, 'pix_area')
    Mask = cls.get(psana.ndarray_int32_1,   src, 'pix_mask')
    iX   = cls.get(psana.ndarray_uint32_1,  src, 'pix_ix')
    iY   = cls.get(psana.ndarray_uint32_1,  src, 'pix_iy')
    fname= cls.get(str,                     src, 'geometry-fname')

    // depricated method since ana-0.13.3:
    path_nda = cls.get(psana.ndarray_uint8_1, src, 'geometry-calib')
    path = ''.join(map(chr, path_nda)) if path_nda is not None else 'N/A'

Their shape=(32*185*388,) = (2296960,)

These arrays can be processed by users' code directly. In particular, it is easy to conver them in 2-d image numpy array and plot it:

Code Block
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PSCalib.GeometryAccess import img_from_pixel_arrays

    pix_size = 109.92
    xmin, ymin = X.min()-pix_size/2, Y.min()-pix_size/2 
    iX, iY = np.array((X-xmin)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint), np.array((Y-ymin)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint)
    img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX,iY,W=A)



Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgAverage

  • See Module ImgAlgos::ImgAverage
  • The ImgAverage module can be used for evaluation of averaged pedestals or background using dedicated runs. Typical configuration file may looks like this:
Code Block
files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc
modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
events  = 1000

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img
avefile         = img-ave.dat
rmsfile         = img-rms.dat
print_bits      = 31
evts_stage1     = 100
evts_stage2     = 100
gate_width1     = 200
gate_width2     = 20

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgMaskEvaluation

Code Block
source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img
file_mask_satu	= img-mask-satu.dat
file_mask_nois	= img-mask-nois.dat
file_mask_comb	= img-mask-comb.dat
file_frac_satu	= img-frac-satu.dat
file_frac_nois	= img-frac-nois.dat
thre_satu   	= 400   
frac_satu       = 0
dr              = 1
thre_SoN        = 3
frac_nois       = 0.05
print_bits      = 63

In this example parameters were chosen in order to get a small number of "noisy" pixel just due to statistics.

Typical image:

Image Added

Plots for fraction of noisy pixels:

Image AddedImage Added

Plots for fraction of saturated pixels:

Image AddedImage Added

Masks: noisy, saturated, and combined:

  Image Added Image Added Image Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgCalib

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgCalib

Code Block
source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = img
key_out         = calibrated
fname_peds      = <pedestal-file-name>
fname_mask      = <mask-file-name>
fname_bkgd      = 
fname_gain      = 
print_bits      = 31

Example of the mask file and resulting image:
Image AddedImage Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgRadialCorrection

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgRadialCorrection

Code Block
files = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \
        /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc \
skip-events = 500
events      = 10
modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
#         ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgRadialCorrection \

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inputKey      = calibrated
outputKey     = bkgd_subtracted_arr
bkgd_fname    = <the-file-name-with-background-array>
norm_sector   = 0
print_bits    = 0

calibDir      = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName = CsPad::CalibV1
source        = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key           = calibrated
imgkey        = current_img
#tiltIsApplied = true

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkey         = current_img
outkey        = r_cor_img
xcenter       = 866
ycenter       = 857
rmin          = 100
rmax          = 810
n_phi_bins    = 60
event         = 0
print_bits    = 3

source        = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key           = r_cor_img
fname         = <file-name-for-image-array>
#saveAll       = true
eventSave     = 8

Note: the option of the background subtraction (ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract) is commented out in this configuration file . In order to evoke this option, the comment sign (#) should be removed from the list of modules and the key=bkgd_subtracted_arr should be used in CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer.

Calibrated image and spectrum:
Image AddedImage Added

Calibrated and radial-corrected image, spectrum, and subtracted r-phi65 distribution for n_phi_bins=65:

Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Calibrated and radial-corrected image, spectrum, and subtracted r-phi12 distribution for n_phi_bins=12:
Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder

Configuration file example:

Code Block
files         = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \
                /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc \

modules       = ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFinder PrintSeparator

#skip-events  = 500
events        = 120

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key            = 
peaksKey       =  peaks
threshold_low  =  20
threshold_high =  50
sigma          =  1.5
smear_radius   =  2
peak_radius    =  3
xmin           =  200
xmax           =  800
ymin           =  100
ymax           =  900
testEvent      =  115
print_bits     =  0
finderIsOn     =  true

This algorithm consumes ~15 ms/event on psana0101 for full Opal1000 (1024x1024) camera image.

Smearing algorithm use a "safety margin" which is currently set to 10 pixels (offset from each boarder of the full image size).

Image on different stages of this algorithm:

Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

raw image,

image in the window with amplitudes above the threshold_low

  • few peaks at the edges were discarded by the window limits,
  • image still contains many 1-photon pixels, which need to be eliminated,

smeared image,

raw image with found peaks (marked by the red circles)

zoom of the previous plot.

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter

Code Block
source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinderAB

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinderAB

Configuration file example:

Code Block
files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc
modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
events  = 10

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source                 = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key                    = img
key_peaks_out          = peaks
#key_signal_out        = signal-arr
#hot_pix_mask_inp_file = ana-misc-exp/mask.dat
#hot_pix_mask_out_file = noise-mask-out.dat
#frac_noisy_evts_file  = noise-frac-out.dat
evt_file_out           = tmp/img-

rmin                =    10
dr                  =     1
SoNThr_noise        =     3
SoNThr_signal       =     3
frac_noisy_imgs     =   0.9
peak_npix_min       =     3
peak_npix_max       =   100
peak_amp_tot_thr    =     0.
peak_SoN_thr        =     4.
event_npeak_min     =     5
event_npeak_max     =  1000
event_amp_tot_thr   =     0.
nevents_mask_update =     0
nevents_mask_accum  =    50
selection_mode      = SELECTION_ON
out_file_bits       =    15
print_bits          =   513

Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgHitFinder

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgHitFinder

ImgHitFinder in regular mode needs in file with pedestals (offset) to correct the image and file with threshold.

In amo74213 run 93 these files can be obtained directly from data, discarding signal hits as outliers using

ImgAlgos.ImgAverage module as follows with configuration file:

Code Block
# File: psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-average.cfg

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo74213/xtc/e269-r0093-s05-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo74213:run=93:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
skip-events = 0
events      = 1000

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img
avefile         = img-ave-for-peds
rmsfile         = img-rms-for-thre
evts_stage1     = 100
evts_stage2     = 100
gate_width1     = 50
gate_width2     = 10
print_bits      = 31

Run psana using command:

Code Block
psana -c psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-average.cfg

At the end of this procedure two files will be created:

img-ave-for-peds-r0093.dat - may be used for pedestal subtraction:
Image AddedImage Added

img-rms-for-thre-r0093.dat - may be used multiplied by number of rms as a threshold:
Image AddedImage Added

The file with accumulated pixel hits can be obtained using configuration file:

Code Block
# File: psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-hit-finder.cfg

#files = /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo74213/xtc/e269-r0093-s05-c00.xtc
files = exp=amo74213:run=93:xtc

modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgHitFinder \
skip-events = 0
events      = 1000

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source           = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in           = img
key_out          = img_hits
fname_peds       = img-ave-for-peds-r0093.dat
fname_mask       = 
fname_gain       = 
fname_thre       = img-rms-for-thre-r0093.dat
masked_value     = 0
thre_mode        = 3
#thre_mode        = 2
thre_param       = 5
thre_below_value = 0
thre_above_value = 1
win_row_min      = 10
win_row_max      = 1000
win_col_min      = 10
win_col_max      = 1000
print_bits       = 39

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img_hits
sumfile         = img-sum-result
print_bits      = 25

and run it by the command:

Code Block
psana -c psana-amo74213-r0093-opal-img-hit-finder.cfg

Which creates the file: img-sum-result-r0093.dat for thre_mode = 2 and thre_mode = 3, respectively:
Image Added  Image Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra

Configuration file for psana:

Code Block
files = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc

modules       =  ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
                 ImgAlgos.ImgSpectra \
#                ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
#                psana_examples.DumpOpal1k \

events          = 100

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = img
key_out         = spectra
sig_band_rowc   = 512.
ref_band_rowc   = 552.
sig_band_tilt   =   0.
ref_band_tilt   =   0.
sig_band_width  =  10 
ref_band_width  =  10 
print_bits      =  3

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = spectra
print_bits      =  15

source        = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key           = spectra
fname         = spec-xppi0412
saveAll       = true

source        = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key           = img
fname         = img-xppi0412
saveAll       = true

This script can be used in order to produce text files with image and spectral array:
Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

or graphics for several images:
Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectraProc

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectraProc

Configuration file for psana:

Code Block
source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = spectra
print_bits      =  15

For each event it prints something similar to:

Code Block
[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Spectral array shape =3, 1024
[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Image spectra for run=0060 Evt=000100
Column:       0     100     200     300     400     500     600     700     800     900    1000
Signal:    1211    4062   11150   17070   16406   12949    7991    5168    3968    3542    3811
Refer.:     933    3485   10425   17128   17791   13522    8315    5000    3390    2967    3193
Diff. :   0.259   0.153   0.067  -0.003  -0.081  -0.043  -0.040   0.033   0.157   0.177   0.176
[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Run=0060 Evt=000100 Time=20120507-125420.982421325 done...

Example for module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile

Code Block
modules = ... ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:1 ...

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)   # or CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = img
fname          = my-img
#ftype          = txt
#ftype          = bin
#ftype          = png
ftype          = tiff
#eventSave     = 5
saveAll        = true

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile

Example for module ImgPeakFinder and ImgPeakFilter for CSPad

Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder works on image. In order to apply this algorithm to CSPad the image should be produced. In next example the image is produced using consequtive modules cspad_mod.CsPadCalib, ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply, and CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer:

Code Block
files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \

events      =  1000
experiment  = cxii0212
calib-dir   = ana-cxii0212/calib

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFinder \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFilter \

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = yes

source            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkey             = calibrated
outkey            = masked_arr
mask_fname        = <your-local-directory>/<mask-file-name>.dat
masked_amp        =  0
print_bits        =  5
mask_control_bits = 15

calibDir       = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad::CalibV1
source         = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = masked_arr
imgkey         = img
print_bits     =  0
#tiltIsApplied  = true

source         = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = img
peaksKey       = peaks
threshold_low  = 2
threshold_high = 5
sigma          = 1.5
smear_radius   = 5
peak_radius    = 7
xmin           = 20
xmax           = 1700
ymin           = 20
ymax           = 1700
#testEvent      = 5
print_bits     = 3
#finderIsOn     = true

source         = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = cspad-img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

source         = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = img
fname          = cspad-img
#eventSave     = 1
saveAll        = true

Example for module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage

Configuration file example for evaluation of pedestals:

Code Block
modules = ImgAlgos.CSPadArrAverage
files   = <path-to-the-dark-run-file>.xtc

source  = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key     =
avefile = cspad-pedestals-ave.dat
rmsfile = cspad-pedestals-rms.dat
print_bits  = 15
evts_stage1 = 100
evts_stage2 = 100
gate_width1 = 100
gate_width2 =  10

Configuration file example for evaluation of background:

Code Block
files       = <path-to-the-background-run-file>.xtc
modules     = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadArrAverage
skip-events = 500
events      = 1000000

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source  = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key     = calibrated
avefile = cspad-background-ave.dat
rmsfile = cspad-background-rms.dat
print_bits  = 15

Images of the CSPad arrays for averaged and rms values, respectively, in one of the CXI runs:
Image AddedImage Added

Example for module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract

Code Block
files = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \
        /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc \
skip-events = 500
events      = 10
modules     = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inputKey      = calibrated
outputKey     = bkgd_subtracted
bkgd_fname    = <the-file-name-with-background-array>
norm_sector   = 0
print_bits    = 3

The file with the background array, bkgd_fname, was obtained by averaging 1000 events using module CSPadArrAverage. Subtraction is done with normalization for norm_sector=0.

Event image and pixel amplitude spectrum before and after the background subtraction are shown in plots:
Image AddedImage Added
Image AddedImage Added

Other event with better subtracted background:
Image AddedImage Added

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadMaskApply

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadMaskApply

The array for mask contains zeros and ones for masked and passed pixels, respectively, and has a shape of full-size CSPad array 4*8*185388.

For example, it can be generated by the command

Code Block
./ <input-background-cspad-arr-file-name> <threshold> <output-file-name> 

for the averaged background amplitude array <input-background-cspad-arr-file-name> abtained as a result of ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage module.

Plots show the averaged background, and the mask arrays generated from this background for three thresholds 10, 20, and 30 EDU:
Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added
The best results in filtering can be achieved in combination of modiles:

Code Block
modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated_arr
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inputKey      = calibrated_arr
outputKey     = bkgd_subtracted_arr
bkgd_fname    = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0025-background-ave.dat
norm_sector   = 0
print_bits    = 0

source            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkey             = bkgd_subtracted_arr
outkey            = masked_arr
mask_fname        = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0025-mask-40.dat
masked_amp        =  0
print_bits        =  3
mask_control_bits =  1


cspad_mod.CsPadCalib - subtracts the pedestals from raw CSPad data,

ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract - subtracts the background,

ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply - apply the mask.

In the test with images for background represented by the water and solvent rings this filter provides the background suppression factor about 100.

The background images that still pass this filter have significantly larger intensity with respect to averaged background:
Image AddedImage AddedImage Added
Input parameter mask_control_bits allows to control masking regions of 2x1. For example, if all edges need to be masked, then use mask_control_bits = 15, which gives image array like:
Image Added
where red regions/lines of pixels of amplitude=8 are masked.

Example for module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrNoise

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrNoise

Code Block
modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadArrNoise

files   = /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s00-c00.xtc \
          /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s01-c00.xtc \
          /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s02-c00.xtc \
          /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s03-c00.xtc \
          /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s04-c00.xtc \

#skip-events = 1000
events      = 10

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source          = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key             = calibrated
statusfile      = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0020-noise-status.dat
maskfile        = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0200-noise-mask.dat
print_bits      = 255
rmin            = 3
dr              = 1
SoNThr          = 3
frac_noisy_imgs = 0.15

Index map in median algorithm for rmin=3, dr=1:

Code Block
 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 1 1 0 0 + 0 0 1 1
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Pixel status (fraction of events where S/N > SoNThr):

Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

For cspad-cxi49012-r0020 with parameters from confguration file (frac_noisy_imgs=0.15) we get, depending on number of events:

Nnoisy, Ntotal, Nnoisy/Ntotal pixels =94585 2296960 0.041 for 10 events

Nnoisy, Ntotal, Nnoisy/Ntotal pixels =2112 2296960 0.00092 for 100 events

Pixel mask for noisy pixels with |S/N| > SoNThr:

Image AddedImage Added

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakFinder

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakFinder

Code Block
files   = \
   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s00-c00.xtc \
   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s01-c00.xtc \
   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s02-c00.xtc \
   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s03-c00.xtc \
#   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s04-c00.xtc \ suddenly it became unavailable...

#skip-events = 1000
#events      = 200

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkey             = calibrated
outkey            = masked_arr
mask_fname        = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0150-mask-badregs.dat
#mask_fname        = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0150-mask-bkgd.dat
#mask_fname        = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0150-mask-rects.dat
masked_amp        =  8
print_bits        =  1
mask_control_bits = 15

Code Block

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadArrNoise

files   = /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s00-c00.xtc \
          /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s01-c00.xtc \
          /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s02-c00.xtc \
          /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s03-c00.xtc \
          /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0020-s04-c00.xtc \

#skip-events = 1000
events      = 10

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source           = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key               = calibrated
statusfile masked_arr
key_peaks_out     = peaks

hot_pix_mask_inp_file = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0020r0150-noise-statusmask.dat
maskfile        hot_pix_mask_out_file = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0150-noise-mask-out.dat
frac_noisy_evts_file  = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0200r0150-noise-maskfrac.dat

printevt_file_bitsout      = 255tmp/cspad-ev-

rmin              =     3
dr                =     1
SoNThr            =     3
frac_noisy_imgs   =   0.15

Index map in median algorithm for rmin=3, dr=1:

Code Block

 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 1 1 0 0 + 0 0 1 1
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Pixel status (fraction of events where S/N > SoNThr):
Image Removed Image Removed Image Removed
For cspad-cxi49012-r0020 with parameters from confguration file (frac_noisy_imgs=0.15) we get, depending on number of events:

Nnoisy, Ntotal, Nnoisy/Ntotal pixels =94585 2296960 0.041 for 10 events
Nnoisy, Ntotal, Nnoisy/Ntotal pixels =2112 2296960 0.00092 for 100 events

Pixel mask for noisy pixels with |S/N| > SoNThr:
Image Removed Image Removed

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakFinder

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakFinder


peak_npix_min     =     4
peak_npix_max     =    25
peak_amp_tot_thr  =   100.

event_npeak_min   =    10
event_amp_tot_thr =  1000.

nevents_mask_update = 100
nevents_mask_accum  =  50

selection_mode    = SELECTION_ON
out_file_bits     =    15
print_bits        =    512


Code Block
[info:TimeInterval::startTime] Start time: 2012-06-12 15:32:02
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 1000  N selected = 55  Fraction of selected = 0.055
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 2000  N selected = 62  Fraction of selected = 0.031
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 3000  N selected = 81  Fraction of selected = 0.027
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 4000  N selected = 95  Fraction of selected = 0.02375
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 5000  N selected = 150  Fraction of selected = 0.03
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 6000  N selected = 265  Fraction of selected = 0.0441667
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 7000  N selected = 404  Fraction of selected = 0.0577143
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder] ===== JOB SUMMARY =====
[info:TimeInterval::stopTime] Time to process 7945 events is 3747.48 sec, or 0.471678 sec/event

Selected events


Image AddedImage AddedImage Added


Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Next example shows how to use ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakFinder in combination with python module pyimgalgos.ex_peaks_nda:

Code Block
#skip-events = 50
events      =  10
files = exp=cxi83714:run=136

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
Code Block

files   = \
   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s00-c00.xtc \
   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s01-c00.xtc \
   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s02-c00.xtc \
   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s03-c00.xtc \
#   /reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi49012/xtc/e158-r0150-s04-c00.xtc \ suddenly it became unavailable...

#skip-events = 1000
#events      = 200

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkey             =ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder calibrated\
outkey            = masked_arr
#        = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0150-mask-badregs.dat
#mask_fname   EventKeys

inputKey      = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0150-mask-bkgd.dat
outputKey        = ana-cxi49012/cspad-cxi49012-r0150-mask-rects.dat
doPedestals        =  8
print_bits        =  1
doPixelStatus = yes
doCommonMode  = 15yes

source            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key               = masked_arrcalibrated
key_peaks_out     = 
key_peaks_outnda     = peaks
hot_pix_mask_inp_file = ana-cxi49012cxi83714/cspad-cxi49012cxi83714-r0150r0136-noise-mask-ini.dat
hot_pix_mask_out_file = ana-cxi49012cxi83714/cspad-cxi49012cxi83714-r0150r0136-noise-mask-out.dat
frac_noisy_evts_file  = ana-cxi49012cxi83714/cspad-cxi49012cxi83714-r0150-noise-frac.dat

evt_file_out      = tmp/cspad-ev-

rmin              =     3
dr                =     1
SoNThr            =     3
frac_noisy_imgs   =   0.1

evt_file_out     =     4
peak_npix_max= cxi83714/cspad-ev-
rmin     =    25
peak_amp_tot_thr  =   100.

event_npeak_min   =    10
event_amp_tot_thr =  1000.

nevents_mask_update = 100
nevents_mask_accum  =  50

selection_mode 8
dr            = SELECTION_ON
out_file_bits     =    15 1
printSoNThr_bitsnoise        =    512


Code Block

[info:TimeInterval::startTime] Start time: 2012-06-12 15:32:02
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 1000  N selected = 55  Fraction of selected = 0.055
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 2000  N selected = 62  Fraction of selected = 0.031
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 3000  N selected = 81  Fraction of selected = 0.027
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 4000  N selected = 95  Fraction of selected = 0.02375
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 5000  N selected = 150  Fraction of selected = 0.03
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 6000  N selected = 265  Fraction of selected = 0.0441667
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder]   N processed events = 7000  N selected = 404  Fraction of selected = 0.0577143
[info:ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder] ===== JOB SUMMARY =====
[info:TimeInterval::stopTime] Time to process 7945 events is 3747.48 sec, or 0.471678 sec/event

Selected events

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

SoNThr_signal       =     4
frac_noisy_imgs     =   0.9
peak_npix_min       =     3
peak_npix_max       =   500
peak_amp_tot_thr    =     0.
peak_SoN_thr        =     5.
event_npeak_min     =     5
event_npeak_max     =  1000
event_amp_tot_thr   =     0.
nevents_mask_update =     0
nevents_mask_accum  =    50
selection_mode      = SELECTION_ON
out_file_bits       =    15
print_bits          =  3681

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key_in        = peaks_nda
print_bits    = 255




Example for module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakAnalysis

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakAnalysis

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder \

# ...configuration parameters of other modules...

source             = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key                = peaks
print_bits         = 7
fname_root         = file.root

After execution in psana the file.root containing histogram(s) and ntuple(s) will be produced. Then, auxiliary script in root, running by the commend

root -q -f proc.C

produces the plots with histograms:

Example for TimeStampFilter and XtcOutputModule

This example demonstrates how to run psana with the time stamp filter and event writer in xtc file.

Both modules are available in psana library and they need only to be described in the configuration file. For example, the configuration file tstamp-filter-and-event-writer.cfg may looks like:

Code Block

files         = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s00-c00.xtc \
                /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s01-c00.xtc \
                /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s02-c00.xtc \
                /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s03-c00.xtc \
                /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s04-c00.xtc \

skip-events   = 10
events        = 100
modules       = ImgAlgos.TimeStampFilter  PSXtcOutput.XtcOutputModule 

dirName       = ./test_out

tsinterval    = 2012-02-02 18:17:00.409143728 / 2012-02-02 18:17:00.525853474
filterIsOn    = true
print_bits    = 11

Command to run psana is:

psana -c ./tstamp-filter-and-event-writer.cfg

For this configuration file psana will skip 10 events and loop over the next 100 events from the /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s0*-c00.xtc files and run consecutively modules = ImgAlgos.TimeStampFilter PSXtcOutput.XtcOutputModule. Parameters of these modules are described in the bottom part of the configuration file. Module TimeStampFilter passes events from the specified time interval and prints some useful information. Module XtcOutputModule will write passed events in the file with auto-generated name ./test_out/e158-r0021.xtcf.the file with auto-generated name ./test_out/e158-r0021.xtcf.

See also: Module ImgAlgos::TimeStampFilter and PSXtcOutput::PSXtcOutput

Example for module ImgAlgos::UsdUsbEncoderFilter

Example of configuration file:

Code Block
files = exp=amo75113:run=156
events = 10

modules = ImgAlgos.UsdUsbEncoderFilter

source  = DetInfo(:USDUSB)
mode    = 1
ifname  = tstamp-code-in.txt 
ofname  = tstamp-code-out.txt
print_bits = 31

See also: Module ImgAlgos::TimeStampFilter and PSXtcOutput::PSXtcOutputUsdUsbEncoderFilter


Examples for Package



Package pyimgalgos contains python modules which work with both frameworks pyana and psana.

Configuration file for pyana and/or psana should have relevant sections with parameters for [pyana] and/or [psana]. Alean section is ignored in each framework at run time. This is the only difference between two frameworks in the configuration file. All module descriptions are the same for two frameworks, as shown in examples Wiki MarkupPackage *py_img_algos* contains python modules which work with both frameworks *pyana* and *psana*. Configuration file for *pyana* and/or *psana* should have relevant sections with parameters for {{\[pyana\]}} and/or {{\[psana\]}}. Alean section is ignored in each framework at run time. This is the only difference between two frameworks in the configuration file. All module descriptions are the same for two frameworks, as shown in examples below.

See description of modules in Package py_img_algos Package pyimgalgos.

Example of configuration file for CSPAD

File py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg:

Code Block

# Run this script:
# psana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg
# pyana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg
# Useful commands:
# psana -m EventKeys -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-*
# psana -m psana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 exp=xcs72913:run=49
# pyana -m pyana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-*

files  = /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s00-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s04-c00.xtc /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/xtc/e265-r0049-s05-c00.xtc
num-events = 5
#skip-events = 0
#num-cpu = 1
verbose = 1 ; logging output: 0-nothing?, 1+INFO, 2+DEBUG, ...
modules = py_img_algospyimgalgos.tahometer py_img_algospyimgalgos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algospyimgalgos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algospyimgalgos.image_save_in_file

files = exp=xcs72913:run=49
events = 5                 
#skip-events = 0
modules = py_img_algospyimgalgos.tahometer py_img_algospyimgalgos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algospyimgalgos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algospyimgalgos.image_save_in_file
verbose = 1 

dn         = 10
print_bits = 255

#source    = -|Cspad-*
source     = XcsEndstation-0|Cspad-0 
data_type  = double
#data_type  = float
#data_type  = unsigned
#data_type  = uint16
val_miss   = 0
key_out    = cspad_array
print_bits = 1

calib_dir  = /reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs72913/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/XcsEndstation.0:Cspad.0/
key_in     = cspad_array
key_out    = cspad_image
print_bits = 1

# Supported output file formats tiff, gif, png, eps, jpg, jpeg, txt, npy(default), npz
key_in     = cspad_image
ofname     = img-for-cspad.txt
print_bits = 255

To run this script use command

psana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg


pyana -c py-xcs72913-r0049-cspad.cfg

Example of configuration file for CSPAD2x2

File py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg

Code Block

# Run this script:
# psana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg
# pyana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg
# Useful commands:
# psana -m EventKeys -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc
# psana -m psana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 exp=meca6113:run=28
# pyana -m pyana_examples.dump_cspad -n 5 /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc

files  = /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/xtc/e332-r0028-s03-c00.xtc
num-events = 5
#skip-events = 0
#num-cpu = 1
verbose = 0 ; logging output: 0-nothing?, 1+INFO, 2+DEBUG, ...
modules = py_img_algospyimgalgos.tahometer py_img_algospyimgalgos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algospyimgalgos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algospyimgalgos.image_save_in_file

files = exp=meca6113:run=28
events = 5 
#skip-events = 0
modules = py_img_algospyimgalgos.tahometer py_img_algospyimgalgos.cspad_arr_producer py_img_algospyimgalgos.cspad_image_producer py_img_algospyimgalgos.image_save_in_file

dn         = 10
print_bits = 255

#source    = -|Cspad-*
source     = MecTargetChamber-0|Cspad2x2-3
#data_type  = double
data_type  = float
#data_type  = unsigned
#data_type  = uint16
#data_type  = uint32
val_miss   = 0
key_out    = cspad2x2_array
print_bits = 255

calib_dir  = /reg/d/psdm/mec/meca6113/calib/CsPad2x2::CalibV1/MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3/
key_in     = cspad2x2_array
key_out    = cspad2x2_image
print_bits = 1

# Supported output file formats tiff, gif, png, eps, jpg, jpeg, txt, npy(default), npz
key_in     = cspad2x2_image
ofname     = img-for-cspad2x2.tiff 
print_bits = 255

To run this script use command

psana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg


pyana -c py-meca6113-r0028-cspad2x2.cfg



psana - Module Catalog