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This document explains which steps need to be done to begin using psana modules.  Once you have completed the following you can view a list of more advanced command in the section Common development tasks.

1. Create a test release

At this step you will be using the release creation tool to create and properly initialize your test release directory. The directory should be created at a file system to which you have the write access. Releases are explained in Packages and Releases section.

The newrel command requires two positional parameters: the name of a base release (in this example: ana-current) and the name of a directory which will be created for your test release (in this example: analisysanalysis-rel):

Code Block

newrel ana-current analisysanalysis-rel

This operation will create the directory and populate it with two files:

Code Block

% ls  analisysanalysis-rel/


Below we refer to this directory as a "test release". Usually separate analyses use separate test releases, and each test release should bear unique name if they are located in the same directory.

2. Change to the test release

Now you need to change your working directory to the newly created one where your test release is located. Then you will run sit_setup to  to make proper adjustments to your environment variables so that will recognize teh the fact that you'll be working with the test release. Note that some of those variables will be relative to the test release directory, so that you may be required to execute certain operations while being within that directory. If you choose to leave the directory then you may want to run sit_setup again to set up a different execution environment.

These two command should be done just once when you're about to work with that test release.

Code Block

cd analisysanalysis-rel

3. Create new analysis package (Freq: once)

Choose sufficiently unique name for your analysis package and create the package.


It's better to choose name which contains letters, digits, and underscores only because the package name will be used for Python package names.

Code Block

newpkg my_ana_pkg

This will create directory my_ana_pkg and populate it with few files and sub-directories:

Code Block



Execute following commands:

Code Block

mkdir my_ana_pkg/src my_ana_pkg/include   # only if src and include directories do not exist yet
codegen -l psana-module my_ana_pkg my_ana_mod


For a python module:

Code Block
mkdir my_ana_pkg/


src  # only if src directory does not exist yet
codegen -l python my_ana_


pkg my_ana_mod

The above will create "skeleton" files for an .cpp which contain skeleton code for analysis module.


Like with the package name it's better to use names containing letters, digits, and underscores only.


Use your favorite editor to add or modify code the analysis module. For C++ modules see psana - Psana User Manual for examples.

6. Build (Freq: after every edit)

Run the command which builds all necessary software in your test release:

Code Block


7. Create configuration file (Freq: once)

In addition to analysis module the job usually needs a separate configuration file. The name and location of the file could be arbitrary. C++-based analysis uses file named psana.cfg in current directory by default, create it with your favorite editor:

Code Block

vi psana.cfg

The file will contain both the names of the modules you want to load and parameters you want to pass to those modules, exact content of the configuration file is explained in psana - Psana User Manual.

8. Run the analysis (Freq: as much as you need)

Chose the data you want to process and start analysis job. Assuming properly prepared psana.cfg in current directory, execute:

Code Block

psana /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo14410/xtc/e23-r0406-*.xtc


Code Block
psana exp=amo14410:run=0406