Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


  • Effectively, you can only develop MPS History Server inside Eclipse on lcls-builder.
  • Check out the CVS module physics/mps/mpshist into your workspace in the LCLS VLAN
    • From now on, the root of project is referred to as $MPSHIST_ROOT
  • Use ant to build the jars.
  • Stop the production version of mpshist and run the version in your workspace.
  • After you are done, remember to stop you version and run the production version


For library paths, see the build.xml file. Note that the dependent jar files are copied into the lib folder and are part of CVS. To update the jar files, run ant update_dependencies. This should copy the files from $PHYSICS_TOP on dev onto the lib folder. You can then commit these updated dependent jar files into CVS.

  • ezJCA (version R0-0-10)
  • javainterfaces (current version)
  • MPS Config
  • xal4lcls
    • ext.jar (current version)
    • xal.jar (current version)



  • See the development section on how to run your own version of mpshist.
  • "Poke" MPS - note that the PV's mentioned here may not exist. Ask Sonya for some test PV's that can be used.

    Code Block
  • Select $MPSGUI_ROOT/src/edu.stanford.slac.mpshist/MpsHistManager
  • Right-click => select Run As... => Java Application
  • If you run the app for the first time, it should fail
    • Go to Run in the Window menu
    • Select "Open Run Dialog..."
    • Select "MpsHistManager" in the window on the left
    • Select the "Arguments" tab
    • Enter the following arguments:
      Code Block
      /usr/local/lcls/epics/iocTop/MachineProtection/mpsConfiguration/database/XYZ/mpsdb.sqlite3 password
      • XYZ - the current Config version (caget IOC:BSY0:MP01:DBVERS)
      • password - the current password (see also #Launch Script)
        in the "Program arguments" area.
      • Stop the production server (see #Start / Stop)
      • Start an instance of MPS GUI
    • Press "Run"
  • "Poke" MPS
    Code Block
    caput POSI:EP02:400:MTLM_LGC_BYPV 1

    wait 10 seconds!

    Code Block
    caput POSI:EP02:400:MTLM_LGC_BYPV 0
  • Check the HistoryViewer tab on the MPS GUI
  • Stop MpsHistManager
  • Important: start the production server (see #Start / Stop)


  • mpshist under $MPSHIST_ROOT
  • Gets the current version of the Config DB
    • Assembles the path to it
  • Sets up the CLASSPATHOracle Wallet
  • Runs MpsHistManager and tells the process to write all message into a log file


  • Java representation of an MPS message
Code Block

// * Data Pointers
// ****************************************************************************/
///* Note: The history message header begins at the first byte of TCP Data
// */
//#define HISTORY_MESSAGE_HEADER_SECTION_POINTER(_pointerToFullMessage)      ((epicsInt8  *)(_pointerToFullMessage)   + 0)
//#define HISTORY_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryHeader)  ((epicsUInt8 *)(_pointerToHistoryHeader) + 0)
//#define HISTORY_MESSAGE_TYPE_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryHeader)              ((epicsUInt8 *)(_pointerToHistoryHeader) + 1)
//#define HISTORY_MESSAGE_DATA_SECTION_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryHeader)      ((epicsInt8  *)(_pointerToHistoryHeader) + 2)
//#define HISTORY_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION(_pointerToHistoryHeader)          (*HISTORY_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryHeader))
//#define HISTORY_MESSAGE_TYPE(_pointerToHistoryHeader)                      (*HISTORY_MESSAGE_TYPE_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryHeader))
// * Super Message
// ****************************************************************************/
///* All history message struct data.
// */
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_MESSAGE_SIZE                                           (16 + MPSHistoryProtocolHeaderSize)
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_TIMESTAMP_SECPASTEPOCH_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData)  ((epicsUInt32 *)((_pointerToHistoryData) +  0))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_TIMESTAMP_NSEC_PULSEID_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData)  ((epicsUInt32 *)((_pointerToHistoryData) +  4))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_TIMESLOT_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData)                ((epicsUInt8  *)((_pointerToHistoryData) +  8))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_TYPE_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData)                    ((epicsUInt8  *)((_pointerToHistoryData) +  9))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_ID_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData)                      ((epicsUInt32 *)((_pointerToHistoryData) + 10))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_OLD_VALUE_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData)               ((epicsUInt32 *)((_pointerToHistoryData) + 14))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_NEW_VALUE_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData)               ((epicsUInt32 *)((_pointerToHistoryData) + 18))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_TIMESLOT(_pointerToHistoryData)                        (*HISTORY_SUPER_TIMESLOT_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_TYPE(_pointerToHistoryData)                            (*HISTORY_SUPER_TYPE_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_ID(_pointerToHistoryData)                              (*HISTORY_SUPER_ID_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_OLD_VALUE(_pointerToHistoryData)                       (*HISTORY_SUPER_OLD_VALUE_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData))
//#define HISTORY_SUPER_NEW_VALUE(_pointerToHistoryData)                       (*HISTORY_SUPER_NEW_VALUE_POINTER(_pointerToHistoryData))


  • An instance of Runnable that periodically saves messages to the Oracle DB

  • Eli wrote a PL/SQL procedure that hides (almost) all the details

    Code Block
    • %s1 = table name
    • %s2 = CSVs in the same order as in the schema with following caveats:
      • top-to-bottom = left-to-right
      • ignore the ID column
      • replace the FKs with enums from the referenced table


  • Contains (almost) all parameters and settings for the module
    • Including the address of the MPS IOC that sends messages

      Code Block
      public static final InetSocketAddress SOCKET_ADDRESS = new InetSocketAddress("", 30000);


    • Increment the tag version accordingly
  • Commit to CVS
  • Tag with mpshist-R#-#-#
  • Check out the tagged version

    into production

    on development into your workspace using eco and build using ant

    Code Block
    cd $PHYSICS_TOP/release
    cvs co -r mpshist-R#-#-# -d mpshist-R#-#-# physics/mps/mpshist
  • Select File => New Java project => Create project from existing source
  • Select $PHYSICS_TOP/release/mpshist-R#-#-#
  • Name the project mpshist-R#-#-#
  • Press "Finish"
  • Right-click on the new project mpshist-R#-#-# => Export...
  • Select Java => JAR file
  • Check mpshist-R#-#-# in "Resources to export"
  • Check "Export generated class files and resources"
  • As the export destination, type (and/or select)
    Code Block
  • Press "Finish"
  • Move the symbolic link
    Code Block
    cd $PHYSICS_TOP/
    rm -rf mpshist; ln -s release/mpshist-R#-#-# mpshist
  • $ eco
    Enter name of module/package to checkout: mpshist
    Enter name of tag or [RETURN] to use HEAD>mpshist-R0-0-26
    Using mpshist-R0-0-26. The name of the directory will be mpshist-R0-0-26.
    cvs checkout -P -r mpshist-R0-0-26 -d mpshist-R0-0-26 mpshist
    cvs checkout: Updating mpshist-R0-0-26
    $ cd mpshist/mpshist-R0-0-26/
    $ ant 
  • Push to production and upgrade using cram


Start / Stop

  • Only one MPS History Server is active at any time
  • To start a new server, you must login as laci on lcls-daemon2

    Code Block
    /etc/rc3.d/S99st.mpshist start
  • To stop a production server, type

    Code Block
    /etc/rc3.d/S99st.mpshist stop
    • Wait 10 seconds!


  • The clearest sign of problems is an empty table in the HistoryViewer tab on the MPS GUI
  • Every few months, there seem to be weird socket exceptions that don't halt the server (to be investigated)


  • To check for cmlog messages, specify "MPS History" as facility.

Is the server running?

  • To test whether the Server is running, go as laci to lcls-daemon2

    Code Block
    ps -ef | grep mpshist
  • Also, check nohup.out in laci's home directory

Is the server working?

  • To test whether the server is working, use POSI:EP02:400:MTLM_LGC_BYPV, e.g.

    Code Block
    caput POSI:EP02:400:MTLM_LGC_BYPV 1
    wait 10 seconds!
    Code Block
    caput POSI:EP02:400:MTLM_LGC_BYPV 0

    Verify that there is a message in the MPS GUI (not in cmlog).


... (esp. sockets and datagrams) (java types from/to bytes)
MPS Fault Logging Statistic Reports