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titleTable of Contents
Table of Contents


Tell T3P which mesh file to load and what boundary conditions are used for the different side sets in the mesh file (default: Electric)

Code Block
Wiki Markup

h3. ModelInfo
Tell T3P which mesh file to load and what boundary conditions are used for the different side sets in the mesh file (default: Electric)
 ModelInfo:  {
  File: coarse.ncdf 
  BoundaryCondition:   {
    Electric: 2
    Magnetic: 3 4
    Absorbing: 5 6

h3. MeshPartitioning
To specify the method to partition the mesh


To specify the method to partition the mesh

Code Block
   MeshPartitioning:  {
        Method: PARMETIS   //the other option is ZOLTAN
        Zoltan: {          //if the main method is ZOLTAN, this container will provide further zoltan specific options 
           Method: RCB 
           Dimension: 1
           Partition Direction: Z

h3. Normal finite element parameters

Normal finite element parameters

Code Block

  FiniteElement: {
    Order: 2   
    Order: 2
    CurvedSurfaces: on

h3. P-window for short-range wakefield
*set the // global order of basis orderfunctions to(can be 0 1...6, 2 is recommended)
    CurvedSurfaces: on

P-window for short-range wakefield

  • set the basis order to be 0 (p=0).


  • Code Block


      FiniteElement: {


        Order: 0            //p=0 outside of the window
        CurvedSurfaces: on


  • set


  • an


  • automatic


  • moving


  • window


  • that


  • following


  • with


  • the


  • beam


  • Code Block


      PRegion: {
        Type: AutomaticMovingWindow


        Order:  2           //inside the window, p=2 (basis function order)
        Back:  0.


  • 01         //back pudding is 0.


  • 01m
        Front: 0.1          //front pudding is 


  • 0.1m






  • StructureEnd: 1.0   //the maximal z.

Moving-window with mesh refinement for short-range wakefield

  • set the basis order to be 0 (p=0).
    Code Block
      FiniteElement: {


  • Order: 


  • 0       




  •     //p=0 outside of 


  • the 


  • window
        CurvedSurfaces: on


  • }
  • set an automatic moving window that following with the beam
    Code Block
      MeshRefinement: {
        Order:  2    








  •    //inside the window, 


  • p=2 (basis function order)
        Back:  0.01        //


  • back 


  • pudding 


  • is 0.01m
        Front: 0.1         //front pudding is 0.1m
        Subdivision: 1     


  • //


  • subdivide each element inside window 


  • once


  • StructureEnd: 


  • 1.0  //


  • the 


  • maximal 


  • z.


  •  }

Gaussian beam going through a cavity

  • The first step is to provide beam information:
    Code Block
      LoadingInfo:  {
         Bunch: {
           Type: Gaussian
           Sigma: 2e-3         






  • //Sigma (RMS) size of the bunch










  • Nsigmas: 


  • 5 






















  •  //beam occupies the location from -5 sigma to +5 sigma, total of 10 sigmas
           Charge: 1.            //charge
         SymmetryFactor: 4       //factor by which to reduce the charge to account for symmetry conditions (monopole on axis: use 4, dipole at X (or Y) offset: use 2 in connection with proper electric boundary conditions in one plane)
         StartPoint: 0. 0. 0.    //StartPoint is the position where the beam enters the structure (typically at low Z values)
         Direction: 0. 0. 1.     //


  • Direction along which the bunch 


  • will 


  • move, 


  • at the 


  • speed of light (should be the direction of the normal of the face with BoundaryID)




  • BoundaryID: 


  • 5       










  • //The 


  • boundary 


  • ID 


  • (sidelist 


  • number 


  • from Cubit), specifies the 


  • boundary 


  • through 


  • which the bunch enters the structure (should be a flat surface, containing StartPoint)
  • Optional: Force analytical BeamBoundaryLoading (can be used if the beampipe is cylindrical). Not required. Default is OFF.
Code Block

  Loading: {
    Type: BeamBoundaryLoading
    Analytical: on
    // Specify the right-handed coordinate system with its Z-axis along the beamline ( CrossProduct(X, Y) = Z = Direction specified above)
    Origin: 0.0 0.0 0.0
    XDirection: 1.0 0.0 0.0     //this is the direction of the beam offset, if any
    YDirection: 0.0 1.0 0.0
    Beampipe radius: 0.04
    Beam offset: 0//and offset of the beam in x-direction of the local 2D coordinate system (value needs to be consistent with StartPoint above) 
                               //An analytical solution will be used.
    // For arbitrary beampipe                                      //offset in 
x-direction of the local Poisson2D:2D {}coordinate system (value needs to be consistent with StartPoint      //this will provide a numerical solutionspecified above)

h3. Time

Time Integration Parameters

Code Block
 Integration Parameters

  TimeStepping: {
     MaximumTime: 10.e-10  //the maximal time to step
     DT: 2e-12             //delta T

h3. Wakefield Monitor 
<font color="red">need more expalantion<

Wakefield Monitor

Code Block
   Monitor: {
    Type: WakeField
    Name: wake
 // Weiland method InID: 5
    OutID: 6
    Start contour: 0.05
    End contour: 0.10(not for protruding structures, beam pipe radius must be the same on left and right side)
    Name: wake
    Start structurecontour: 0.0
    End structure: 0.1505  // z-position at which the beampipe-cavity transition starts
    End Smaxcontour: 0.310    // z-position at which the beampipe-cavity transition ends
    Smax: 0.3    //

h3. Point Monitor
To record the field values// atthe longitudinal wake potential will be recorded from s=0 to s=Smax

Point Monitor

To record the field values at specified location

Code Block

   Monitorspecified location
   Monitor: {
     Type: Point             //point monitor
     Name: monA              //an output file called monA.out will be generated
               //an output file called monA.out will be generated 
      //it contains: t Hx Hy Hz Ex Ey Ez
     Coordinate:  0.00002, 0.02, 0.1495  //the location

Power Monitor

Code Block

  Monitor: {
    Type: Power
    ReferenceNumber: 4     //which reference surface to monitor
    //it containsName: tmymon2
 Hx Hy Hz ExTimeStart: Ey0 Ez 
     Coordinate:  0.00002, 0.02, 0.1495  //thewhen power locationmonitor starts

h3. Power Monitor
  Monitor: {
    Type: PowerTimeEnd:   30.0e-9     //when it ends
    ReferenceNumberTimeStep: 4  0.125e-11   //whichhow often referenceit surfacerecords topower monitordensity

Volume Monitor

Code Block

  Monitor: {
    Type: Volume
    Name: vol  Name: mymon2
    TimeStart: 0 10.e-9          //when powervolume monitor starts
    TimeEnd:   30500.0ee-9       //when it ends
    TimeStep:  050.125e-11e-9         //how often it records powervolume densityfields

After T3P finished runs, users should run acdtool to generate mode files for each records of the volume fields using the following command:
acdtool postprocess volmontomode t3pinput <jobname>

The mode files generated can be viewed using paraview.


request T3P code to checkpointing itself every certain timesteps so that one can restart T3P.

Code Block

  CheckPoint: {
    Action: restart         //default should be restart. If there is no data available, it will have fresh start.
    Ntimesteps: 100         //every 100 times steps, code will checkpoint itself
    Directory: CHECKPOINT   //the default directory to store checkpointing data


The options for linear solvers in the implicit timestepping.

Code Block

h3. Volume Monitor
  Monitor: {
    Type: Volume
    Name: vol
    TimeStart: 10.e-9          //when volume monitor starts
    TimeEnd:   500.e-9       //when it ends
    TimeStep:  50.e-9         //how often it records volume fields
h3. CheckPoint
request T3P code to checkpointing itself every certain timesteps so that one can restart T3P.
  CheckPoint: {
    Action: restart             //default should be restart. If there is no data available, it will have fresh start. 
    Ntimesteps: 100           //every 100 times steps, code will checkpoint itself
    Directory: CHECKPOINT   //the default directory to store checkpointing data 

After T3P finished runs, users should run acdtool to generate mode files for each records of the volume fields using the following command:
 {{acdtool postprocess volmontomode t3pinput <jobname>}}

The mode files generated can be viewed using paraview.

h3. LinearSolver
The options for linear solvers in the implicit timestepping.
  LinearSolver: {
        Solver:              CG          //other options include MUMPS (direct solver, faster     //other options include MUMPSfor less than 32 CPUs) if it is compiled in 
        Preconditioner:	  CHOLESKY       //other options include DIAGONAL
        PrintFrequency:      50                //if you want print solver convergence history
        QuietMode:              1	         //Set it to 1 if you do not want to print anything
        Tolerance:           1e-10            //relative tolerance  
        MaxIterations:       3000            //maxima number of iterations before CG quits

Load a TEM waveguide mode on a coax port

Code Block

h3. Load a TEM waveguide mode on a coax port
 Loading: {
  Type: PortModeLoading  //loading type
  Port:  {
    ReferenceNumber: 3   //port is at reference surface 3
    Origin: 0.0 0.0 -0.011
    XDirection: 1.0 0.0 0.0
    YDirection: 0.0 1.0 0.0
    ESolver: {
      Type: Analytic
      Mode:  {
        WaveguideType: Coax
        ModeType: TEM
        A: 0.0011
        B: 0.0033
  Excitation: {
    Power: 1.
    Pulse: {
      Type: Monochromatic
      Frequency: 10.5e9
      Rise periods: 150
      Fall periods: 150
      T0: 0.
      TMax: 100.e-9