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ASICs orientation
det.raw._shape_as_daq(): shape for 4 asic (4, 168, 192), pixel size 100x100um
Default geometry and check pixel numeration
- pscalib/geometry/ 4 - test numeration in ASIC
- pscalib/geometry/data/ - default geometrry
- ./ 15 -s inds - test of ASIC rotation in the default geometry
- det.raw.raw(evt) !!!!!!!!! time to get raw 0.925 sec
- det.raw.image:
- img = det.raw.image(evt) # use det.raw.calib(evt) - currently raw
- img = det.raw.image(evt, nda=nda) # converts nda.shape=(4, 168, 192) to image.shape=(336, 384)
Numeration of ASICs:
1, 2
4, 3
ASIC 1 and 4 shares SHORT side 168 pixels
Dark corners are (0,0)
- EpixUHR - in Detectors
- ePixUHR 35kHz - Pixel configuration and gain settings
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