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sample code:

Code Block
from psana import DataSource
from psmon import publish
from psmon.plots import Image,XYPlot
import os, sys, time
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()


# passing exp and runnum

mount_dir = '/sdf/data/lcls/drpsrcf/ffb'   # for srcf
#mount_dir = '/cds/data/drpsrcf'           # for s3df    
xtc_dir = os.path.join(mount_dir, exp[:3], exp, 'xtc')
ds = DataSource(exp=exp,run=runnum,dir=xtc_dir,intg_det='andor_vls',batch_size=1, 

# we will remove this for batch processing and use "psplot" instead
# publish.local = True

def my_smalldata(data_dict):
    if 'unaligned_andor_norm' in data_dict:
        andor_norm = data_dict['unaligned_andor_norm'][0]
        myplot = XYPlot(0,f"Andor (normalized) run:{runnum}",range(len(andor_norm)),andor_norm)

ds = DataSource(exp='rixx1003821',run=46,dir='/cds/data/drpsrcf/rix/rixx1003821/xtc/',intg_det='andor_vls',batch_size=1)    if 'sum_atmopal' in data_dict:
        atmopal_sum = data_dict['sum_atmopal']
        myplot = XYPlot(0,f"Atmopal (sum) run:{runnum}",range(len(atmopal_sum)), atmopal_sum)
        publish.send('ATMOPAL', myplot)
for myrun in ds.runs():
    andor = myrun.Detector('andor_vls')
    atmopal = myrun.Detector('atmopal')
    timing = myrun.Detector('timing')
    smd = ds.smalldata(filename='mysmallh5.h5',batch_size=1000, callbacks=[my_smalldata])
    norm = 0
    ndrop_inhibit = 0
    sum_atmopal = None
    for nstep,step in enumerate(myrun.steps()):
        for nevt,evt in enumerate(
            andor_img = andor.raw.value(evt)
            atmopal_img = atmopal.raw.image(evt)
            if atmopal_img is not None:
                if sum_atmopal is None:
                    sum_atmopal = atmopal_img[0,:]
                    sum_atmopal += atmopal_img[0,:]
            # also need to check for events missing due to damage
            # (or compare against expected number of events)
            ndrop_inhibit += timing.raw.inhibitCounts(evt)
            smd.event(evt, mydata=nevt) # high rate data saved to h5
            # need to check Matt's new timing-system data on every
            # event to make sure we haven't missed normalization
            # data due to deadtime
            norm+=nevt # fake normalization
            if andor_img is not None:
                print('andor data on evt:',nevt,'ndrop_inhibit:',ndrop_inhibit)
                # check that the high-read readout group (2) didn't
                # miss any events due to deadtime
                if ndrop_inhibit[2]!=0: print('*** data lost due to deadtime')
                # need to prefix the name with "unaligned_" so
                # the low-rate andor dataset doesn't get padded
                # to align with the high rate datasets
                smd.event(evt, mydata=nevt,
                sum_atmopal = None

To view live psplot for two plot names (ANDOR and ATMOPAL), run

Code Block
psplot_live ANDOR ATMOPAL


  • run a batch job in s3df
  • get real-time plots
    • for the latest run by default
    • if they go reanalyze old runs, that would be a user-selectable option
  • could use X-forwarding from s3df to start, but ideally would use open-ports we requested (latter may be stalled)
  • timescale: 2 months would be nice, 3 or 4 months is probably OK


  • psmon (zmq+pyqtgraph).  eventually use “psplot” command-line to display the plots.
  • murali’s elog database to learn which SRV node/port is serving the plots (most challenging)
  • to start require only 1 SRV node
  • if we eventually need more than 1 SRV node we would have to write another layer on top of SRV with 1 core collecting and serving the plots
  • to make it easy for scientists:
    • need some sort of script to poll the elog database for the most recent run (most challenging)
    • if a run number goes backwards ignore it by defaults


  • need to get "mpirun -n 5 python" working (psmon issue).  hack of "if rank==4: publish.init()" seems to work.  then can eliminate "publish.local=True" and use "psplot ANDOR" to get plots
  • two shmem issues (why we use live-mode, not shmem):
    • easy to drop events to shmem (don't want this for normalization)
    • hard for ric's event builder to send groups of events reliably to one core of the shmem
  • one offline issue:
    • can miss events due to deadtime but Matt provides a counter so experimenters can watch for when this happens (see above code example)