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  1. Pass7 status update                                                     — Rafo
  2.  pass7 Pass7 QA and ECal-SVT alignment in the 2015 data  – Norman
  3. Pull Requests                                                               — All
  4. Issue267: Some files getting stuck                              — Maurik
  5. Recon - Testing the new code                                     — Kyle
  6. Questions?                                                                  -- All


  1. Pass7 - 0.5 mm data:: 60% of files done, about 45 files fail out of 10,0000
    1. We need a solution for the 1.5mm data, since we do not have the svt flags for this data.
    2. We could check the noise in the detector to determine to analyze the event or not.
  2. Norman -
    • ECAL wrt SVT
      • Show the Nathan analysis for old pass, which showed the y-offset of the ECAL.
      • Repeated the analysis with pass7 files - get FEE skim, plot nSigma versus Y
      • The answer is 42. It is symmetric. Looks like it is too correct now?
      • You can see the 3rd row of crystals from the plot.
      • ECAL is symmetric w.r.t y=0 in the SVT coordinate system!
      • Current location is @IP, there is a pull request to get this to the face of the sensor (Miriam)
    • Where's the beam?
      • Moller kinematics from pass7
      • Invariant mass is still a little high. (Used gaussian for fit) gets 0.0333 instead of 0.0328
      • Vertex x,y is consistent with 0,0
      • The z position is found at 0.61
      • Px,Py are close to zero.
        • Does the acceptance of the tracker/ECAL influence this analysis?  Answer is not clear.
  3. Kyle - 
    • Needs a review of the readout code - some ECAL expert.
    • Nathan - Next week. 
  4.  Mariangela showed some plots of the alignment for various runs (5563, 5637, 5769, 5772, 5795, 5797) and noted that run 5563 was anomalous.
             Norman later pointed out that run 5563 had the SVT at 1.5mm, which would explain the odd residuals if these events had been reconstructed using the nominal detector.

  5. We do not currently have an up-to-date detector to use for the 1.5mm runs.