Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • PGP Generation 3 Card (available from SLAC)

Image Added

Image Added


How to connect the PCIe card to the KCU105 board

  • We are using the SFP cage that's closest to the PCIe interface

Image Added

  • When looking at the KCU105, we are connecting to the SFP connected farthest to the left
    Image Added
  • The PGP card has an integrated SFP transceiver.  However, the KCU105 does not.  The SFP module that you plug in the KCU105 board needs to support "850nm" multi-mode fiber optics.  We recommend using "SFP-10GSR-85" from
    Image Added
  • The fiber optic cable between the PGP card and the DEV board needs to support "850nm", multi-mode, OM2 (or OM3) and LC terminated on both sides.


KCU105 Board's LED[7:0]

LED[7]SW5 External Reset Button (0x0=normal,0x1=reset)
LED[6]Firmware Interface Reset (0x0=normal,0x1=reset)




  • If the fiber optics is disconnected, the state of the LEDs should be LED[7:0] = 0x31 (see image below)

Image Added


  • If the fiber optics is connected and PGP connect is good, the state of the LEDs should be LED[7:0] = 0x3B (see image below)
    Image Added



Getting Firmware From GIT

First download the project from git. Requires git >= x.x.x and lfs.

> git lfs install



Code Block
$ git lfs install
$ git clone


$ cd dev-board-examples


$ git submodule init


$ git submodule update --recursive


Alternatively you can download a tarball from here:



Pre-Compiled Firmware

A pre-compiled image is included in:


Decompress the bit file with:

Code Block
$ gzip -d Kcu105Pgp-0x00000002-20170616142840-ruckman-16b93ce.bit.gz

and load into the evaluation board using Vivado's Hardware Manager


Build Your Own Firmware

Compile the project. Requires linux Linux and vivado Vivado 2016.4

> cd firmware

Our build system requires a local build directory for the compile. You can either 

> mkdir build

Or create a link to a scratch area:

Code Block
$ cd dev-board-examples-v1.0.0/firmware

# Our build system requires a local build directory for the compile. You can either 
$ mkdir build

# Or create a link to a scratch area:
$ ln -s 


/u/local/build build


# Go to the proper target for a KCU105 board with PGP support:


$ cd targets/XilinxKC705DevBoard/Kc705Pgp


# Build the project:


> make

The output will be in the images directory. I.E. images/.mcs







$ make

# The output will be in the images directory. 


PGPCard Driver

Code Block
# Download the driver package from
$ wget
$ tar -zxvf v1.0.1.tar.gz

# go to the pgpcard directory and build the driver:
$ cd aes-stream-drivers-1.0.1/pgpcard/driver/
$ make

# You will end up with a file pgpcard.ko
# Load the driver as root:
$ sudo insmod pgpcard.ko

# Update the permissions to the device such that 
# you won't need sudo access to run the software application
$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/pgpcard_*

# Verify the card loaded:
$ cat /proc/pgpcard_0

# Scroll up and you will see a dump of information for "lane 0" like this
-------------- Lane 0 --------------------
             LoopBack : 0
         LocLinkReady : 1 
         RemLinkReady : 1 
              RxReady : 1
              TxReady : 1
              RxCount : 0
           CellErrCnt : 0
          LinkDownCnt : 1
           LinkErrCnt : 0
              FifoErr : 0
              RemData : 0x00
        RemBuffStatus : 0x00
# "LocLinkReady : 1" means Link up on local side
# "RemLinkReady : 1" means Link up on remote side

# The aes-stream-drivers/include directory will be needed for the next step. 
# Make note of the full directory path (used for "AES_INCLUDE")


Test Software Compile

To compile the test software go to the following directory in the firmware download:

Code Block
$ cd dev-board-examples-v1.0.0/software/standalone/

Edit the following line in the Makefile to point to the location of the aes stream driver directory:

Code Block
Change from: 
	AES_INCLUDE := ../../../aes-stream-drivers-1.0.1/include/  
To full path:
	AES_INCLUDE := $(PATH_TO_AES)/aes-stream-drivers-1.0.1/include/  
Where $(PATH_TO_AES) is your full path

Build the test software:

Code Block
$ make

Run The Test Code

Code Block
# First dump the status register. This will include the firmware version and build string:
$ bin/dumpStatus
	FwVersion   = 0x00000001
	BuildStamp  = Kcu105Pgp: Vivado v2016.4, x86_64, Built Wed May  3 13:52:04 PDT 2017 by rherbst
	HeartBeat   = 0x00000000
	Scratchpad  = 0x00000000
	PRBS Length = 255

# In one terminal start the data dump process:
$ bin/dumpData

# In another terminal start the routine which periodically writes a register to generate a data frame:
$ bin/genData

# The output of the dumpData terminal show show:
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0 
	Got Data. Size=1024, error=0


Additional Links

Git hub repositories for firmware and drivers:

Information about the register access protocol used in the CPIX camera and development board:



Ryan Herbst
Office: 650-926-4911
Mobile: 408-489-6582