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The parameters that are needed for the framework are defined in (deprecated) psana modules section. Here is the list of parameters which can appear in that section:


Note: when the message level is disabled the code in the corresponding macros is not executed at all. Do not put any expressions with side effects into message or code blocks, these are strictly for messaging, not part of your algorithm.

Histogramming Service

Psana includes a histogramming service which is wrapper for ROOT histogramming package. This service simplifies several tasks such as opening ROOT file, saving histograms to file, etc.

Center piece of the histogramming service is the histogram manager class. Histogram manager's responsibilities is to open ROOT file, create histograms, and to store histograms to the file. All these tasks are performed transparently to user, there is no need for additional configuration of this service. To create histograms one needs first to obtain a reference to a manager instance which is a part of the standard psana environment and is accessible through a method of the environment class. One then can call factory methods of the manager class to create new histograms which will be automatically saved to a ROOT file. The manager creates a single ROOT file to store all histograms created in a single job. Then name of the ROOT file is the same as the job name with ".root" extension added. The name of psana job is auto-generated from the name of the first input file, but it can also be set on the command line with -j <job-name> option.

All factory methods of the histogram manager use special class to describe histogram axis (or axes for 2-dim histograms). The name of the class is PSHist::Axis (in the user module PSHist:: prefix is optional) and it contains binning information for single histogram axis. It can be constructed in two different ways:

  • Axis(int nbins, double amin, double amax)
    defines axis with fixed-width bins in the range from amin to amax.
  • Axis(int nbins, const double* edges)
    defines axis with variable-width bins, array contains the low edge of each bin plus high edge of the last bin. Total size of the edges array must be nbins+1.

Here is the list of the factory methods (see also reference for more information):

  • PSHist::H1* hist1i(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, const Axis& axis)
    creates one-dimensional histogram with integer bin contents. Returns pointer to histogram object.
  • PSHist::H1* hist1d(name, title, axis)
    (argument types same as above) creates one-dimensional histogram with double (64-bit) bin contents. Returns pointer to histogram object.
  • PSHist::H1* hist1f(name, title, axis)
    creates one-dimensional histogram with float (32-bit) bin contents. Returns pointer to histogram object.
  • PSHist::H2* hist2i(name, title, xaxis, yaxis)
    creates two-dimensional histogram with integer bin contents. Returns pointer to histogram object.
  • PSHist::H2* hist2d(name, title, xaxis, yaxis)
    creates two-dimensional histogram with double (64-bit) bin contents. Returns pointer to histogram object.
  • PSHist::H2* hist2f(name, title, xaxis, yaxis)
    creates two-dimensional histogram with float (32-bit) bin contents. Returns pointer to histogram object.
  • PSHist::Profile* prof1(name, title, xaxis, const std::string& option="")
    creates profile histogram, option string can be empty, "s", or "i", for meaning see reference. Returns pointer to histogram object.

User code should store the returned histogram pointers (as the module data members) and use is later in the code, there is no way currently to retrieve a pointer to the histogram created earlier.

Here is an example of the correct use of the histogramming package (from psana_examples.EBeamHist module):

Code Block
// ==== EBeamHist.h ====
class EBeamHist: public Module {
  Source m_ebeamSrc;
  PSHist::H1* m_ebeamHisto;
  PSHist::H1* m_chargeHisto;

// ==== EBeamHist.cpp ====
EBeamHist::EBeamHist(const std::string& name)
  : Module(name)
  , m_ebeamHisto(0)
  , m_chargeHisto(0)
  m_ebeamSrc = configStr("eBeamSource", "BldInfo(EBeam)");

void EBeamHist::beginJob(Env& env)
  m_ebeamHisto = env.hmgr().hist1i("ebeamHisto", "ebeamL3Energy value", Axis(1000, 0, 50000));
  m_chargeHisto = env.hmgr().hist1i("echargeHisto", "ebeamCharge value", Axis(250, 0, 0.25));

void EBeamHist::event(Event& evt, Env& env)
  shared_ptr<Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeamV1> ebeam = evt.get(m_ebeamSrc);
  if (ebeam.get()) {

More extensive example is available in Psana User Examples - Old.

Writing User Modules

Here are few simple steps and guidelines which should help users to write their analysis modules.


To add your own compiler or linker options to the build (such as to link to a third party library), see this section on customizing the scons build.

Running Psana

After writing and compiling the modules (or choosing standard modules) one can run psana application with these modules. Psana application is pre-built and does not need to be recompiled. To start application one needs to either provide a configuration file or corresponding command-line options. Some information (e.g. user module options) cannot be specified on the command line and always require configuration file. Here is the list of command-line options recognized by psana:


We continually develop algorithms for the standard set of psana modules. If the algorithm you need is missing in our collection we would be interested in hearing about it (email We are interested in implementing algorithms that are useful to our users. Of course, following this document, you can develop a Psana modules that implements the algorithm. A resource for sharing the module is the Users' Software Repository.