Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


    1. Axes selection
      The labels in the selection box correspond to the labels of the axes in the main control panel. Note: If you want to plot a graph normalized, select the empty entry in the box
    2. Color
    3. Draw types
        • scatter
        • lines: connects graph data points directly
        • steps: connects data points of a graph by drawing a horizontal line and then a vertical line (like a step). This draw type is default/li>
      1. Width
        You can adjust the width of graph lines with this slider
      2. Visibility
        Uncheck the visibility box, if you don't want to display the graph in the next plot. This might be useful if, for example, you 'd like to see the underlying graphs.

    7. Export


    • The export dialog is located under FILE => Export...
    • Basic configuration
      • Generally speaking, you always have to select one archive directory from which you want to export data. However, exporting data from more than one archive at the same time might be supported by some servers, too.
      • By selecting "Selected Graphs Only", you can make the program export data of selected PVs and formulas only.
      • You can enter a new time range for the query. Alternatively, you can load time ranges from the currently selected time axis.
      • The application contains an internal exporter that prints data in CSV format (actually, separated by tabs). Other exporters can be plugged in.
      • Per default, data is exported to an output window. However, you can bypass it by specifying a file. You can type a file path to the desired file manually, or you can select a file after pressing the "..."- button
      • As soon as you press OK, the export starts. Please take notice of the export progress. If it seems to take too much time or just to be too much data, you may interrupt the request (by pressing the red button next to progress bar). Note: data that was exported before interruption remains available
    • Advanced configuration
      • You can reach advanced settings by pressing the "..."- button and then selecting the "MORE..." menu item.
      • The method combobox contains data retrieval methods for export that are supported by current archive server.
      • You may enter a maximum number of data samples per PV.
      • For some export methods, it will make more sense to enter a period of time for which you want a single sample (this field and the "max number of values" field are symbiotic)
        You may enter your own timestamp format (useful, for instance, if you are going to send the file to Europe). Please, use the tooltip to see the supported syntax.
      • Finally, you can export data as well as status information, or just pure data.

    8. Menubar

      1. FILE menu
          • New Connection
            pops up a dialog where you can enter the connection parameters for the data server
          • Reconnect
            Sometimes there are (network) errors that may corrupt current connection to the data server. Simply press this menu button to re-establish the connection
          • Open, Open Recent..., Save, Save As
            These menu buttons are used for loading and saving the PVs/axes configuration from the main controls panel. Note: For preferences stuff, please go to the EDIT menu.
          • Export
          • #Export.
          • Print... and Page Setup...
            Displays widgets for printing the application window
          • Clear All
            Clears all information in the main window.
          • Quit
            Exits the application
        1. EDIT menu
            • Copy, cut, paste
              standard menu items, have the same effects as corresponding keyboard short cuts (e.g. Ctrl+x etc. on Windows)
            • Preferences
              Includes a plot title setter, a legend configurator, and a plot plugin loader
          1. VIEW menu
              • Search Dialog
                Displays the search dialog
              • Full Screen
                Resizes the main window to occupy the entire screen
              • Show Console, Show Event Log, Show Memory Console
                Some of XAL widgets
            1. TOOLS menu
                • Assign Selected Archive
                  Assigns the selected archive to selected graphs (useful for formulas, or if archive names changed etc.)
                • Clear Cache
                  Clears all cached data
              1. WINDOW menu
                  • Capture As PNG...
                    Does the same as the PRINT SCREEN key, but is more specific
                1. HELP menu
                    • Contents
                      Opens this guide
                    • Server Info
                      Shows information that the current archive server might have on itself
                    • About
                      Some basic information on the application

                9. General Plot Plugin Features


                  1. Plot legend
                    Consists at least of colorful shapes. To configure the legend, please go to EDIT => Preferences...
                  2. Zoom in
                    You can zoom into the plot with your left mouse. There is a minimum dragging distance required to activate the zoom capability. This prevents accidental mouse "hang ups".
                  3. Plot manipulation buttons
                    From left to right:
                      • goes back in time the time range(s) you currently see on screen
                      • goes forth in time the time range(s) you currently see on screen
                      • goes "up" the value range(s) you currently see on screen
                      • goes "down" the value range(s) you currently see on screen
                      • doubles the time range(s) you currently see on screen
                      • doubles the value range(s) you currently see on screen
                      • zooms out if you previously zoomed in (note: will be moved to the right mouse button - menu in nearest future)
                      • displays a menu for advanced configuration:
                        • uses anti-alias drawing method if checked
                        • leaves ignored items if checked and no new data is retrieved
                    1. Some typical "right mouse click" menu - features
                        • Properties: some chart specific properties
                        • Save as... : saves the plot as a PNG image
                        • Print... : prints the plot
                        • Ignore Item... : ignores the current plot item (may be inactive)
                      1. Dock/undock
                        In the top right corner of a plot plugin panel, there is the dock/undock button. Please, note that once a plot plugin is undocked, it can not be controlled from the main controls panel. However, zoom-in and plot manipulation buttons should continue to function.
                        Written by Sergei Chevtsov ( April 11th, 2005